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1、.word可编辑. Lesson Nineteen Safety Information 安全信息Monolog A: Calling on VHF Channel 16独白1: 在VHF16频道上呼叫 Securite. Securite. Securite. All stations. All stations. All stations. This is Sydney Radio Station, Sydney Radio Station, Sydney Radio Station. Gale Warning. Listen to Channel 12. 安全信息,安全信息,安全信息。所

2、有台站,所有台站,所有台站。这是悉尼海岸电台,悉尼海岸电台,悉尼海岸电台。大风警报,守听12信道。Monolog B: Reporting Mine on VHF Channel 12独白2: 在12频道上报告水雷 Securite. Securite. Securite. This is M/V Bi Jia Shan, M/V Bi Jia Shan, M/V Bi Jia Shan. Mine sighted in position 5300North 00302East. Drifting direction 123at 5knots. Keep clear, out. 安全信息,安全

3、信息,安全信息。这是“笔架山”船,“笔架山”船,“笔架山”船。在5300N,00302E处看到一水雷,正向123方向以5节速度漂浮,请让开。Monolog C: Combined Safety Messages Ashore on VHF Channel 13独白3: 在13频道上发岸台组合安全信息 Securite. Securite. Securite. All vessels, This is St.Nicholas Strait Information Service. Warning: Part one: There is a wreck buoy in position 5045N

4、 03025W unlit. There is a vessel with a difficult tow on passage to Eekhavn now approaching Pelican Bank buoy. Part two: The visibility at Gannet Head is 1.5 miles. The visibility at Dolphin Bank lightvessel is 2 miles, out. 安全信息。对所有船,这是圣尼克拉斯海峡信息业务。警报:第一部分:在5045N, 03025W处标志沉船的浮标不亮了。有一艘多拖带船正驶向爱克号已至皮乐

5、肯岸浮标。第二部分:在干耐特头的能见度是1.5海里。在海豚岸灯船能见度是2海里。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Occupational Safety Instructions 职务安全指导1. Prepare training plan for occupational safety.准备职务安全培训计划。Prepare training plan regarding type of vessel.准备有关船舶种类的训练计划。Prepare training plan regarding route of vessel.准备有关船舶航线的训练计划。Pr

6、epare training plan regarding kind of cargo.准备货物分类的训练计划。Prepare training plan regarding GMDSS equipment.准备有关GMDSS设备的培训计划。2. When was last training session on occupational safety?上一次职务安全培训会在哪一天开的?Last training session was on April 1st.上一次培训会是4月1日。3. When is next training session on occupational safet

7、y?下一次培训会在哪一天开?Next training session on May 5th.下一次培训会将在5月5日。Next training session before entering port.下一次培训会在进港前。Next training session after leaving port.下一次培训会在离港后。Next training session in port of Vladivostock.下一次培训会在海参巍开。4. Next training session is about accident analysis. 下一次培训会是有关案例分析。Next trai

8、ning session is about new regulations.下一次培训会是有关新规则。5. Are new crew members instructed on occupational safety?新船员受到了职务安全教育吗?Are new passengers instructed on occupational safety?新登船旅客受到了职务安全教育吗?Yes, new crew members instructed.是的,新船员受到了职务安全教育。No, new crew members not instructed.不,新船员没有受到了职务安全教育。Instru

9、ct new passengers by 1200 local time on April 2nd.新登船旅客必须在4月2日当地时间1200时接受安全教育。6. Participation in training sessions on occupational safety is mandatory.参加职务安全训练班是强制的。Part B: Practical Occupational Safety 实际职务安全7. Instruct crew on occupational safety before departure.在离港前指导船员职务安全。8. Have special inst

10、ruction on dangerous goods.就危险货物进行特别指导。Have special instruction on heavy lifts.就重件货进行特别指导。Have special instruction on cargo securing.就货物安全进行特别指导。Have special instruction on illumination.就照明方面进行特别指导。Have special instruction on ventilation.就通风方面进行特别指导。9. Where are dangerous goods carried on board?危险货装

11、载在哪里?Dangerous goods of IMO Class B carried on deck.国际危规B等级危险品装在甲板上。Dangerous goods of IMO Class E carried in hold No.3.国际危规E等级危险品放在3舱。10. Prepare emergency plan.准备应急部署。Prepare emergency plan for first aid.准备急救应急部署。Prepare emergency plan for limitation of damage.准备减少损失的应急部署。11. Brief all crew member

12、s on symptoms caused by dangerous substances.对所有船员简介危险品伤害的症状。12. What signals are used in case of emergency?一旦发生紧急状况用什么信号?What communications are used in case of emergency?一旦发生紧急状况用什么通信?Following signals are used in case of emergency.一旦发生紧急状况用下列信号。Following communications are used in case of emergen

13、cy.一旦发生紧急状况用下列通信。13. Brief all crew members on restricted areas.对所有船员简介禁入区。14. Brief all crew members on how to report.对所有船员简介如何报告。Brief all crew members on how to report in when entering bridge.对所有船员简介在进驾驶台时如何报告。Brief all passengers on how to report in when entering engine room.对所有旅客简介进机舱时如何报告。Brie

14、f all crew members on how to report out when leaving bridge.对所有船员简介在离开驾驶台时如何报告。Brief all passengers on how to report out when leaving engine room.对所有旅客简介在出机舱时如何报告。Do not enter unmanned room without permission by officer of the watch.没有准备驾驶员同意不得进入无人机舱。Report on telephone while in engine room every 30

15、minutes.在机舱内每隔30分钟用无线电话报告一次。15. Brief all crew members on storm.对所有船员简介在暴风雨中如何做。16. Attention! Entering forecastle of vessel prohibited.注意!禁止到船首。Attention! Entering main deck of vessel dangerous.注意!到主甲板危险。Attention! Entering weather side of vessel dangerous.注意!到船舶受风面危险。Attention! Make use of hand rails and lifelines in corridors and on deck.注意!在甲板上用栏杆和救生绳。Attention!



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