2020年中考英语书面表达万能模板万能模板09 日记

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《2020年中考英语书面表达万能模板万能模板09 日记》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年中考英语书面表达万能模板万能模板09 日记(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. 体裁解读日记常用来记述一天中所发生的重要的或有趣的事情,也可以用来叙述自己当天触景而发的感受等。日记的主要体裁通常是记叙文或简单的议论文。2. 写作攻略英文日记通常由书端和正文两部分组成。书端是专门记载写日记的日期及天气状况的。正文的格式与其他文章相近,一般缩进4个字母,也可以顶格写。由于日记所写的事件都是发生过的事情,所以日记通常用一般过去时。因为日记多为记叙自己的亲身经历或抒发自己的感想,所以一般用第一人称。写日记的时候一般遵循以下步骤:第一步:介绍事件:第二步:具体阐述事情经过,补充细节;第三步:表达感想或总结该事件的意义。写日记要注意以下几点: 1. 日记的第一行要写清日期、星期

2、和天气状况。日期和星期写在正文的左上角,月份与星期可以缩写。天气状况写在正文的右上角。如果是游记,还可以写明地点。 2. 日记通常使用过去时记录所发生的事件。若为议论、抒情或描述景物和人,为了生动,也可以使用一般现在时。 3. 日记的正文可以是叙事、描写、说明或议论等形式,且通常用第一人称。 4. 日记虽然是记录事件,但应该适当加一些个人感悟,写出亮点。我们以【2018年四川成都市】为例: 假如你是图中女孩,你与家人于4月29日共度周日。请根据图中所示写一篇英文日记,讲述你当天所见和所做之事。注意:1.日记应包含图中所有信息2.日记中须写出当天的一些感受3.日记应格式正确,语句通顺,句式多样4

3、词数:100左右。参考词汇:城堡 castle螃蟹crab【答案】Sunny Sunday,April 29(th)Today I had a good time with my parents on the beach It was so fine that I could see the rising sun and flying sea birds. a boat sailed itself in the distance. What a beautiful scene! Dressed in swimming suit, I swam in the blue and clear sea

4、. Then, I played volleyball with my parents. Finally, I managed to make a sand castle with tools. It looked so true to life that a crab even wanted to live in it.What a pleasant day! I not only got close to nature but also shared happiness with my family.写作模板介绍今天是什么日子,引出事件Day of the week Date Weathe

5、rToday is _. I did some meaningful things _.详细描写了今天所做的事情In the morning, I _(事件一). In the afternoon, I _(事件二). After that, I _(事件三).表达感想What a warm and meaningful day! I will never forget the memorable day! / Although I was very tired, I felt very happy because _.【模板范文】Sunday May 10th FineToday is Mo

6、thers Day. I did some meaningful things to show my love to my mother. In the morning, I bought my mother some flowers with my pocket money. In the afternoon, I went shopping and then cooked a delicious dinner for my family. After that, I gave mother the card made by myself and said Happy Mothers Day

7、 to her. I told her I would study hard and never let her down. Hearing this, my mother was moved to tears.What a warm and meaningful day! I will never forget the memorable day!亮点词汇搭配1. 表示天气fine adj. 晴朗的cloudy adj. 多云的snowy adj.下雪的rainy adj. 下雨的windy adj. 有风的hail n. 冰雹2. 抒发感想moved adj. 感动的enjoy onese

8、lf 玩得高兴memorable adj. 值得纪念的 meaningful adj. 有意义的worry about 担忧delicious adj. 美味的3. 其他finish v. 完成classmate n. 同学voluntary adj. 志愿的,义务的although conj. 虽然经典句子背诵: 开头句 1. It was a fine/nice day. 天气晴朗。2. Today is. 今天是3. I went to the park to. 我去公园4. We decided to go out for a picnic today. 我们决定今天出去野餐。5. M

9、y classmates and I went to the park to do some voluntary work. 我和我们班的同学去公园做义务劳动。 中间句 1. First we were divided into three groups and then began working. 我们首先分成了三个组,然后开始工作。2. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter and cleaning benches. 第二组的同学收集垃圾和清理长凳。3. Group Three wiped all the equipment i

10、n the park. 第三组的同学擦洗公园里所有的设施。结尾句 1. I had a good time today. / I enjoyed myself today. 我今天玩得很高兴。2. I will never forget it. 我永远不会忘记这件事。3. What a warm and meaningful day! 这是多么温馨而又富有意义的一天!4. I will never forget the memorable day! 我永远不会忘记这难忘的一天!5. Although everyone was very tired, we felt very happy bec

11、ause we had done a meaningful job. 虽然大家都很累,但我们很开心,因为我们做了一件有意义的工作。(一)【2018年浙江宁波市中考】今年5月11日,你校组织了一次社会实践活动,部分学生选择去了红星农场(见导图一),其余学生选择去了科技博物馆(见导图二)。请根据你所选择的实践活动写一篇英语日记,记录当天的经历和感受。 导图一 导图二注意:(1)日记必须包括你所选择导图的所有要点,并适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;(3)词数:80 -100。日记格式及首句己给出,不计入总词数。Friday, May 11thToday I had a school t

12、rip. _ 【满分作文一】Friday. May 11thToday I had a school trip. The weather was fine. My classmates and I set off to Hongxing Farm by bus early in the morning.The minute we arrived, we took a walk around the farm. Then we fed the chickens. When I threw some food to them, they ran over to me with excitement

13、 and some of them even walked into their friends. The most exciting thing was that we picked strawberries after lunch. While we were picking, we ate a lot. How sweet they were!I had a wonderful time today! I do hope to go there again in the near future!(98 words)【满分作文二】Friday, May 11thToday I had a school trip. The weather was fine. My classmates and I set off to the Science



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