人教新课标高二英语选修七练习:Unit3 Under the sea witness pause等重点单词小练 .doc

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《人教新课标高二英语选修七练习:Unit3 Under the sea witness pause等重点单词小练 .doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新课标高二英语选修七练习:Unit3 Under the sea witness pause等重点单词小练 .doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、witness, pause等重点单词小练一、单项填空。1. The man in uniform witnessed _ the man burst into the bank. A. to see B. seeing C. to seeingD. having seen2. The headmaster always _ a lot before making a decision.A. reflects B. reflects with C. reflects on D. reflects carefully3. At our school the morning _ lasts onl

2、y ten minutes.A. pause B. stop C. broke D. break 4. As time goes on, fewer and fewer old men are_ in the countryside.A. abandonB. to abandonC. abandoningD. being abandoned二、用所给词语的适当形式完成下面的句子。reflect, abandon, reflect on, witness, pause 1. He _ possible reasons for his failure.2. Jane _ to look into

3、a shop window. 3. The mountains _ in the lake were very beautiful.4. We were _ the most important scientific development of the century.5. Many people were killed by the chemical weapons _ by the Japanese during the World War II.三、根据汉语完成下面的句子,每空一词。1. 这名工人作证说他曾看见被告在犯罪现场附近。The worker _ _ _ _ the accus

4、ed near the scene of the crime.2. 党的政策反映了人民群众的愿望和利益。The Partys policies _ _ _ _ _ of the masses. 3. 太阳光照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。When the suns rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat _ _ back into space. 4. 他们稍稍停了停, 然后继续走路。_ _ _ _, they continued walking. 5. 只有那些软弱怯懦之人才沉溺于忧伤之中。Only weak and cowardly natures _ _to sorrow. 参考答案:witness, pause等重点单词小练: 一、14 CADD 二、1. reflected on 2. paused 3. reflected 4. witnessing 5. abandoned三、1. witnessed to having seen 2. reflect the hopes and interests 3. is reflected 4. After a short pause 5. abandon themselves


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