五年级上册英语试题Module 1 牛津上海版

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《五年级上册英语试题Module 1 牛津上海版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级上册英语试题Module 1 牛津上海版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1一.汉译英.1、将来,未来 _2、想要_3、飞行员_4、教(课)_5、厨师,烹饪_6、出租车司机_7、工作,职业_8、歌手_9、掉落_10、救生员_11、 救助,节约_13,擅长_ 14. 想成为_ 15. 想去做_ 16. 害怕做_ 17. 喜欢做_ 12变成,变得_二. 请默写Unit 1 Listen and say P2 对话内容。What do you _ , children?1. I want to be a _. I want to fly _ in the sky.2. I want to be a _ . I want to help people.3. I w

2、ant to be a teacher. I want to _ in a school. 4. I want to be a _. I want to _ nice food.三。看图写出对应的职业名词,并选择一幅图看图写出三句与图片相关的话。 _ _ _ _ _ _Unit 2一.汉译英. 1、靠近 _2、走,步行 _3、女士 _4、旅程,旅行 _5、小学 _6、地铁 _7、车站 _8、乘坐,带领 _9、在后 _10、小时 _11、公共汽车站 _12、乘公共汽车_13、离远 _14、步行 _15、骑自行车 _16、乘小汽车_17、下车 _18、走路去 _二. 汉译英1、 Jill: Joe

3、,你是怎样来学校的? Joe:我是坐公交车来学校的,我家离学校很远。 _2、 Jill:Alice,你是怎样来学校的? Alice: 我是走路来学校的,我家住在学校附近。_3、 Ms Guo 是幸福小学的一名教师。她住在Green Street 上。_ _Unit 3 一.汉译英. 1、 聚会 _2、 什么时候 _3、 开始 _4、 带来 _5、 东西,事物_6、 最喜欢的_7、 有趣的 _8、 帽子 _9、 尽情玩 _10. 九月26号_11. 听起来有趣_12. 迫不及待 _二. 请默写Unit 3 Listen and say P14对话内容。1. Can you come to my

4、_ party, Joe?Sure. _ is your birthday?2. Its _ the 26th of _.3. _ does the party begin? It begins _ two oclock in the_.4. OK. Can you _ some orange things to the party? Its _ “orange party.” Orange is my _ colour.5. An “orange party”? That sounds _. I cant _.三。先填表格,然后根据表格信息写一篇50字左右的文章介绍自己。Name Age B

5、irthday Favourite food Favourite season Favourite sport Favourite colour Dream job_ 五上模块一作文例文背记过关作业,请同学们认真背记过关。姓名_班级_背记等级评价_第一单元:例1. Hello. My name is Peter. I am 11 years old. I am tall and strong. I have short black hair. I can play basketball and football. I am good at running. I like PE very muc

6、h. I like doing sport. I want to be a pilot in the future. I want to fly a plane in the sky. 例2. Peter is 10 years old. He is tall and strong. He has short black hair. He is good at swimming. He likes doing sport. He wants to be a pilot in the future. He wants to fly a plane in the sky. He is my goo

7、d friend.第二单元:Hello. My name is Peter. I am a student at Sanlianyongheng School. I live on Sanlian Street. I want to go to Shenzhen Library this Saturday with parents. My home is far from the library, so we can go there by car. We want to read some interesting books. We want to have some nice food n

8、ear the library. We will be happy. 第三单元Hi! I am Ann. I am 11 years old. My birthday is on the 25th of September. I want to have a “blue” party. Blue is my favourite colour. The party begins at one oclock in the afternoon. We can have some nice food and drinks. We can share a big birthday cake. We can eat some pies,



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