(安徽专版)2018年春七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《(安徽专版)2018年春七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(安徽专版)2018年春七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SectionA GrammarFocus 3c Unit12Whatdidyoudolastweekend Imilkedthecows Ivisitedmygrandmother Whatdidyoudolastweekend Lead in Ididmyhomework Iwenttothebeach Wordsandexpressions awaymousebabyshoutwooflanguage 离开 远离老鼠幼小的 婴儿呼叫 喊叫 狗叫声 汪汪语言 课文展现 1 上个周末你做什么了 我做了我的家庭作业 我们去划船了 2 谁去探望了她的奶奶 是蓓基 阅读GrammarFocus部分

2、 完成下列句子 Ididmyhomework Whatdidyoudolastweekend Wewentboating Whovisitedhergrandma Beckydid 3 上个周末她去了哪里 她去了农场 4 她和谁一起去的 她和她的同学们一起去的 Wheredidshegolastweekend Shewenttothefarm Whodidshegowith Shewentwithherclassmates 一 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句 1 特殊疑问词 was were 主语 其他 上个周末你过得怎么样 yourlastweekend Howwas 探究乐园 昨天下午他们在哪里

3、 theyyesterdayafternoon 昨天晚上谁在教室里 intheclassroomlastnight 昨天你为什么迟到了 youlateyesterday Wherewere Whowas Whywere 2 特殊疑问词 did 动词原形 主语 其他 昨天他做了什么事情 hedoyesterday 上个周末她参观了什么地方 she lastweekend 你和谁一起去的动物园 yougotothezoo 他们什么时候到达北京的 theyarriveinBeijing Wheredidvisit Whendid Whatdid Whodidwith 3a A didyoudolas

4、tweekend B IplayedbadmintononSaturday A Soundsfun didyouplaywith B Iplayedwithmyfather He sreallygood Fillintheblankswithwho what when whereorhow What Who 2 A wasyourweekend B Itwasgreat Ihadsomuchfun A didyougo B Theweatherwasbeautiful soIwenttothebeachwithmyparents How Where 3 A didJimlose B Helos

5、thiskeys Heoftenlosesthings A That stoobad didhelosethem B Ihearditwasyesterday What When 3b Completethepassagewiththecorrectformsofthewordsinthebox saybeclimbseerunaway AfamilyofmicewereinthekitchenonSaturdaymorningwhenthey abigcat BabyMouse afraidand ontohisfather sback were saw climbed FatherMous

6、eshoutedatthecat Woof woof Thecatquickly Wow Dad you regood BabyMouse Well son that swhyit simportanttolearnasecondlanguage answeredFatherMouse said ranaway Languagepoints 一般过去时 一般过去时常表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态 一般过去时常和表示过去的是状语连用 构成形式 肯定式 Icried 否定式 Ididnot didn t cry 疑问式 DidIcry 1 一般加ed visit visited2 以e结

7、尾的加d dance danced3 以辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i加ed study studied4 以辅元辅结尾的重读闭音节 双写末尾的辅音字母加ed stop stopped 过去式动词的变化 规则变化 regularchange 不规则变化 irregularchange 1 没有变化 如 cut cut2 改变元音的 如 write wrote3 元音和辅音都有改变的 如 buy bought 动词一般过去时 表示过去发生的事 be用was或用were have has变had 谓语动词过去式 过去时间作标志 一般动词加 ed 若是特殊得注意 否定句很简单 主语之后didn t添 疑

8、问句也不难 did放在主语前 若是谓语之前有did 谓语动词需还原 动词若是was were 否定就把not添 Conclusion 1 mouse意为 老鼠 复数形式为 mice 他们看到了两只老鼠 Theysawtwomice 2 language意为 语言 是可数名词 英语 汉语 法语是三种不同的语言 English ChineseandFrencharethreedifferentlanguages 3 shoutat大声喊叫 后面要跟人或事物不要朝孩子们大声喊叫 Don tshoutatthechildren Thinkoftwothingsyoudidlastweekend Dra

9、wpicturesofthem Yourclassmatesguesswhatyoudid 3c WheredidyougoonDragonBoatDay Iwenttothecountryside Iwatchedtheboatrace Whatdidyoudothere Iplayedchess Whatdidyoudolastweekend Withmyuncle Whodidyouplaywith Exercise WhatdidyoudoforyourdadonFather sDaythisyear I abeautifultieforhim A buyB boughtC buysD

10、 buying B 单项选择 2 Soyouhavewatchedtheactionmovie haven tyou Yes I itwithmyparentsinLuXunTheatre A watchB watchedC willwatchD amwatching B 3 Myunclehadanewcar He 98 000yuanonit A spendB spentC spendsD isspending4 Didyougoshoppingwithyourmother A Yes Ididn tB No Ididn tC Yes Ido D No Idid B B 5 When yo

11、urfather anewbikeforyou Twoweeksago did buyB does buyC did boughtD does bought6 TheGreens tothebeachlastSundayand agreattimethere A went haveB go hadC go haveD went had A D wereyousosad BecauseIfailedtheexam 2 didyougojustnow Iwenttothelibrary 用特殊疑问词填空 Why Where 3 didyougotoschoollastyear Iwenttosch

12、oolfromMondaytoFriday 4 didTomgotoBeijing Byplane 5 countrydidyouvisitlastyear England Which When How Summary Keywords phrases away mouse baby shout language runaway shoutat Keysentences 1 Whatdidyoudolastweekend Ididmyhomework Wewentboating 2 Whodidshegowith Shewentwithherclassmates Homework 1 RememberthesentencesintheGrammarFocus 2 Thinkofsixinterestingthingsyoudidinthelastmonth ThenwritethemdowninEnglish


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