高考英语黄冈经典一轮(全国通用)实用课件:必修1 Unit 1 .ppt

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1、必修1 Unit 1 Friendship Part 重点词汇通关 1 upset adj 心烦意乱的 不安的 不适的 vt 使不安 使心烦 upset upset upsetting 语境检测 单句语法填空 In my opinion there is no point being upset it Don t upset you about it no harm has been done about yourself 写作提升 一句多译 完成句子 让我们感到心烦的是他总是说谎 he is always lying adj he is always telling lies vt We a

2、re upset that It upsets us that 2015 湖南高考 What impressed me most was that I failed in an English exam 给我印象最深刻的是英语考试失利 我感到极度心烦 失望 feeling extremely upset and disappointed 考点必记 1 be feel upset about sth 为某事心烦 be upset that 让人不安 心烦 2 upset oneself about sth 为某事而烦恼 It upsets sb to do sth that 让某人心烦的是 熟词

3、生义 I upset a cup of coffee on his shirt making me quite embarrassed vt 打翻 误区释疑 形容词upset常用作表语 不能作定语 2 calm adj 平静的 镇静的 沉着的 vt 使 镇定 语境检测 完成句子 2017 全国卷 I placed the chick in the nest and it quickly 我把这只雏鸟放入巢穴中 它马上安静下来了 2015 北京高考 It involves slow steady breathing for self control that helps people and a

4、ttentive 它包括用缓慢 平稳的呼吸进行自 我控制 帮助人们保持平静和专心 calmed down stay calm 写作提升 语境填词 As we know it is very important to in an emergency On Nov 1 2017 another terrorist incident happened in New York At least eight people died At that time some people were trying the injured Some were busy sending seriously injur

5、ed people to hospital A few days later the city keep calm to calm down calmed down 众所周知 危急时刻保持镇静很重要 2017年11月1日在纽约发生的又一起恐怖事件 至少造成了八人死亡 当时 有人试图使伤者平静下来 有人把受伤严重的送往医院 几天之后 纽约才恢复平静 考点必记 1 calm sb down 使某人 平静下来 镇静下来 stay keep be calm 保持镇静 2 calmly adv 平静地 冷静地 易混辨析 calm 平静的 沉着的 指风风平浪静或人的情 绪绪平静 quiet 宁静的 安静的

6、 指没有声音 不吵闹闹 silent 寂静的 沉默的 指不说话说话 或没有声音 still静止的 不动动的 指人或物静止不动动 3 concern vt 使 担忧 涉及 关系到 n 担心 关注 利害 关系 语境检测 单句语法填空 2016 全国卷 Others are concerned using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers 肥料 about for We sincerely hope that the authorities concern should take effective mea

7、sures immediately to prevent the pollution from being bad to worse The two sides can conduct dialogue to address through discussion the concern of the people of both sides concerned concerns 写作提升 语境填词 the toll free policy on the express way what us most is the traffic jams while some the safety 就高速公

8、路免费政策而言 我们最关心的是交通堵塞 然而有些人关心的是安全 As far as is concernedconcerns are concerned about for 考点必记 1 show express concern about for对 表示关心 2 concern oneself about对 表示关心 担心 3 concerned adj 担心的 关注的 相关的 be concerned about for担心 关心 be concerned with 与 有关 涉及 as far as be concerned 就 而言 依 之见 4 concerning prep 关于

9、有关 误区释疑 1 concern用作名词 表示 关怀 关心 时是不可数名词 而表示 对某人来说重要或感 兴趣的事 时是可数名词 2 concerned是形容词 用作前置定语时 意思是 关心的 挂念的 担心的 用作后置 定语时 意为 有关的 涉及的 4 suffer vt 忍受 经历 语境检测 单句语法填空 Well known Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong died on Thursday at the age of 90 who was in hospital after suffer from a stroke suffering Studies show tha

10、t people are more likely to suffer back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours from 写作提升 句式升级 他患癌症好多年了 He cancer for many years 这名患者决定戒烟 decided to give up smoking has suffered from The sufferer 用非谓语动词作状语连接 句 Having suffered from cancer for many years the sufferer decided

11、 to give up smoking 考点必记 1 suffer vt 后常跟pain loss punishment hardship defeat hunger poverty 等名词作宾语 2 suffer from 受 折磨 受 之苦 患 病 3 suffering n 痛苦 让人痛苦的事 常用pl sufferer n 患者 受害者 巧学助记 遭受失败 VS 患有疾病 5 recover vi 恢复 重新获得 语境检测 单句语法填空 2017 全国卷I This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from wor

12、k recovering a bad case of sunburn from 2016 江苏高考 The data suggest that recover and reconstruction should come first There is much chance that Bill will recover him in time for the race 世纪金榜导学号79060000 recovery himself 考点必记 1 recover from 从疾病等中 恢复 痊愈 recover oneself恢复正常 恢复健康 清醒过来 2 recovery n 恢复 复原

13、痊愈 make a full good recovery 完全康复 Part 重点短语句式通关 6 add up合计 把 加起来 语境检测 介副词填空 2016 天津高考 The dictionary is out of date many words have been added the language since it was published to Remember little steps add up big dreams I added all the advantages and disadvantages and decided to take up the job to

14、 up 写作提升 语境填词世纪金榜导学号79060001 The president said it was not easy to manage a company add that the difficult situation at present added the difficulties The week before he added all the expenses and the total added up more than 100 000 yuan adding to up to 考点必记 1 add to 增加 增添 多用于抽象意义 add sth to sth 把

15、加到 进 里 add up to加起来共计 达 不用于被动语态 2 in addition另外 in addition to除 之外 熟词生义 2017 全国卷 He added that the theater s location was also a reason vt 补充 又说到 7 go through经历 经受 检查 完成 通过 浏览 语境检测 写出黑体部分的含义 2017 全国卷I I myself went through this searching process 2015 湖南高考 As you go through this book you will find th

16、at each of the millions of people had a different experience 经历 浏览 The plan went through which made us all happy I had just gone through my homework when the telephone rang 通过 完成 写作提升 完成句子 2014 四川高考 Our teacher chose many important exercises for us and 我们的老师为我们选了很多重要的习题 同时我复习 语言点 I went over the language points at the same time 考点必记 思维拓展 look through 浏览 复习 彻底审查 get through通过 穿过 完成 接通电话 pass through穿过 透过 流过 通过 经历 come through 重病后 康复 消息或信息 传来 8 get along with与 相处 进展 语境检测 单句语法填空 2016 江苏高考 Only thos



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