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1、.word可编辑. 高级英语阅读二试卷 B 卷(请把答案写在答题纸上)I Read Lesson 10 ,Text A “The US was Right”, translate the following sentences into Chinese. (阅读教材高级英语阅读教程(下册) 第10课课文A,翻译以下句子)Could we not have warned the Japanese in advance, critics asked, and dropped a demonstration bomb? That alternative was vetoed on the groun

2、ds the bomb might not work, or that the plane carrying it might be shot down. Moreover, it is questionable how effective a demonstration bomb might have been.II Read lesson 8 Text A The Girl in the Fifth Row ,answer the following questions:TEXT A The Girl in the Fifth RowOn my first day as an assist

3、ant professor of education at the University of Southern California, I entered the classroom with a great deal of anxiety. My large class responded to my awkward smile and brief greeting with silence. For a few moments I fussed with my notes. Then I started my lecture, stammering; no one seemed to b

4、e listening.At that moment of panic I noticed in the fifth row a poised, attentive young woman in a summer dress. Her skin was tanned, her brown eyes were clear and alert, her hair was golden. Her animated expression and warm smile were an invitation for me to go on. When Id say something, she would

5、 nod, or say, Oh, yes! and write it down. She emanated the comforting feeling that she cared about what I was trying so haltingly to say.I began to speak directly to her and my confidence and enthusiasm returned. After a while I risked looking about. The other students had begun listening and taking

6、 notes, This stunning young woman had pulled me through.After class, I scanned the roll to find her name: Liani. Her papers, which I read over the subsequent weeks, were written with creativity, sensitivity and a delicate sense of humor.I had asked all my students to visit my office during the semes

7、ter, and I awaited Lianis visit with special interest.s. I wanted to tell her how she had saved my first day, and encourage her to develop her qualities of caring and awareness.Liani never came. About five weeks into the semester, She missed two weeks of classes. I asked the students seated around h

8、er if they knew why. I was shocked to learn that they did not even know her name. I thought of Albert Schweitzers poignant statement: We are all so much together and yet we are all dying of loneliness.I went to our dean of women. The moment I mentioned Lianis name, she winced. Oh, Im sorry, Leo, she

9、 said. I thought youd been told.Liani had driven to Pacific Palisades, a lovely community near downtown Los Angeles where cliffs fall abruptly into the sea. There, shocked picnickers later reported, she jumped to her death.Liani was 22 years old! And her God-given uniqueness was gone forever.I calle

10、d Lianis parents. From the tenderness with which Lianis mother spoke of her, I knew that she had been loved. But it was obvious to me that Liani had not felt loved.What are we doing? I asked a colleague. Were so busy teaching things. Whats the value of teaching Liani to read, write, do arithmetic, i

11、f we taught her nothing of what she truly needed to know: how to live in Joy, how to have a sense of personal worth and dignity?I decided to do something to help others who needed to feel loved. I would teach a course on love.I spent months in library research but found little help. Almost all the b

12、ooks on love dealt with sex or romantic love. There was virtually nothing on love in general.But perhaps if I offered myself only as a facilitator, the students and I could teach one another and learn together. I called the course Love Class.It took only one announcement to fill this non-credit cour

13、se. I gave each student a reading list, but there were no assigned texts, no attendance requirements, no exams. We just shared our reading, our ideas, our experiences.My premise is that love is learned. Our teachers are the loving people we encounter. If we find no models of love, then we grow uplov

14、e-starved and unloving. The happy possibility, I told my student, is that love can be learned at any moment of our lives if we are willing to put in the time, the energy and the practice.Few missed even one session of Love class. I had to crowd the students closer together as they brought mothers, f

15、athers, sisters, brothers, friends, husbands, wives,even grandparents. Scheduled to start at 7 p.m. and end at 10, the class often continued until well past midnight.One of the first things I tried to get across was the importance of touching. How many of you have hugged someoneother than a girlfrie

16、nd, boyfriend or your spousewithin the past week? Few hands went up. One student said, Im always afraid that my motives will be misinterpreted. From the nervous laughter, I could tell that many shared the young womans feeling.Love has a need to be expressed physically, I responded.I feel fortunate to have grown up in a passion


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