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1、 七年级(下)期中英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. Doyouoftenplay_piano?YesIwanttobe_musicianlikeLangLang()A. the;aB. a;theC. the;anD. a;an2. Isthis_backpack?No,_isonthesofa()A. yours;mineB. yours;myC. your;mineD. your;my3. HereisaThereismoneyinit()A. watch;muchB. wallet;muchC. camera;

2、manyD. crayon;many4. Itisreportedthatpeoplethrow _plasticbagsalongthisstreeteveryweek.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundredsofD. hundredof5. -WhocanhelpusourprojectforEarthDay?-LetsaskMrCastlehelp()A. with;aboutB. with;forC. of;forD. for;with6. ImsorryIknowaboutitIdidntreadthenewspaper()A. nothingB. somet

3、hingC. anythingD. everything7. Itsveryimportantforustoknowhowto wellwithpeoplearoundus()A. getdownB. getoverC. getonD. getup8. -_arethestrawberries?-Tenyuanakilostrawberrieswouldyoulike?()A. Howmuch,HowmanyB. Howmany,HowmuchC. Howmany,HowmanyD. Howmuch,Howmuch9. Mymotherpromises_metothezooonmybirthd

4、ay()A. takeB. totakeC. takesD. taking10. Peopleusually_thepricesoftheproductsbeforetheybuysomething()A. receiveB. payC. compareD. spend11. -MyparentsandIwillgoonatriptoShanghai_twodays-Haveagoodtime!()A. onB. atC. toD. in12. ThecakeisntdeliciousIdontwanttoeatit_()A. anymoreB. somemoreC. anylongD. so

5、memany13. Doyouneedanewdictionary,Susan?No,MumMyuncleboughtme_yesterday()A. oneB. itC. theoneD. another14. WhereisLiLei? heisintheplayground,Imnotsure()A. MayB. MaybeC. CanD. May be15. ImgoingtoMarysbirthdaypartyBye,mom_,David!()A. BestwishesB. HavefunC. TakecareD. Noproblem二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AO

6、ne day, Mr Smith is going to take a train to his hometown When the train starts, one of his shoes falls(落下)onto the ground The train is running faster and faster and he cant pick it up Then he quickly takes off the other one and throws it on the ground near the fallen shoe A little boy on the train

7、asks him, Why do you do that?Ive already(已经)lost one shoe, Mr Smith answers If a man picks them up, he may get a pair of shoes 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。16. Mr Smith is going to his hometown _ A. by busB. by trainC. by bikeD. on foot17. The man loses _ when the train startsA. his hatB. his watchC. one of his sh

8、oesD. nothing18. Mr Smith cant pick up the fallen shoe because _ A. he doesnt want to take itB. the little boy has picked it upC. its too oldD. the train has already started19. _ throws the other shoe on the groundA. Mr SmithB. The little boyC. NobodyD. The driver20. Which of the following is TRUE?

9、_ A. The boy wants the shoesB. Mr Smith doesnt want the shoesC. Mr Smith thinks a man may get a pair of shoes to wear if he throws the other one near the fallen shoeD. Mr Smith throws his fallen shoe to the groundBI came out of Beijing Capital International Airport at 9:30 on a clear morning And at

10、first I didnt know where to go Its the first time for me, an Australian boy aged 15, to come to China It is quite different from my country And I cant speak Chinese well, I knowWhen you ask a person, What are you going to do during the summer holiday? he or she may answer, I am going to have a trave

11、l It sounds that people are all interested in traveling Why? Because traveling has many advantages First, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the customs, culture and lifestyles of different places and countriesSecond, we can make new friends When we go traveling, we meet many people Some p

12、eople may stay with us for a few days And others may help us a lot in their towns or citiesThird, we can practice a foreign language through traveling if we go to another countryFinally, travel can make us relaxed We are busy studying and working every day We have no time to relax, During the vacati

13、on we go outdoors and visit many placesI think travel is very useful and helpful, We can learn a lot So I like traveling21. What do people want to do on vacation? _ A. TravelB. Watch TVC. Read booksD. Go shopping,22. What does the underlined word advantages mean in Chinese? _ A. 危险B. 乐趣C. 优势D. 麻烦23. What can people do during the traveling? Which of the following is Not True? _ A. People can learn how to cookB. People can learn the knowledge of geographyC. People may relax,D. People cant understand different customs24. If we want to make friends or practice a foreign language, we can _



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