贵州省高二下学期英语课件:选修八 Unit1 A Land of Diversity--Using Language课件(共44张) .pptx

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1、Using StructuresUsing Structures 1 how OC 2 What sc 3 whether OC 4 what which OC 5 what SC 6 That SC 7 Why SC 8 why OC 9 When SC 10 as if PC 11 where why PC 12 How SC 13 why PC 14 that PC 15 whether OC Answer key for Exercise 1 on Page 49 1 it is used as the subject object predicative or appositive

2、in a sentence 2 it is used as an attribute modifying a noun a pronoun or a sentence Answer key for Exercise 2 on Page 49 Exercise 3 on Page 49 sample dialogue S1 Oh dear Where s Lucy We agreed to meet at 3 o clock and it s now half past S2 She s not us usually late I am sure she ll be along soon S1

3、Well it s a problem as we ll be late for the film S2 Perhaps the trouble is she s lost her way to the cinema S1 Yes Maybe What makes me annoyed is that she hasn t contacted us to tell us why she s late S2 But I don t understand why since she has a mobile and it s easy for her to contact us S1 I wond

4、er if she s met someone and is talking and has forgotten the time S2 Never mind We ll just go to the next showing Anyway here comes Lucy now S1 Good Now she can tell us the reason why she kept us waiting for her for so long GEORGE S DIARY 12TH 14TH JUNE Reading and writing Fast reading Look at Georg

5、e s photos below Then quickly read George s diary He wrote this part of his diary when he was in San Francisco Write the day he saw these things under the photos Wednesday 14th June Angel Island Monday 12th June Fisherman s Wharf Write the day he saw these things Tuesday 13th June Chinatown Tuesday

6、13th June blue and white road signs Wednesday 14th June Golden Gate Bridge Monday 12th June cable car Careful reading Fill in the blanks with words in the passage Monday straight to hotel and luggage then went Rode on Visited went dropped exploringa cable car Fisherman s Wharf Part1 Answer the quest

7、ions 1 Why did Andrew Hallidie invent the Cable car system He invented the cable car system because the horse drawn trams used before were unsafe 2 Where did George eat lunch on his First day in San Francisco He ate at Fisherman s Wharf Tuesday a couple from hotel and a car Spend all day In evening

8、went to Teamed up with hired driving around city Chinatown Part 2 1 Why did George hire a car Why do you think he joined Terri and Peter It was cheaper to hire a car with other people because they could share the cost Also he probably enjoyed being in the company of other tourists 2 Name three thing

9、s that visitors can do in Chinatown Eat in Chinese restaurants go to markets Visit temples and museums Wednesday Took ferry to and had a good view of Visited the Angel Island Golden Gate Bridge cells What is Angel Island famous for The island used to be a place for immigrants to be checked before th

10、ey could enter California part3 Rewrite the diary entry for Tuesday inserting all the missing words I teamed up with a couple from my hotel Peter and Terri and hired a car We spent all day driving around the city There s a fascinating drive marked out for tourists It has blue and white signs with se

11、agulls on them to show the way to go It s a 79km round trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots We stopped many times to admire the view of the city from different angles and take photographs Now I have a really good idea of what the city s like In the evening I went to Chinatown with Peter a

12、nd Terri Many A lot of Some Chinese immigrants settled in this area in the 1850s The fronts of the buildings are decorated to look like old buildings in southern China We saw some interesting temples a number of markets and a great many restaurants There are also art galleries and a museum containin

13、g documents photographs and all sorts of objects about the history of Chinese immigration but it s closed in the evening I will have to go back during the day We had a delicious meal and then walked down the hill to you hotel 1 Built in 1873 the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie who w

14、anted to find a better form of transport than horse drawn trams 缆车系统建于1873年 是由安德鲁 海 利迪发明的 他试图找到一种比马拉轨道 车更好的交通方式 tram n 英 有轨 电车 有轨电车轨道 You should take Tram No 52 你应该坐52路有轨电车 They are switching the tram 他们使电车换了轨道 2 Apparently he d been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in which a tram slipped do

15、wn the hill dragging the horses with it 显然当他看到一场事故中轨道车拖着马匹 滑下山坡时大为震惊 apparently adv 显然地 显而易见地 Apparently you have done a lot of work 很明显你们已经做了很多工作 Apparently she was trying her best to save her child from severe illness 很明显 她在尽力设法挽救她那重病的孩子 It is apparent that It is apparent that all living things ne

16、ed water to keep alive 很显然 所有生物都需要水才能存活 1 slip滑 滑倒 失足 A tram slipped of from her hand 书本从她的手中滑落 2 n C 小错误 It s normal for a young man to make a slip 年轻人犯错误很正常 与slip相关的短语 slip off 迅速脱去 衣服 slip on 迅速穿上 衣服 slip out 被无意说出 slip out of 迅速脱下 衣服 slip sth over on sb 巧妙地捉弄某人 欺骗某人 slip up 犯错误 疏忽 3 It s also the place to catch the ferry to Alcatraz Island and other places in the Bay 这也是乘渡船去恶魔岛和海湾其他地方的渡口 to catch the ferry to in the Bay 为不定 式作定语 修饰the place 不定式做定语时 与所修饰的词之间有三种 关系 即动宾关系 主谓关系和同位关系 4 Teamed up



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