Good or Bad教案(北师大版)

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《Good or Bad教案(北师大版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Good or Bad教案(北师大版)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Good or Bad?【教材分析】本课是本单元的第二课,主要内容是讨论人类的发明的好处与坏处,要学习的技能是表达自己的观点,和表达对他人观点的态度如支持或反对。通过本课的学习,学生树立辩证的世界观,更流畅地用英语表达自身的观点。【教学目标】(一)知识目标学生能够通过听一段有关发明话题的辩论对话,获取对话中主要人物的观点并记录信息,并能够分辨和理解不同人物的观点。(二)能力目标学生能够就发明话题口头表达自己的观点并给出原因。(三)情感目标学生能够辩证地看待发明给人类带来的益处和问题。【教学重点】学生听对话获取、记录、理解对话主要人物的观点。【教学难点】学生综合运用所学语言表达自己的观点。【教学

2、准备】调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 光盘、大卡片等。【教学过程】IWarm-up1Let students identify the inventions on the photos and discuss their benefits and harms. Encourage students to speak out their reasons why they think so.2Let students make a preparation for an interview on “Inventions-Good or bad?”IIListening1Get s

3、tudents to listen to the material first time to obtain speakers opinion on inventions.2Listen and write A for Andrew or J for Jenny to identify which statements belong to them, respectively.3Sum up each speakers opinions and write down them.4Let students justify whether their opinions are rational o

4、r not.5Let students listen again and write T or F after the statements in Ex. 4.6Put the sentences in the proper places in their mind maps. Let students work in groups.IIIGroup workMake an interview on “Inventions-Good or bad?”1One group choose a reporter who interviews other group members, and a re

5、corder who take notes of their ideas.2The others answer the reporters questions, but they should use at least two pieces of information from the listening material.3Let students make ideas logical.4Students will have 5 minutes to prepare.5Drift a contrast table to represent the opinions of both side

6、s.6Students make reports on “Inventions-good or bad”.IVSpeaking1Teach students how to organize a complete and smooth report.Example:Ladies and gentlemen, Im honored to be here to make a speech on “Inventions -good or bad” I state the position that/ In my opinion/ I thinkThanks for listening.2Teach t

7、he function sentences for stating opinions to studentsExamples:I support the position that scientists need to quickly increase the number of new inventions.In my opinion, scientists should cut down on the number of new inventions. I disagree.I dont agree.I dont think so.VConsolidation1Read and compl

8、ete the conversation with appropriate segments in Ex. 7.2Highlight the speech parts standing for opinions and teach their functions.3Get students to sort out the affirmative and negative opinions in their eyes.4Students act out the dialogue in the groups of 3.VIDebateMake a debate on playing compute

9、r games.Topic: Playing computer games has more advantages than disadvantages.1Divide the class into two sides.2Let students try to use the learned expressions to state opinions.3Students make the efforts to find strong evidences.VIILanguage points1cut down 裁短;减少e.g. He cut down on coffee and cigaret

10、tes, and ate a balanced diet.cut down (on) sth. on可加可不加2cause n.原因;动机;理由;事业vt. 成为的原因;导致;引起;使遭受e.g. Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.cause常表示坏事的原因3support n./v.支持;赞同;拥护e.g. How did Donna make extra money to support herself?support既可以表示物质上的支持,也可以表示观点意见的支持【作业布置】Write your opinions on playing computer games.1Do you play computer games?2What do you think of playing computer games?3Why do you think so? 3 / 3



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