一轮优化探究英语(江苏译林)课件:选修八 Unit 1 The written word .ppt

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一轮优化探究英语(江苏译林)课件:选修八 Unit 1 The written word .ppt_第1页
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《一轮优化探究英语(江苏译林)课件:选修八 Unit 1 The written word .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《一轮优化探究英语(江苏译林)课件:选修八 Unit 1 The written word .ppt(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、核心考点突破 随堂巩固提升 基础知识回顾 课时作业知能提升 选修八 Unit1Thewrittenword 基础知识回顾 adore spring abuse spit reform resist rescue intend reformed torescue intention generous desperate vain civil bent holy supreme rigid generously desperately supremely fiction theme millionaire monument characteristic poetry characteristic

2、violence reputation debt envelope tension violent reputation out to on to of up livedupto isbenton came out a in on under on issetin touchon atatime to in to with out ontherun isintendedto gotcaught herushed can tbetoo careful 核心考点突破 desperatefor desperateto indesperateneedof vain invain couldn tres

3、istshowingoff resist torescuemanyspeciesfromextinction rescuewith hasaverygoodreputation livinguptoitsreputation bentonmaking bendyourmind liveupto livedthrough livewith liveon makesthemdifficult makehimselfheard madeusgotobed madeitimportant 随堂巩固提升 envelope generous intention civil violent reform r

4、escue reputation desperate debt youwillloseyourreputationandallyour friends can tpaytoomuchattention canbemadeeasier whenhenoticedaman running dislikesit togetdressed Definition literary Reasons differs existence How gentleman Mist Characters Plot ofhighreputation alotof fictionandpoetry touchonthe lifeofpeople ontherun isbasedonresistingviolence beingdesperatefor reformingactively abrandnewfeeling making readersadorethem 课时作业知能提升 点击进入word


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