五年级上英语教案Unit1 Lesson 5 Having Fun Together冀教版

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1、冀教版 五年级上册Lesson 5:Having Fun Together 教学分析 1、学习对象分析小学五年级的学生,通过两年多的英语学习,他们已经具有了一定的英语基础,能够用英语简单地介绍自己的家庭成员、喜欢从事的活动等。这个阶段儿童思维发展开始从具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维过渡,但他们的抽象逻辑思维在很大程度上仍然直接与感性经验相联系,仍有很大的不自觉性和具体形象性。在教学中,我会通过各种活动、练习,让学生感知所学知识。突出以学生为主体,倡导体验参与,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,以学生的发展为宗旨,注意分层教学,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好

2、的学习习惯。2、教学内容分析 本课的内容共有两部分。第一部分主要是以Li Ming 为主线介绍Li Ming一家人在一起喜欢从事的活动和趣事,从而延伸到运用句型What does your family like to do? My family likes to 和We like to 介绍自己的family fun. 理解We like to 和My family likes to 的意思是一样的, 可以替换使用。第二部分,语音学习是让学生通过认读单词,发现 ay/ai/a都发/ei/并能够根据这个规则,认读含有ay/ai/a的单词。教学目标1. 知识与技能目标(1) 听懂、会说、认读、书

3、写以下词汇:family, film, we,理解运用短语watch a film(2)听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:What does your family like to do? My family likes to We like to(3)学生通过听例词发音,观察和学习ay/ai/a在单词中的发音规律并根据这个规律读出含有这些字母或字母组合的单词。2. 情感态度目标(1) 通过课堂英语学习使学生保持良好的英语学习兴趣。(2)通过课堂真实语境中的口语交际操练,使学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。3. 学习策略目标(1) 课上学生能积极运用所学英语知识在创设的真实语境中进行交流。(2) 学

4、生能通过体验、观察,学会运用语音规律来学习单词的读音。教学重点难点分析1. 重点:听懂、会说、认读、书写以下词汇:family, film, we,理解运用短语watch a film,并运用句型:What does your family like to do? My family likes to We like to2. 难点:理解My family likes to 和 We like to意思相同。知道my family 是单数第三人称,like的后面要加s。运用ayaia的发音规律读出含有这些字母或字母组合的单词。教学方法 根据五年级学生的特点, 遵循“以动促说,以做促学;玩中学,

5、乐中学,用中学”的教学原则,主要采用情景教学法、直观教学法、游戏教学法和任务教学法辅助教学。教具准备 单词卡教学过程1. Class Opening and Review(5 minutes)Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls! How are you? Nice to see you again!Play a game: Bomb Use the games to review phrases: plant vegetables, read booksFree TalkWhat do you like to do? I like toWhat does you

6、r mother like to do? My mother likes to What does your father like to do? My father likes to设计意图:通过Game、Free talk环节,从学生的实际生活出发,运用已经学过的动词短语复习句型,为本课新句型的学习做铺垫。2. New Concepts (31 minutes)family, we, filmDemonstrate Family(3 minutes)T: (PPT) My mother likes to go for a walk. My father likes to go for a

7、walk. I like to go for a walk, too. So I can say: My family likes to go for a walk together.Lead the students try to read.T: Look, here is a quick way to remember “family”. They should master “family” quickly.Write and read设计意图:运用学生已经学会的句型引导学生说出本课句型。通过father and mother I love you首字母的方式学习本课四会词family的

8、拼写,可以加深学生对家的理解和热爱从而更好地记住单词。Practice(3 minutes)What does your family like to do?My family likes to 设计意图:操练的时候让学生根据所给出的学过的动词短语,尽可能多地进行对话练习。形式由师与个别生之间的对话,逐步过渡到生生之间的对话。Demonstrate We(2 minutes)T:What does your family like to do?S1:My family likes to T:Your family like to My family likes to go for a walk

9、. We like to watch a film.Write and read Write “We like to.” on the blackboard. Film(1 minute)Show the cards: Glue them on the blackboard and read.设计意图:教师通过与学生的对话,自然地引出本课的句型:We like to .运用卡片出示动作和地点的短语后,教师将本课四会词film遮挡住,试着让学生拼出该词。最后将卡片贴到黑板上,完成句型We like to watch a film at the cinema,并让学生读一读。Introduce(2

10、 minutes)Use PPT to introduce: filmT: Look. Here are some films. Do you know them? Theyre English films. Which one do you like? Why?设计意图:快速出示一些电影的图片,试着让学生说出这些电影的名字,与学生谈论喜欢哪一部电影以及原因。Use the student book and audiotape(3 minutes)T: What does Li Mings family like to do? Lets listen.1. Listen to the tape

11、.2. Listen again. Ask the students to match the pictures. (出示四幅李明家人活动的图片,让学生听音搭配。)设计意图:第一遍听课文,让学生整体感知课文。第二遍再听,PPT出示图片,让学生搭配,帮助学生理解课文。Ask some volunteers to come to the front. PPT shows the sentence one by one: We like to watch the animals at the zoo. We like to plant vegetables on the farm.We like t

12、o fly kites in the park.All the students say the sentence. The volunteers use cards to substitute phrases in “We like to ”.设计意图:通过游戏活动,运用卡片上的短语让学生进行替换练习,巩固操练本课的重点 We like to这个句型, 更好地帮助学生理解课文。Pair work(3 minutes)Talk about your family fun with your partner. What does your family like to do?My family

13、likes to We like to Present设计意图:PPT给出一些有关“活动”的短语,让学生根据自己的实际情况,巩固和活化所学知识,即内化理解、外化表达,来提高学生运用语言的能力,学会用英语做事。Group work(4 minutes)T: There re some cards. We can make many sentences. Lets see which group is the best.设计意图:学生4人一小组,每组利用教师提供的单词和短语组句。比一比哪组组出的句子最多。分别找几组同学说出该组组出的句子,教师给予评价。Write:Part2(5 minutes)T

14、: Class, you see. Some sentences can make a short passage. Its easy. You can write a short passage like this after class. 设计意图:在学生书写时,教师到学生中间巡视,让3-4名书写漂亮、工整的同学将句型写在老师预先准备好的纸上。教师展示并书写文章的开头、结尾,并以本课的题目:Having Fun Together为这篇文章的命题。此环节要让学生明白写英语短文并没有想象中那么困难。Demonstrate(1 minute)Use cards to demonstrate: d

15、ay play sayLead the students try to say “ay” says / ei/. Game:Choose and readAsk some students to choose one letter and match a new word like this:h ay hay , s ay say , p ay pay .设计意图:通过运用词卡演示,引导学生归纳总结出ay的发音。让一些学生抽取教师提前准备的字母卡片,与ay组成一个新的单词,并试着让学生拼一拼,读一读。 The same way to demonstrate “ai”. (1 minutes)Demonstrate(2 minutes)Use PPT to show: name face date Lead the students try to say “a” says /ei/,too.Ask the students try to say some words like this: make, lakeUse the stu


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