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1、20182019学年度第一学期小学英语六年级上册期末检测题班级: 学号: 姓名: 评分: ( 满分:100分,其中卷面2分)听力部分(30分)一、听音,用阿拉伯数字给下列各图标号。( 5% ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听音,选出你所听到的内容,并把它的字母编号写在题前括号里。(5%)( ) 1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 三、听句子,根据所给的问题,选择正确的答案。 (10%)( ) 1. A. We must stop. B. We must wait. C

2、. We must go.( ) 2. A. They go by bus. B. She is going to the bookstore. C. They are going to see a film.( ) 3. A. Read books. B .Go swimming. C. See a doctor.( ) 4. A. In a factory. B. At sea. C. In a school.( ) 5. A. He is a student. B. He likes reading books. C. He is a boy.四、听短文,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,

3、相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。 (10%)( ) 1. Children go to school by sled in the USA.( ) 2. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by plane every day.( ) 3. Some kids in Guangdong, go to school by school bus.( ) 4. Many children in China go to school by bus.( ) 5. Many children in China go to school on foo

4、t.笔试部分( 68分)一、请你根据图意,写出下列单词。(12%)1. 2. 3. _ _ _高兴的4. 5. 6. _ _ _二、选择填空。(12%)( ) 1. I want to buy some stamps(邮票). I should go to the . A. factory B. bookstore C. post office( ) 2. Sarah likes and . A. singing, dance B. singing, dancing C. singing, danceing( ) 3. The mice are bad. They hurt people. T

5、he cat is very _. A. angry B. afraid C. sad( ) 4. Dad, mom and I often hiking on the weekend. A. going B. go C. goes ( ) 5. A: _is your sister going to do next week? B: My sister Kung fu next week. A. Where / does B. Who / is C. What / is going to do( ) 6. In Jiangxi and Papa Westray, the children g

6、o to school . A. by ferry B. by plane C. by sled三、连词成句。(12%)1. an , Im , have , lesson , going , art , to ( . ) _2. go , the , Dont , at , light , yellow ( . ) _3. should , this , He , see , morning , a , doctor ( . ) _4. works, a, My, university, at, brother ( . ) _5. word , doing , Does , like , p

7、uzzles , he ( ? ) _6. do , come , How , you , school , to ( ? ) _四、选词填空。(每空1分,共8%)1. People on bikes must wear the ( helmet, hat , slow ) in the USA.2. Does John ( live, lives ,living) in China? Yes , he _( doesnt , does , dont )3. Mike can ( play, playing ,plays )basketball. He ( play, playing, is

8、going to play ) basketball with his friends on Sundays.4. Lets turn left (on, at,in ) the bookstore, then go straight. Its (on, at,in ) the left.5. She is _( ill , angry , sad ),because her puppy is lost. 五、根据上下文意思补全对话,并将编号填在横线上 。(6%)A. He is a football coachB. swimmingC. Where does he work?D. What

9、are his hobbies?E. on foot F. shouldAmy: Hello, Mike. What does your father do ?Mike: (1) .He teaches the students how to play football.Amy: (2) ?Mike: He works in a gym(体育馆).Amy: Wow. (3) Mike: He likes playing football and (4)_.Amy: How does he go to work?Mike: He often goes to work (5) . He works

10、 very hard and stays healthy.Amy: Yes. We (6) study hard and stay healthy, too.六、阅读。判断下列句子的正误,正确的打“T”,否则打“F”。(10%)Tony is my friend. He lives in Shanghai. He likes reading. Tonys father works in a school. He is a head teacher. He goes to work by car. Tonys mother is a factory worker. She works in a

11、car factory. She goes to work by bus. Tony and his brother Andy are twins.(双胞胎)Every morning, Tony goes to school by bus, but Andy goes to school on foot. Every evening, Tony reads books, but Andy watches TV. ( )1、Tony doesnt like reading.( )2、Tonys father goes to work by bike.( )3、Tonys mother goes to work by car.( )4、Tony and Andy are twins.( )5、Andy likes watching TV.七、写作。请你根据提示词,写一篇小短文。(8%)要求:1、要用上给出的提示词;2、用上“be going to ”结构。When(什么时候)Activites(活动)When(什么时候)Activites(活动)this eveningtomorrow eveningtomorrow afternoonNext SundayHello



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