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1、Module 9 Unit 1 They are very young1教学目标 1、学习理解本课的9个单词:were, young, beautiful, was, also, then, who, grandparent, old,达到听、说、读的能力,并能在具体的语境中运用所学词汇、目标语句谈论过去的事情和状态。2、运用所学词汇、目标语句,如“They were very young then. But they are very old now.”。谈论对比过去与现在的不同。3、通过创设语言实践活动,看看小时候的我们、也看看现在的我们,看看小时候的爸爸妈妈,了解爷爷奶奶年轻时的样子,寻

2、找,感受岁月带来的变化,在体验、感悟中理解语法,巩固使用所学的语句。2学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生,他们活泼好动,善于交流,乐于表达,渴望得到同学和教师的赞许,他们对于学习有着浓厚的兴趣,但是英语听说读写的能力还有待加强。因此,教师在教学过程中采用了多重教学手段,激活学生的思维,提高学生的语言运用能力。本模块的学习重点是用“was,were”谈论过去的事情和状态,课文中过去和现在的概念十分清晰,学生能够通过学习课文理解过去与现在的时间变化。3重点难点 1、be动词的过去式及其否定形式2、用“was, were”谈论过去的事情和状态。4教学过程 活动1【导入】Warm up and

3、 Lead in 1. Greeting2. ChantT: Lets chant together, OK?Ss: OK.Can you find some adjectives in this chant?Big and little tall and short fat and thin long and short.3. Make friends: Talking about the differenceLet students use those adjectives to describe the difference between the students and the te

4、acher.活动2【讲授】Presentation Prereading1. T: You are my friends. So I will show you a secret.(呈现小时候的照片)Look at this photo! Do you have some question?Ss: Whos that? T: Can you guess?Ss: Is that you? T: Yes, it is me.2. I took this photo in 1980. I took this photo then. Teach the word “ then”“then” is us

5、ed in the past tense.In this photo, I was two then. Here “then” past tense, so use “was”Do you know “was”?Chant: am-was is-was am is was (板书)In this photo, I was very young then. I wasnt old then.Teach the word: young Opposite word: oldOtherwise? Who can fill in the blank?引出句子:I wasnt old then. 板书:w

6、as notwasntRead together:I was very young then. Otherwise I wasnt old then. Its the same meaning. 两句话不同的表达的方式,但意思是一样的。While-reading1. Look at this photo. Can you guess who that is? Its Lingling. Is that Lingling?Are you sure? Lets watch the video. I have a question for you?How many photos are Lingli

7、ng and Amy talking about?The students watch the video and try to find the answer. Ss: Two students.Two photos.Look at this photo! Have you got a question?(1) Who are they? (Good question.) Teach the word “who”.Look at this photo, do you have a question?(2)Is that Lingling? (I have a question.)(3)How

8、 old was she then?2. Now read by yourselves and try to find the answers.Who are they? (老照片)They are Linglings grandparents.Whos he? Grandpa-grandfather whos she? Grandma-grandmotherGrandpa and grandma, we call them grandparents. Two people, so plus “s” plural form 复数形式(1)Who are they? They are Lingl

9、ings grandparents, too.This photo is taken now.But this photo was taken then. (in the past)Compare! Whats the difference. Who can describe this photo?They werent old then. They were very young then.were are Here “then”, so use “were” past tensewere negative formwere not abbreviatewerentNow. They are

10、 old. They arent young.“Now” present tense. So use “are”(2)Show a picture. Lingling小时的照片Is that Lingling? Yes, it is.How old was she then? She was two.Is it right? Lets ask Lingling together.Is that you, Lingling? How old were you then?(学生问)(放录音)Yes, it is me. I was two.Ask in pairs.What was Linglin

11、g like then?She was cute and naughty.Compare these two photos.活动3【练习】Practice 1. Now, lets play a game. Smashing golden eggsThere are five eggs. If you can say the sentences, you may choose one egg.e.g. I was young. You should say: I wasnt old.Ready go!(1) There were tall. They werent short.(2) She

12、was fat. She wasnt thin.(3) My hair was short. My hair wasnt long.(4) I was old. I wasnt young/new.(5) My feet were big. My feet werent small/little.2. I have got some photos. Do you want to see?对比照片:(1)Look at these photos. Can you describe the difference?They were fat then. They werent thin then.T

13、hey are thin now. They arent fat now.(2) Look at these two photos. Do you have a question? Who are they?They are Chen Long and Zhou Xingchi.Difference? They were very young then. They werent old then.They are old now. They arent young now.(3) Whos that? Can you guess? Yes, it is Fan Bingbing.Can you

14、 describe the difference? Her hair was short then. Her hair wasnt long then.Now it is long. It isnt short now.(4) Whos that? Can you guess? Yes, it is Yao Ming.Difference? He was short then. He wasnt tall then.Now it is tall. It isnt short now.3. Listen and repeat.Read by yourself. Who likes to read

15、 the text in roles?活动4【练习】Production Post-readingT:I use your photos to make an album. Sweet memories Do you want to see?I set three questions. If you can solve, you will see more photos.Ready go!Question 1: Can you read these words?young who grandparent old then beautifulShow the students photos thenQuestion 2: Can you put them in the right circle(am is are isnt arent was were wasnt werent 放到正确的位置) Look at the photos. Can you find the right photo according to the description?你能根据描述找到相应的相片吗?( ) Its my father.


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