(南京市公开课课件)译林六年级上 U3 Holiday fun第四课时

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1、 CheckouttimeandTickingtime Unit3Holidayfun 1 Icanaskandanswerquestionswith did and was toknowpeople sholidays 2 IcantalkandwriteaboutthethingsIdidfortheholidays Goals Brainstorm Team1VSTeam2 Rule 男女生分两队 每队轮流用1句话说一件暑期的趣事 哪队没接上 则失败 请注意动词过去式的正确使用哦 加油吧 CarMuseum summerholiday Let stalk 打开书P34 完成书上练习 注意

2、动词过去式哦 Let swrite MikeandLiuTao totheCarMuseum They manycoolcars went saw Let swrite YangLingandHelen They anewfilm wenttothecinema watched Let swrite YangLing SuHaiandSuYang visited Let swrite MissLi abirthdayparty She manyfriends had saw Let swrite TimvisitedhiscousinJimThey playedwithtoycars Let

3、swrite MrGreenwasathome He cleanedhiscar Let swrite Where How Did What When Questionsaboutholiday Let stalk Let stalk Tip 同桌两人以问答的方式去了解对方的假期吧 Let stalk Tip 同桌两人以问答的方式去了解对方的假期吧 Goals 1 Icanaskandanswerquestionswith did and was toknowpeople sholidays Learntowrite deliciousfood greatfuntakesomephotos BeijingGreatWall verylonginJuly buy for MyholidayI fortheholiday I I Let swrite MyholidayI fortheholiday I I Let sshare 2 IcantalkandwriteaboutthethingsIdidfortheholidays Goals HappyNationalDayholiday Homework1 复习第三单元 2 完善短文Myholiday 下节课我们继续交流哦


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