X档案第七季The XFiles中英剧本

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1、X档案第七季The XFiles中英剧本第一集西非象牙海岸我来寻找我相信 I came in search of something不存在的东西 I did not believe existed.我鬼使神差地在这里 Ive stayed on now in spite of myself,尽管和我以前相信的东西相悖 in spite of everything Ive ever held to be true.我还尽可能继续在这里 I will continue here as long as I can.只要你还被疾病缠着 as long as you are beset by the h

2、aunting illness.它吞噬着你美丽的心灵 which I saw consume your beautiful mind.我发现了什么 What is this discovery Ive made?我如何调和我所知道和我所看到的 How can I reconcile what I see with what I know?我感觉不是我找到了 I feel this was meant not for me to find,而是你让它合理 but for you to make sense of.让其中的联系不可忽视 make the connections which cant

3、 be ignored.这些联系对我而言 是不符合所有逻辑和因果的 Connections which, for me, deny all logic and reason.我手中的拓版里的能量 What is this source of power I hold in my hand.是什么 this rubbing?只是从船的表面上弄下来的简单图像吗 This simple impression taken from the surface of the craft?我看这拓版对你的影响 I watched this rubbing take its undeniable hold on

4、 you.你向它螺旋式的效应屈服 saw you succumb to its spiraling effect.我现在必须解开 Now, I must work to uncover.疾病阻止你发现的事 what your illness prevents you from finding.所有疾病的源头和治疗方法 In the source of every illness lies its cure.谁 Whos there?谁 Whos there?他安静36小时了 Hes been quiet for the last 36 hours.但他没有睡觉 But he doesnt sl

5、eep.他颞叶的活跃 Theres activity in the temporal lobe.是我们从没见过 weve just never seen.他大脑并没休息 It wont allow his brain to rest or shut down,会表现出攻击性 manifesting in episodes of aggression.有时与自己作对 Sometimes against himself.不能使他平静吗 不能 You cant sedate him? Yes.我们可暂时让他安静 We slow him down for short periods把他放进神经病房 a

6、nd put him in the neuro ward.这是唯一测试他的方法 Its the only way were able to run tests.但过一段时间 But over time,他的大脑会死 his brain is going to just die.穆德探员 Agent Mulder?穆德探员 能听见我说吗 Agent Mulder, can you hear me?认识我吗 Do you know who I am?我是史基纳 沃特史基纳 Its Skinner. Walter Skinner.能让他出去吗 Can we get him out of here?至

7、少让他出去吸点新鲜空气 Get him some fresh air, at least?放开他 他不能呼吸 Let him go! He cant breathe!在哪 放开 穆德 我不想伤害我 Where? Let go, Mulder. I dont want to hurt you.放开他 Come on. Let him go.别动 史基纳先生 Stay there, Mr. Skinner.没事 让我起来 No, its all right. Just let me get up.注射5毫克氟哌啶醇 Five milligrams of haloperidol, I.M.我要他五级

8、限制 I want him in fivepoint restraints.是的 先生 Yes, sir.西非象牙海岸土著语天呀 My God.这是怎么啦 What happened here?他们说你讲英语 They said you speak English.有事吗 对不起 What do you want? Im sorry.你一定在想我是谁 我叫阿米娜姬比 You must wonder who I am. Im Amina Ngebe.来看你的发现 I have come to see your discovery.我说过不能让人知道 也没告诉人我在这 I asked that n

9、o one be told about it, nor that Im here.是的 还是一个秘密 Yes, well, it is still a secret,但对于一个灵通人士来说 可不是秘密 but a wellknown one, Im afraid.迈克马伦博士称作“非洲网络” 让他安息吧 Dr. Merkmallen called it the African internet. God rest him.你认识迈克马伦博士吗 You knew Dr. Merkmallen?我也是大学的生物教授 I, too, am a professor of biology at the

10、university.但没人说得清 But, uh, hardly one qualified to say这里发生何事 what must have gone on here.我昨晚挑灯工作很晚 Well, I was working late last night by lamplight,看见一个人消失了 and, uh, I saw a man who vanished.然后虫子一拥而上 And then they just swarmed.你一定不会让人知道 You must not let the men know.你昨晚发生什么事 what happened to you las

11、t night.消失者 不想让人知道 The vanishing man, none of it.为何 Why?他们是万物有灵论者 They are animists,相信大自然会报复的 believing nature is vengeful.他们让你看到的东西 Theyll take this as a sign to leave作为一个信号 what you have found alone.不好的预兆 是那儿的船造成 A bad omen. Caused by the ship out there?是上帝 Mmm. Caused by God,不会帮助那些人 who will be m

12、uch less helpful than those men.要是我们还做下去 if we are to continue this work.救命水是开水快 得送他入医院 Quick! Hes gotta get to a hospital!医院 Hospital!快 Okay!看到了吗 另一个警告 You see? Another warning.乔治顿纪念医院穆德探员 Agent Mulder?我想帮你 I want to help you.我不知道怎么办 我时间不多了 I dont know what to do. I dont have much time.能写吗 Can you

13、write?我在这里每次失败 I feel you slipping away from me都感觉你会离开我 with every minute I fail here.那些我不明白的意思是什么了 What are the elusive meanings I cannot see.这里有什么秘密 that are hidden here?要是能理解 就知道对你影响多大 If I could understand it, know how it affected you,利用能量救你 learn how to use its power to save you.怎么了 What is it?

14、对不起 我不懂你讲什么 Look, Im sorry. I dont speak your language.你也许要个翻译 Perhaps you need an interpreter?走开点 Stay away from me!你在我司机面前砍我吗 Are you gonna hack me up in front of my driver?你想这么做吗 Word is youre under suspicion already.你是凶手 Youre the murderer here!杀谁 Murderer of who?迈克马伦博士 Dr. Merkmallen.我没杀人 我不会离开

15、这里 I murdered no one. But I wont be sent away from here.我知道这里的情况 I know what weve got.到岸的船是外部空间的 This craft thats come ashore, its extraterrestrial origins.你自己都不相信 You dont even believe in that.你也一样 但我们还不是来了吗 Nor do you, but here we are.我来这里是帮我拍档 Im here only to help my partner.让我来帮你 Then let me help you.看看 to read it.我花了一生时间在寻找 Ive spent my life looking for whats out there.答案被神学家 The answer to what theologians思考了千年 have pondered for millennia.一切的关键 是生命本身 The key to everything. to


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