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1、云南省云天化中学2016-2017学年高一英语下学期周练试题(一)一填空(21空开始为时态语态练习) (2分/题,共25题50分)1. I will help you if you pay attention _ what I said.2. Mary died _ an earthquake last year.3.Wildlife protection is of great _ (important).4. Under the _ (protect) of our parents, we grow up happily.5. My headteacher always threatens

2、 us _ parents call.6. The newspaper has decreased _ size, but not in quality.7. Love will _ (danger) your life.8. He does much housework during holiday _his mother can get some rest.9. Youd better _ (reserve) the money for future need.10. How did they respond _ the news?11.The policeman shot the tig

3、er _(with) mercy.12.Beer _ (contain/include) alcohol.13. There are many _ (antelope) in the zoo.14. _(hear) the news he bursts into _(laugh).15. To my _ (relieve), I passed my math exam.16. Falling in love too early will _(effect) your study.17. I would _ (appreciation) it if you give me a hand.18.

4、Her boyfriends _ (appear) broke her heart.19. A man has faith can succeed _ everything.20.Smoking is _ (harm) to your health.21.He has lived here since the war _(happen).22.It is high time that measures _(take)to protect rare animals.23.It is the first time that I _ (thank) for providing help.24.I _

5、 with you if I have time.(go)25.The mayor insisted that more trees _ (plant) in the area.二完形填空(1.5分/题,共20题30分)A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him doing a good job. He may have the_26_that he is not able to do it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand

6、 how to make the_27_of his mental faculties (才能). Older people may think that they are too old to_28_anything new because of their old age.A person who believes that he is unable will not make a real_29_, because he feels it_30_be useless. He wont work with the confidence necessary for success, and

7、he wont work_31_. He is_32_likely to fail, and the failure will_33_his belief in his incompetence (无能)。Adler, a famous doctor, had_34_like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor_35_in math. His teacher told his_36_he had no ability in math in order that they would not_37_too much of him. In th

8、is way, they also_38_the idea. He accepted_39_mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless to_40_, and was even poorer at math,_41_they expected.One day he worked out a problem which_42_of the other students had been able to solve. He succeeded in solving the problem. This gave him con

9、fidence. He now_43_with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at_44_.He not only proved that he could learn math well, but luckily he learned early in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may _45_himself

10、as well as others by his ability.26. A. belief B. wayC. methodD. condition27. A. biggest B. bestC. highestD. deepest28. A. teach B. learnC. accept D. use29. A. decisionB. success C. effort D. trouble30. A. will B. shouldC. mustD. can31. A. well B. hard C. fastD. carefully32. A. truly B. reallyC. how

11、ever D. therefore33. A. change B. strengthen C. become D. get rid of34. A. an experience B. an example C. an experiment D. a story35. A. interest B. thought C. beginning D. ending36. A. classmates B. friends C. neighbors D. parents37 A. ask B. expect C. get D. win38 A. developed B. proposed C. disco

12、vered D. found39. A. hisB. her C. its D. their40. A. manageB. succeed C. try D. act41. A. thoughB. when C. as D. because42. A. noneB. all C. many D. most43. A. livedB. worked C. played D. graduated44. A. lessonsB. studies C. jobs D. math45. A. encourage B. teach C. astonish D. admire三七选五(2分/题,共5题10分

13、)Five steps to better handwritingSome kids love handwriting, but others hate when its time to put their pen to paper. Maybe they are worried about their handwriting. Are you one of them? _46_Here are five steps that really work!Get a great graspTry this hold your pencil at the top and try to write y

14、our name. Pretty hard? But when you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much easier.47_Hold it in place with your thumb, and your index (食指) and middle fingers.Let the lines be your guideLined paper is your friend! Those lines can help you create letters that are the right size and proportion (均衡)._48_Also be sure to fill up the


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