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1、人教PEP五年级英语上册考试卷1Read, choose and write.(读单词,把下列单词分类.)15(1)south _ _ _(2)notebook _ _ _(3)supermarket _ _ _2Read and choose.(请划去划线部分发音不同的单词)8(1)get very seven ear(2)path bag father ask (3)pig big tin ice(4)must nut ruler thus3How do you go to school? .A. By foot. B. By bike. C. walk4Where is your hom

2、e? .A. M y home is near the post office.B. Im at home.C. I live in a city.5See you at 2 oclock. .A. Goodbye. B. Thank you! C. See you then!6_? You can go by the NO. 15 bus.A. Can I go on foot?B. How can I get to Yangming Park?C. Where is the Yangming Park?7Where is the library? .A. Its far from here

3、,B. Thank you1C. Its near the cinema.8Thank you! .A. OK. B. Youre welcome. C. Yes, please.9_? Im going to the zoo.A. Where are you going?B. What are gong to do?C. Where are you?10What are you going to do on the weekend? .A. I am going to the zoo.B. I am fine.C. Im going to visit my parents.11I shoul

4、d walk on the _ side of the road in England.A. right B. left C. both A and B12Yellow light means_.A. go B. stop C. wait13Read and choose.(读对话,根据上下文选择合适的句子,把序号写在横线上)15Sarah: Excuse me. _Jack: You can go by bus.Sarah: _Jack: You can take the NO.9 bus.Sarah: _.Jack: _. You can see the bus stop.Sarah: T

5、hank you very much!Jack:_14Form the sentences.(连词成句)15(1)can get to I hospital how _?(2)is it of the west cinema_.(3)right turn at then straight the go school_.(4)weekend ping-pong to this I am play going_?(5)foot to I go on usually_.15Read and arrange the sentences.(排序)7( )Me too. Lets play togethe

6、r!( )What are you going to do this afternoon?( )I am going at 2 oclock.( )OK. See you at 2 oclock.( )Im going to play basketball.( )Great! When are you going?( )See you then!16Read and answer the questions.(读短文回答问题)15 Hi, Im Bai Ling. Tomorrow is Saturday. Im going to get up at 7:00. Then, Im going

7、to do morning exercise. At 8:30, Im going to do my homework. At 10:00, Im going to visit my grandparents with my sister. It is far. So we are going by bus. Im going to climb mountains with my grandpa in the afternoon. Im going home at about 6:00. then Im going home at about 6:00. then Im going to watch TV. I think I will have a busy Saturday.(1)What day is it tomorrow?_.(2)What is Bai Lin going to do at 8:30?_.(3)What is Bai Lin going to do in the afternoon?_.(4)When is Bai Lin going home?_.(5)Will Bai Lin have a busy Saturday?_.17Write.(仿照上文写写你周末的打算)5Hi, Im _


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