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1、新疆医科大学 硕士学位论文 新疆某高等医学院校教师师德现状及机制研究 姓名:张涛 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:社会医学与卫生事业管理 指导教师:林炜;刘金宝 2010-04 摘 要 摘 要 1 新疆某高等医学院校教师师德现状及机制研究 新疆某高等医学院校教师师德现状及机制研究 研究生:张涛 指导教师:林炜教授 刘金宝教授 摘摘 要要 目的:目的: (1)通过对新疆某高等医学院校教师(包括临床带教教师)进行问卷调 查与分析,全面了解该医学院校教师师德现状及存在的问题,并有针对性地进行分 析论证,为该校教师师德建设提供有益对策与建议。 (2)通过文献查阅法及访谈法, 结合该医学院校教师师德现状调查的

2、基本情况,建立健全该医学院校师德建设的机 制及运行机制。方法:方法:采用文献调研、问卷调查及个人访谈等方法,以该医学院校 教师(包括临床带教教师)为研究对象,从基本情况、教师师德现状、师德修养、 师德培训、师德评价及对当前师德问题的看法和态度等方面进行深入研究分析。结 果: 结 果: (1)通过对调查数据统计分析,该校教师对该校师德现状的整体评价总体上良 好的,广大教师都能遵守职业道德,爱岗敬业,教书育人,为人师表,展现出良好 的道德风貌; (2)该校部分教师存在着育人意识不高、敬业精神不强、创新精神不 强、领导重视不够等问题; (3)该校师德建设机制不健全,存在着对师德培训不投 入不足、 师

3、德考核评价制度不健全且缺乏有效的师德建设运行机制等问题。 结论:结论:(1) 通过营造师德建设氛围,为学校师德建设创造良好的环境,学校领导要重视学校师 德建设,加强学校师德建设的积极性、主动性,确保学校充分发挥培养人才、引领 潮流、服务社会的功能; (2)加强教师师德培训工作,增强教师育人意识,不断提 高教师的业务能力和自身的道德品质,勇于创新,团结协作,努力推进学校的师德 持续健康发展; (3)结合该医学院校实际情况,建立健全该医学院校师德建设的领 导机制、教育培训机制、激励机制、约束机制、监督机制、考核评价机制六位一体 的长效机制; (4)借鉴 PDCA 循环思想来构建该校师德建设机制的运

4、行机制,保证 该医学院院校教师师德不断地向好的方向发展。 关键词:关键词:医学院校,教师职业道德,师德,机制 新疆医科大学医学硕士学位论文 新疆医科大学医学硕士学位论文 2 A Study on the Current Situation and Mechanism of Teachers Professional Morality in a Xinjiang Medical University Postgraduate: Zhang Tao Supervisor:Prof. Linwei Liu Jinbao Abstract Purpose: (1)By questioners and

5、analysis of teachers in a medical university, this study tries to have a thorough understanding of current situation and existing problems of teachers professional morality construction in a medical university .And through detailed analysis and discussion ,it aims to provide significant strategies a

6、nd suggestions for the construction of teachers professional morality . (2) Literature review and interview are used in to this study. Meanwhile, according to the current situation of teachers professional morality construction in this medical university, it tries to build a sound long -term and ope

7、ration mechanism with the combination of leader mechanism, education training mechanism, inspiration mechanism, regulation mechanism, monitoring mechanism and evaluation mechanism. Method: Literature research, questioners, and personal interview are used to give an in depth research analysis in the

8、aspect of current situation of professional morality, the professional morality, the training of professional morality, the evaluation of professional morality, and the views on the present teachers professional morality. The research subjects are the professional teachers in medical university.Resu

9、lt :(1) Through data analysis , the teachers general evaluation of the professional morality construction in this school is not bad, and the general trend is good which indicates most teachers could follow the professional principle, love teaching, educate students, set good examples for students. A

10、ll of these show the good morality image; (2)Some of teachers in this school have some problems, for instance, they have some weakness in educating students, loving the position, creating spirits. And the school leaders fail to pay more attention.(3) The teachers professional morality construction i

11、n this school exists some limitations in the training of teachers professional morality, and the evaluation system of teachers professional morality. Conclusion: In order to create teachers professional morality construction atmosphere, the leaders in this school should pay attention to the construc

12、tion of Abstract Abstract 3 teachers professional morality, strengthen the positiveness、activeness of teachers professional morality construction and make sure the school could be functioned as educating talents, leading the education trend, and serving for the society.(2) This school should emphasi

13、s the training work of teachers professional morality, strengthen the awareness of education, improve teachers professional ability and morality quality, be creative, have team spirit and try to push the sustainable development of teachers professional morality in school.(3)Combing the practical sit

14、uation of this medical university, this school should build a sound leader mechanism , education training mechanism, inspiration mechanism, regulation mechanism, monitoring mechanism and evaluation mechanism.(4) The PDCA recycled mind is used to construct the long proficient operation mechanism, and

15、 to ensure the sustainable good development of teachers professional morality construction in medical school. Key words: medical university, teachers professional morality, teachers morality, mechanism 论文独创性说明 本人申明所呈交的学位论文是在我个人在导师的指导下进行的研 究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢 的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。与我

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