辽宁辽源市金鼎高级中2018-2019高二期末英语试题 (1)

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《辽宁辽源市金鼎高级中2018-2019高二期末英语试题 (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁辽源市金鼎高级中2018-2019高二期末英语试题 (1)(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、绝密启用前2016-2017学年度上学期高二年级期末考试英语考试时间:90分钟;命题人:英语组第I卷(选择题)一、阅读理解The new mayor of Hillsdale, Michigan, is a man of the people, ready to listen to their problems, but only until 6 p.m. Then he has to do his homework. Michael Sessions, 18, beat former mayor Douglas Ingles, 51, by just two votes and became

2、 the new mayor of Hillsdale. He is Americas youngest mayor.As Sessions was too young to enter the election in the spring of 2005, he registered to vote on Sept, 22, one day after his 18-year-old birthday. The day after that he started his write-in campaign, which means he should persuade voters to r

3、emember his name and write it by hand on the voting ballots(选票).To help get his name known, Sessions earned700 by selling apples over the summer. He spent the money on posters and put them on the Hillsdales lawns.Sessions month-long campaign included going door to door, explaining his ideas of the t

4、owns future in the kitchens of his neighbors. Theyd look at me, and sayHow old are you again? How much experience do you have? And I say Im still in high school, he said. Sessions promised Hillsdales voters he would renew local economy. “I was hopeful the whole time, ” he explained. One day he spent

5、 so long out on the streets knocking on the doors that he ended up in a hospital emergency room.Sessions said that his schoolwork will not get in the way of his job as a mayor. “From 7:50 a.m. to 2:30p.m., I11 be a student. From 3 to 6, I11 be the mayor of Hillsdale, he said. “He did a very brave th

6、ing that couldnt have been easy for him to do, said Jack Vettel, a councilman in Hillsdale, a city of 8,200 about 75 miles southwest of Detroit. He does care about this town. Hes been here all his life.”Sessions will receive3, 600 a year during this four-year term, and will work out of his bedroom s

7、ince the town does not provide the mayor with an office.1What is TRUE of Sessions election campaign according to the text?ASessions launched his election campaign on Sept, 22.BSessions worked so hard that he once tried to persuade people in a hospital.CSessions won the election campaign by a very cl

8、ose outcome (结果).DSessions felt disappointed when asked about his age and experience.2In order to gain more support from the voters Sessions had to do all these things EXCEPT_.Aput up postersBrenew the economyCsell applesDtalk to neighbors in kitchens3What can we infer from the passage?AAmerican may

9、ors usually work from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m.BIn America, young people are encouraged to get involved in politics.CAll teenagers are allowed to enter political elections.DAmerican mayors receive a salary of 3, 600 a year during their 4-year term.4Which of the following would best summarize the text?AScho

10、olboy becomes Americans youngest mayor.BHow to become a teenage mayor.CHard work is the ticket to success.DNever too young to shake the world.Her attractive lips seemed to speak words of kindness, while her eyes appeared to seek(寻找) out the good in people. “You have two hands, one for helping yourse

11、lf, the other for helping others.” She used to say.It was for this rare charm and inner beauty that British movie star Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) was named the most naturally beautiful woman of all time in June, 2004.“Her skin looks fresh in all her films and her warm and lively personality really s

12、hines through,” said one beauty expert.Life was never easy for Hepburn. Shortly after her parents painful divorce when she was nine, she found herself in the Netherlands at the start of World War II. Hepburn watched helplessly as several of her relatives were killed. She survived by eating tulip bul

13、bs and carried secret messages for the resistance in her ballet shoes.She dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer but was told she was too tall and not talented enough to be a success.Hepburn then turned to musicals and spent most of her time as a chorus girl (舞女). She had some small movie roles but it

14、was not until Roman Holiday (1953) that she became a star. With her good manners and delicate figure, she was perfect in the role of a European princess. She took the Best Actress Oscar for her performance.In 1988 Hepburn began her most important roleas a Goodwill Ambassador(大使) for UNICEF(United Na

15、tions Childrens Fund). She traveled to the poorest places, doing her best to provide care and create awareness of the difficult situations in which some children live.When Hepburn passed away, a message displayed at her funeral read, “In losing Audrey,the world not only lost a movie star, we lost a

16、princess, an angel, a person who inspired us all and whose selfless and loving examples shall always be remembered.”5When Hepburn began to act as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, how many yearshad passed since her parents divorce? _A. 50 B. 52 C. 38 D.466What is the purpose of the last paragraph?_A. To


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