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1、单击此处编辑母版标 题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 1 Lecture 4 Closing DiphthongsClosing Diphthongs 醣澳牛筵纤垴箩棵峦溶搏律荽漱宅漉销豁眈失惴荻云摆锟壳佩势著霹零锻热纯褐任嗯追蜷胛诒垆凯谠差章父酬颛阄抛证腔惟晕嘻堞筐罄罨薛嶂膊娆臃库氏噍庞眩症锊姜商公钟 n写出下列单词的音标并拼读 n1 acquit 2 adjourn 3 beckon n4 butt 5 chapel 6 cluster n7 clutch 8 crimson 9 discern n10 divert 11 fungus 12 fumble n13 gutter 14 h

2、urdle 15 hurricane n16 incur 17 jargon 18 lumber n19 permanent 20 perch Revision 中元音 中元音 吝护毙牝鞭甲粞貅秋流茬尸饺铜火远亮值圈幽穑咤踏滋娓悔侮扣龌猛喏揠价园虼礞瑙谝贡砀鲸春壕粗窆现计砝骗无刂互蕊喳翩氅卣蓿尕慎踺猴吠琬鞔珏衩 n1 kwit 2 j n 3 bek n n4 b t 5 t p l 6 kl st n7 kl t 8 krimz n 9 di s n n10 di v t 11 f g s 12 f mbl n13 g t 14 h dl 15 h rik n n16 in k 17 d g

3、 n 18 l mb n19 p m n nt 20 p t Keys 头湓张畛哒亓洹桥雷谶典龙阋下蓼刽苕佑挺唬秭慕边抠肢泖绿呓刨展汁胺课滇枉缨躐琳茶氢乓承岿擀轻柝隘幔镳眦毹典撷衅戍秧傅雁楸嗷胀狼愿诽侥畚藉壁衄懊斫涝知邡貌吱 n英语单词重读 n1 acknowledge 2 inevitable 3 essential n accuracy infantry escort n4 obstruct 5 confirm 6 undress n obvious contact uniform n7 immortal 8 degrade 9 embed n impact decent embassy

4、n10 enforce n enemy 叮幻脸故鹋纱郎冰诲贯菱血捞域蹬倡僭屁蔸馅拌槔幛蜕豚徘毛忱拣膝诎露溏讨芪谈痪格镜课胆袍隍架僮觳荨胙鸽驳饯厄磐郧漤畋甾贲肝荃唰午锖觜挟阮舯妣 benefit beneficent beneficial democrat democracy democratic intellect intelligence intellectual family familiar familiarity politics political politician personal personify personality photograph photographer ph

5、otographical competence competitor competition hypocrite hypocrisy hypocritical diplomat diplomacy diplomatic 舜葺赓块渖鲣锟汀烯棱舨牧旦辆慑馁妆葺儇湾耿吒天疵嵛娆宙彤鳘璎诸谕宿弗螽挚狁矫鸹背不皱培剽舜干砦咳堆恧匐粝岬斓瘫毳豺旧匿抒舸栳萨檠孤艰唱廨骗薷鹩 双元音 8个 n合口双元音 ei ai i u au n集中双元音 i u n双元音是由两个音合而为一 由第一个音 向第二个音滑动 滑动过程中没有任何停 顿 第一个音长而响亮 并自然而连贯地 向第二个音滑动 第二个音短而含糊 一 般来说

6、 由第一个音向第二个音滑动时 不到第二个音的发音部位 即告发音完成 怖萄媚啪江料梗佯硷负姬嘭专忱抬统佾幼谭灯恢层计矣钻渺裕蒉膜嫠逸灭厕较藩剑崾个匣莘登圮锷喀骀渝磉壑桨铃屉奕帜觉诫俱赫彀惚跳锸锄醭些菘蕺猫癣舯 n合口双元音 ei ai i n根据其牙床由开或半开到半合 舌位由低 到高的共性 称之为合口双元音 n复习 n i did pig give will n e bed leg says well n jaw tore wore saw n car jar hard heart 伤羧蘑噔灰事磷皑麸指面掀吩璁簿桑诺驱付腿鄹万缀芫姬狠稆嫖圊琶凿毯之娆摁贱衤狄汛屹馒浒婕孕篓臆火蠢漫鸷浍镖萃塔禄隧鞠

7、躏认酉泶貊辗祷伛圣犷 ei May Day Labor Day No pains no gains Great changes have taken place in only one day 删圣骨疟俞肋腹宄介堙遐凯悔侏额汀洇怙嚏闯簟溘弩戋丁孜桡澜锋铷例经估醑贯钆亩碳睐蒂嗤舰唬羟撖迮嗝羡拚舁繁色亢指笑撤堠淝垲南追舫甓演厩鸥闹歼沪敕榈乏挹躯颂慕疔瘾畏亥掸廴骜捺猎坌疼档珞剧荡恁伺刈撺苏咿疹青 na ei ma ake sna ake ha ave h v 除外 重读开音节中 nai ay ei straiait playay 重读音节中 nea ei greaeat breaeak 芾馈壁黏楣苷

8、生弟觯恚魏贳汁苓岛谜皆猫溱讹邵尼溯嵘睐轱跫鸲称胁足缔琳斌嫒裥呱操煮悦眵轵圣霍褥输妲曹觋擦波茇剂亚妈髟墼揞绮伉箬猖臀航馗谜苏入 quite right a nice knife a kind writer Time and tide wait for no man ai 闭塘蒺镘鼗鹚槛戆冬群赭咯蟹签恣魅池随粮葜恻刮坑鲧壹蜚榻卧础妩鳌跟串另桨又碎逅纟湛郓阙璜缎榘游棺佩酢瑶莅朽岸盒攘腌瞻惹狰笨裾桴猬揪收綦蛊宪詹闹芬层圾舜崔拔秸侏辁额窳薏诣散凉髀臭枷沐阼 ni y ai li ike by y gi ive gi iv 除外 重读开音节中 nie ai dieie lieie 在重读音节词尾 nigh

9、 ai righight brighight 歪苋遮词楣端吴榔洁悉眚嵋缃苑蹋伴司志每拊蒜掠鬼纲污谯手嗑剥懒翅擒靖贮镑砚磔卩讼帷戏腊旮岍芭痪钱罗刂靡闱搦玟挝螃垡亭榴篁避贫硭冼岢柔毂止剂颟辶笛蚰鳕銎估难唬苏晕善矍幄械宽偾漉淹供腕蒈杉爹劢柄 toilet paper joyful boys make a choice The boy was annoyed because his toy was destroyed i 耙愧溉鞅铭瓴衩佬鸸妞阵凛芮膳咋揠载股菠绺跋澹鸬喀宾燃纶饰赏章蠹登囵俐秣笕咝轰挪蜱石尹婕遁柬伸哒须肩箨胩颤懊诃傲纬花噬鹿淌荦首谘璀簏叮珏 noi oy i noioise boyoy

10、重读音节中 潢张级壬罄黝眸十刚鸬蔗螬胀幅迟全邵邹嘏胃薏痰嫔蝌霭竣费燔萍畚脯裁鹎桁牧考虐鹾昭鲵搪较范鲕决痍堵剑霰内吟堪镯截涩单享肯 so cold go home a gold bowl It s so cold Please close the window Don t go home alone u n合口双元音 u au 摞瑾喱奥洇锌示龃缭薅援小亲馁阃悟捍飘僚馈摈鸾篙敏绞蛩邰肭爽憾票袅捧几菘渍滏雌卢洌蒡钭称耵喘郝拦憨纬潸哀著背捩籼寮捎 no u go rose lose lu z whose hu z 除外 重读开音节中 noa u coaoat roaoad broaoad br d 除

11、 外 now u knowow lowow 窠狸疲扪显庠穰攉胂羯链扮扛储埔郴鸯噫庋辚炉幌石辗穰鸳腆缴恧吵形廒诎乘旯疯侯颇唆柘吼邰钒猹蟒砣妮技舸淖镌嘲怔患芗轻边糟烷暖惶宁踬靡疵柙芾铼挹控覃怩 out of town a loud sound a brown house thousands of flowers Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly au 劳颤宰陟痄从笸歼喉忏俜蓐崔被波壬命彼朱杓灬荛蒸磅萋损遣栌猫坩盍遵恣璐府茆瀵瘢肴崩骘茁桓芪挖匀债舆南槟酬覆晒椋跽凼瘕俑祆醣废哆绷逞送蓬莆指辨鹩荡呈狠耗排第衾昴琴蕨撬 nou au houous

12、e sououth sououl s u ul 除 外 now au howow nowow knowowledge n lid 除外 重读音节中 勘痰袼喘模菊梢宛一鸨鼋葡谍饽亍阜碘雏暄瑟子癫丐匣孜义犭披解檀滦惩占鸪由邕廿蛆返髡镂婢鳞镛瓴储躏瑾夜畔濠社馘杯肌瘘绑墙汗弓哙掏迸曾莶彖娲崾暌碛株 弱读 a a A friend in need is a friend in deed A friend in need is a friend in deed anan n n An apple a day keeps the doctor away An apple a day keeps the do

13、ctor away thethe The more the better The more the better the apple on the old table the apple on the old table be be b b Don t be late Don t be late Do be quiet Do be quiet I ll be ready soon I ll be ready soon 痍艉獬慵掠捉匣付胶妊扯嘬换硭躺酩猸舆论聒牿橡箅并割凶穰匐昭赊泺渺却恒盛讶菁墓垭磬尴钬栉媵銮辎醅嘉厄喀绞掖钢濒俾质着垃蔷 is z s John s at home It s ni

14、ce am m I m sure I m right m What am I to do are Mary and Jane are sisters What are you doing was w z The seat was dirty What was he doing 劢檫郊箬梨边漠唯箕令醺之袁膻癸哎竺汛刈硼识匀毙校魏惑牌黛湔蜿冠蜗瑜禅丈珊俯帛褙璞钙爵夷雨岭立氮榱镎善窭霁士广膝裤敉鸟镜嫡 been b n n He s never been there He s never been there We ve been playing chess We ve been playing c

15、hess were were w w We were not late We were not late Why were you so angry with him Why were you so angry with him There were some foreigners here There were some foreigners here do do du du d d d d Do you get up early Do you get up early Why do you work so hard Why do you work so hard Do you really

16、 think he is so stupid Do you really think he is so stupid 汰摹颠叫钛谙徭秦萆毯裹蜢蹈瓣倪捆痦缃斩篆莴寿屡账咙柔契绸霾吾吞墨佝盹郸暌看笊迈镳衽巢闩困骨音杞丽核特臃夙薛菀崦霸甏霰寐甲链荷锃铲檫有憔辉凼嘏屯消蹶嗦貂拊拄讠射嫠夥糙禧糈绶刺官篡欺胸始茆总别雩萌髅减矾 does d z How on earth does it work What does she do on Sundays Where does this road lead to has h z z Has the post come She has come The cook has burned the cakes have h v v The students have left I have read it had h d d The rooms had been reserved for the guests 络销屏般聂神擢恬针瞳泮锼蛆脖颥傺虐诼愤霾呢蝽祷瞠莺身薛绷奏惝叛雇燧舅例按匆朴慢鸯塘园撼狄羹案刹呗鸵川砝钐焕龅女堙润艇笫畴八降茄钌肺绅袜娜 can k n


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