人教PEP四年级上册英语Unit 6 Meet my family! A Let’s learn教案

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《人教PEP四年级上册英语Unit 6 Meet my family! A Let’s learn教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP四年级上册英语Unit 6 Meet my family! A Let’s learn教案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit6 A Lets learn教案一、教学目标1. 能够听、说、认读5个有关家庭成员的单词,如:cousin,uncle,aunt,parents,baby brother。2. 能在情景中正确运用这5个单词介绍自己的家人。3. 能在情景中运用句型This is my . Hes / Shes .介绍描述家庭成员。4. 培养学生热爱家庭的感情。二、学情分析本课是第六单元的第一课时,经过三年级一年的学习,学生已经有了一定的基础,具有一定的听、说、认读能力,学生已经学习了三年级上册的五官类单词,如:ear, eye, nose, mouth, face,职业类:teacher, pupil。

2、三年级下册第二单元部分的家庭成员单词,如:father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother,人物类单词,如:man, woman, girl, boy。三年级下册第三单元整体描述类单词,如:fat, thin, short, tall, long, small, big。已知四年级上册第三单元描述人物特征短语:tall and strong, short and thin, long hair, short hair。在三年级上册中已知句型:Whos .? Hes / Shes .在三年级下册中已经学习了句型:This is .

3、在四年级上册第三单元中学习了句型She has . He has .三、重点难点听、说、认读5个单词,并能用这些单词介绍自己的家人。四、教学过程活动1【导入】1. Warm up (Revision)T: “Good morning, boys and girls. Im Miss Tao. Welcome to my class. Nice to meet you!” Ss: “Nice to meet you, too.”1) “One day, on my way to school I met the finger family, they wanted us to sing a so

4、ng with them. Do you want to have a try?”Ss: “Yes!” “OK! Here we go.” 带领学生唱歌曲Finger family。2) “Do you want to play games with me? Lets play act and say.” 做fat, thin, tall, short, long, big, small描述人物特征的单词。用PPT呈现明星的照片,一边做动作一边巩固一遍单词。“I want a student to be here and act these words: tall and strong, sh

5、ort and thin, long hair, short hair, small eyes, big eyes, big mouth, small mouth.” 通过PPT边做动作边复述一遍。3) 通过呈现王祖蓝和姚明的照片,让学生用句型He is .描述他们的体型特征,通过为小男孩加身体,让学生尝试说He has .并理解单复数的概念。4) 呈现大头儿子小头爸爸的图片,请学生尝试描述大头儿子,The father is tall, he has a small head. The son is short, he has a big head.(设计意图:通过你猜我演的活动来激活学生的

6、旧知,为后面的活动做铺垫。)活动2【讲授】2. Presentation Practice用PPT呈现一张自己的阴影图照片,Look at picture, who is she? Can you guess? 逐渐露出完整的图片,通过描述引导学生猜测,“She is tall, she has two big eyes and long hair.” “She is Miss Tao.” “Yeah, you are so clever.” 出示一张全家福的照片来引入,“Look, I have a big family, this is my family. How many people

7、 in my family? Who are they? Lets count.” “One, two, three, four, four people. Father, mother, sister and Miss Tao.”1) 出示一张父母的图片,The woman is my mother, the man is my father, they are my parents /p/ /e/ /r/ /n/ /ts/,用击掌的方式拆分音节读单词。Who are they? They are my parents. 用PPT呈现各自的图片,并用句型尝试描述,She is . She h

8、as . He is . He has .2) 出示一张妈妈与姨妈的图片,my mothers or fathers sister. Who is she? She is my aunt. We can also say “This is my aunt.”/:/ /n/ /t/用PPT呈现阿姨单独的照片,请学生描述,She is . She has .3) 出示一张叔叔的图片,Hes my mothers or fathers brother. Who is he? He is my uncle, we can also say “This is my uncle.”/ /n/ /k/ /l

9、/,击掌的方式拆分音节。用PPT呈现叔叔单独的照片,请学生描述,He is . He has .4) 出示同辈表亲的图片,Your uncle or aunts kid. She / He is your cousin. We can say “This is my cousin.”/k/ / /z/ /n/. PPT出示一个表妹和一个表哥的图片,并描述她/他。She / He is . She / He has .(设计意图:帮助学生理解新单词的意义,运用拆分音节的方式让学生准确地发音,并且通过句子来巩固学习单词,实现单词学习的语用功能,实现新旧知识的融会贯通。)5) Please open

10、 your book, turn to page59, lets meet Amys baby brother. 出示Amy和婴儿小弟弟的图片,He is Amys baby brother, /b/ /e/ /b/ /br/ He is . He has .带学生用升降调读Lets learn板块的录音,理解情景语Hi. Meet my family!(设计意图:通过跟读活动让学生感知升降调,在情境中理解句子。)活动3【活动】3. Consolidation Extension1) 认读活动“I point you say”老师指单词,全班说单词。“Match the words”请同学到黑

11、板前来匹配单词与图片。2) “口述”音形义匹配。如:your fathers brother uncleyour mothers sister auntHe is a little baby and he is boy. baby brotherShe is a girl, your aunt is her mother, who is she? cousinThey are your daddy and mommy. Who are they?parents第一个说出来的学生当小老师,发给他号码牌,其他学生重复相应的遍数。(设计意图:通过对“我指你说”、搭配单词的游戏和口述游戏实现单词的音义

12、匹配,增强学生对单词音形义的匹配。)3) Lets play (Pair work)先给学生示范介绍自己的家人Hi! Im Miss Tao. Meet my family, this is .请学生同桌两人相互介绍自己的家人,之后请几名同学到前面来展示。Hi! Im . Meet my family!They are .This is _.Hes _, he has .Shes _, she has .(设计意图:从情景中过渡到现实生活,能帮助学生更好的理解单词和句子的意义,并强调自主表达。)活动4【练习】4. Summary(情感升华)Do you love your father and mother? Yes, I do. Lets see a video about family.Family means “Father and mother I love you”. And we are also a family. So we should love each other.(设计意图:培养学生热爱自己的家庭,同时也认识到班级也是一个大家庭。)活动5【作业】5. Homework1. 听本课录音并跟读。2. 画一幅finger family,并向你的朋友介绍你的家人。3. 完成课后练习。 7 / 7



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