译林牛津版高中英语选修9课件:U3 Reading2

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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 (模块九 高三上学期) Reading 2 板块:教学设计课件 UnitUnit 3 3 National flags, colours and cultures Unit 3 Unit 3 课件描述: 本课件为reading的第二课时, 重点在课文字、词、句型的讲解和掌 握。第一部分复习上节课的内容;第 二部分侧重于语言点的解析;第三部 分在此基础上通过各种练习对学生进 行有针对性的操练。 Outline Revision Language points Practice Revision Questions Whats the motto of the Frenc

2、h Revolution? What do the stars and the stripes of the American flag stand for? Whats the Indonesian national flag like? Liberty, equality and fraternity. The stars stand for the 50 states of the US. The stripes stand for the original 13 states. Its a red band over a white one. Revision (2) Multiple

3、 choice 1 According to the passage, a countrys flag tells you the following information except _. A. a unique identity B. its values and beliefs C. the culture of the country D. its history and future D Revision (2) Multiple choice 2 What was not the result of the French Revolution? A. The French ch

4、ose red, white and blue for their national flag. B. Many of the past ways were abolished. C. The French people won liberation. D. France became a different country. A Revision (2) Multiple choice 3 The “stars and Stripes” is closely related to _. A. the values of America B. the World War II C. the F

5、rench Revolution D. the independence of the USA D Revision (2) Multiple choice 4 Which of the following statements about the Indonesian flag is true? A. The red color stands for courage. B. The white color stands for the spirits. C. The flag is a white band over a red one. D. The colours are linked

6、to food.D Language Points (1) at random at random: 任意地,随意地 random adj. randomly adv. The girl opened a book at random and started reading. Names will be chosen at random from this list. a random selection in a random order The winning numbers are randomly chosen by computer. Language Points (2) salu

7、te salute (verb) 敬礼、致敬 vi. vt. salute (noun) 敬礼 The soldiers stood at attention and saluted. The soldiers stood at attention and saluted the flag. They fired a salute to welcome the President. They all raised their glasses in salute. The officer raised his hand in salute. Language Points (3) object

8、(verb) 反对 to feel or say that you oppose or disapprove of sth. object to sth./doing sth. If no one objects, well carry out the project as planned. Ill take care of it, unless you object. I strongly object to the terms of the contract! I object to paying so much for a car like that. Language Points (

9、4) compromise vi. 妥协,互让 * compromise with sb. * compromise on sth. n. 妥协 Never compromise with the terrorists! They were unwilling to compromise with boss. We simply cannot compromise on this matter. Are you going to compromise with me on this issue? reach a compromise Be prepared to make compromise

10、s. Language Points (5) date date (verb) date back to date from The castle dates back to 1887. This custom dates back to the 17th century. The church dates from the 13th century. Her interest in stamp collection dates from her childhood. Practice 1Pair work 1. fundamental 2. purity 3. station 4. subs

11、titute 5. abolish 6. outspoken A. replace, take the place of B. the most basic and important C. saying exactly what one thinks, even if other people do not like it D. to officially end a law, system, practice, etc E. the quality or state of being pure F. to send sb. to work in a place for some time

12、B E F A D C Practice 2 Complete the following table: nounverbadjective liberation- -equal -honest -similar pure separation object- symbol compromise- Practice 2 Check the answers: nounverbadjective liberationliberate- equality-equal honesty-honest similarity-similar puritypurifypure separationsepara

13、teseparate objectionobject- symbolsymbolizesymbolic compromisecompromise- Practice 3 Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 老师随便选了八个同学。 The teacher picked eight students _. 2. 越来越多的人用布口袋来替代塑料口袋。 More and more people _ ones made of cloth. 3. 你的生意如果能由这些原则所引导,将会取得成功。 _, your business will b

14、e a success. 4. 他们当中的一半人反对废除原来的做法。 Half of them _ their past ways. at random substitute plastic bags with/for Guided by these principles objected to abolishing Practice 3 Translate the following sentences into English: 5. 这个节日可以追溯到一千年前。 This festival can _ 1000 years ago. 6. 这次改革导致了全国的一些根本性的改变。 This

15、 reform _ throughout the country. 7. 医疗队由来自不同医院的20位医生和护士组成。 The medical team _twenty doctors and nurses from various hospitals. 8. 她面对威胁,拒不低头。 She refused to _. date back to led to some fundamental changes is made up of submit to threats Homework Go over what we have learned today. Finish Ex. E on P37. Thank you



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