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1、LOGO Unit 4 Offer 发 盘 大连理工大学电子音像出版社 世纪商务英语 外贸函电 LOGO Basic Knowledge Concerned Letter writing Guide Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Sample Letters Practical Training Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Contents LOGO Part One An offer is a promise to supply or buy goods on

2、the terms and conditions stated In an offer the offeror not only quotes the price of the goods he wishes to sell or to buy but also indicates all necessary terms of transactions for the offeree s consideration and acceptance A quotation is not an offer in the legal sense A quotation is merely a noti

3、ce of the price of certain goods at which the sellers are willing to sell It is not legally binding as a firm offer if the sellers later decide not to sell The price is subject to change without previous notice However if a quotation is made together with all necessary terms and conditions of sales

4、it amounts to an offer So these two words are sometimes confusing in use 1 Offer and Quotation 1 2 LOGO Part One 1 An offer is a response made in reply to an inquiry or an expression made voluntarily with a view to expanding business An offer may be made by a seller or a buyer 2 A bid refers to the

5、offer made by the buyer It has the same features as any offers made by the seller 2 Offer and Bid LOGO Part One 1 A firm offer is a promise to sell at a stated price and condition within a stated period of time a certain time limit It usually contains such expressions as for acceptance within days f

6、irm offer be valid before etc The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the offeree by accepting the offer to transform the offeror s promise into a contractual obligation Thus once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn 2 A non firm offer is an offer made without engagement It is

7、 subject to confirmation by the seller after being accepted by the buyer It usually contains the words subject to our final confirmation or similar qualifying words Nowadays a non firm offer is usually taken as an inducement to offer rather than an offer 3 Firm Offer and Non firm Offer LOGO Part One

8、 A satisfactory offer usually includes the following 1 an expression of thanks for the inquiry if any 2 the name of commodities quality quantity packing and specifications 3 the details of prices discounts and terms of payment 4 a statement or clear indication of what the prices cover 5 the date of

9、delivery 6 the period for which the offer is valid 4 The Contents of an Offer LOGO Part Two Steps ContentsTypical Expressions For letters making offers 1 Expressing your thanks for the inquiry if any We thank you for your inquiry of and are pleased to quote as follows 我们对贵公司 的询盘表示感谢并愿意提供以下产品 的报价 Tha

10、nk you for your inquiry and for your interest in our products 感谢贵公司的询盘以及对我方产品的兴趣 Many thanks for your inquiry of 谢谢贵公司 的询盘 See also Unit 2 and 3 for other expressions LOGO Part Two Steps ContentsTypical Expressions 2 Indicating all the details of the goods and the main terms of transaction as reques

11、ted As requested by you on August 7 2007 we take pleasure in making you the following offer 应贵方2007年8月7日的询盘 我们很高 兴向贵方发盘如下 As a result of the favorable supply situation we are able to offer you a firm offer for immediate delivery 由于供货情况很让人满意 我们可以向 贵方报现货供应的实盘 Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon all

12、 prices are net without commission 除非另行规 定或双方同意 所有的价格都是净价 不含佣 LOGO Part Two Steps ContentsTypical Expressions 2 Indicating all the details of the goods and the main terms of transaction as requested Packing charges are included in the price and we can make delivery whenever you wish 价格已含包装费 并且我们随时可以

13、交货 Please note our standard terms and conditions on the reverse side of this quotation 请注意我 们列在本报价后面的交易条件 We can ship your order within 3 weeks upon receipt of your order 我们能在收到订单后三 周内寄出货物 This offer is subject to your acceptance within 7 days 此盘以贵方在7天内接受为有效 LOGO Part Two Steps ContentsTypical Expre

14、ssions 3 Indicating the period for which the offer is valid if it is a firm offer or remarking to the effect that the offer is made without engagement This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us before 5 p m September 28 our time 此盘为实盘 我方时间9月28日下午5点前复到有效 This offer is subject to final confi

15、rmation 此报盘以最后确认为准 We must stress that this offer can remain open for three days only 我们必须强调此报盘只在3天内有效 This offer is subject to being unsold prior sale 以未出售为有效 LOGO Part Two Steps ContentsTypical Expressions Please let us have your order by March 31 as this price concession will not apply after that

16、 day 请在3月31日前 下订单 因为这个让价在那天之后就结束了 As requested we are pleased to quote you without engagement the followings 按要求 我们很高兴向你方报 无约束的虚盘如下 The high quality of our products which has won popular approval could not be acquired at the same prices from elsewhere 我们的产品质量优异 受到了广泛的欢迎 如想 以同样价格从别处购买这样的产品恐难达成 It would be to your great interest to make a trial of these goods 试用一下这些商品 你们会大感兴趣的 LOGO Part Two Steps ContentsTypical Expressions 4 Making favorable comments on the goods themselves and the prices or draw



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