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1、九年级上册,8,Sports life,Module,Unit 1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.,Do you feel proud of China?,Talk about the Beijing Olympic Games,Warm up,When was the 29th Olympic Games held?,How many gold medals did we get?,Who is your favorite player? Why?,Can you speak out the names of sports as man

2、y as possible?,basketball,cycling,dancing,skiing,football,Match the words with the pictures:,swimming gymnastics surfing boxing volleyball,是的缩写;代表,stand for,/nu:n/,中午,正午 n.,noon,decision,决定 n.,exercise,(辩解的)理由;借口,point,比分 n.,/pnt/,memory,记忆;回忆 n.,/memr/,New words and expressions,/dsn/,/ekssaz/,座椅;座位

3、 n.,seat,kick,踢 v.,mad,生气的;恼火的 adj.,fare,公平的;合理的,/fe/,no way,绝不;不可能,/kk/,/md/,/si:t /,stand for是的缩写,PRC stands for Peoples Republic of China. PRC是中国的缩写形式。,memory记忆;回忆,All the details of my childhood are fresh in my memory. 所有童年细节我都记忆犹新。,point比分,Their team beat ours by a large score. 他们队以很高比分打败了我们队。,

4、There are many empty seats in the movie theater. 电影院里有好多空座位。,seat座椅;座位,kick踢,He kicked the ball hard. 他用力踢球。,mad生气的;恼火的,He was driven to the brink of madness. 他被逼到了疯狂的边缘。,Listening and vocabulary,Work in pairs. Look at the picture and describe it.,2. Listen and complete the sentences.,Tonys basketba

5、ll matches are held _Saturday. 2. If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over_ points in a match, it can play in the competition. 3. Tonys team BIG stands for Beijing _Giants. 4. BIGs_ think they are fantastic.,every,50,International,fans,Watch and read,备注:见视频 Module 8 Unit 1 Activity

6、3,3. Listen and read.,Lingling: Hi, Tony, you look tired. Tony: Yes, Im training for the big match next week. Betty: Who are you against? Tony: HAS. Lingling: What does HAS stand for? Tony: Haidian All Stars. Betty: Oh, yes. Itll be a difficult match. Didnt they beat you last time? Tony: Yes, they d

7、id. But. Lingling: What was the score?,Betty: If my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52. Tony: But Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time. That was a bad decision. We cant play well without him. Lingling: Thats no excuse! Tony: But Daming is back now. Theres no difference between the two

8、teams this season. Betty: When is the match? Tony: Its next Saturday at noon, but if you want good seats, you should come by 11:30. Are you coming?,Betty: Im not sure. Do you think theyll win, Lingling? Lingling: No way! How many matches have you played against HAS this year? Tony: Well, about three

9、. Betty: And how many have HAS won? Tony: Er. most of them. Betty: Wrong! All of them! Face the truth, Tony. Youve got no chance! Tony: I dont agree. Thats not fair!,(Tony leaves angrily.) Lingling: Remember to throw the ball, not kick it, Tony! Betty: Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, j

10、ust to show were wrong! Lingling: Nice work, Betty! We do hope theyll win this time. Well be there to cheer for them.,Now complete the table.,BIG,HAS,HAS 98,BIG 52,Next Saturday at noon,BIG,Everyday English,Thats no excuse! No way! Face the truth. Youve got no chance! Nice work!,4. Complete the sent

11、ences.,Tony looks tired because _. 2. Betty has seen HAS play this season, and she thinks _. 3. Tony hopes BIG will _. 4. Betty and Lingling say that HAS will win because they want Tony to _.,he is training for the big match next week,itll be a difficult match,win,try harder to win,5. Complete the p

12、assage with the words in the box.,decision, kick, mad, memory, noon, seats,If Bettys (1)_ is correct, HAS won the last match. BIG did not play very well because Daming was left out of the team, and it was a bad (2)_. The coming match will start at (3)_ next Saturday, so if Betty and Lingling,memory,

13、decision,noon,want to watch the match and have good (4)_ , they had better get there by 1130. Lingling tells Tony he should not (5)_ the ball, but throw it. Tony is so (6)_ at Betty and Lingling that he will try harder to win.,seats,kick,mad,Pronunciation and speaking,6. Listen and decide which word

14、s are weak and which words are strong.,1. Yes, Im training for the big match next week. 2. Its next Saturday at noon, but if you want good seats, you should come by 11:30. 3. Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, just to show were wrong!,Now listen again and repeat.,7. Work in pairs. Talk ab

15、out your favourite sports teams or sports stars., Who they are What sport they do Why you like them A: My favourite sports team is. They always try hard to. B: Yes, I agree with you. And I think,1. You look tired. 你看起来很累。 look 连系动词 + adj. 形容词: 看起来 连系动词: look / taste / sound / smell / feel / seem / become / get / turn + adj. The meat smells _. Dont eat it. A. good B. bad C. badly,B,Language points,2. Whos are you playing against? 和谁比赛? against prep. 与对抗,对着/靠着 be against:表示 “反对,不同意”。 反义词是 be for。 We are fighting against the enemy.


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