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1、. . . . .济川中学初一英语单元测试(7A Unit5)班级_姓名_第一部分 选择题(55分)一听力(20分) A听对话,选择合适的图画或答案,每段对话听两遍。 电器商场 图书馆 超市( ) 5 How does Kitty go to school? A On foot. B By bike. C By bus.( ) 6 How many students are there in the girls class? A 20. B 45. C 25.( ) 7 How long does the girl do homework every day? A An hour. B Hal

2、f an hour. C Two hours.( ) 8 Who is the boy waiting for? A His bother. B His teacher. C His classmate.( ) 9 Whose football is under the chair? A Daniels. B Simons. C Toms.( )10 Whats the date today? A March 8. B May 1. C January 1.B根据所听到的对话或短文选择正确答案。每段材料听两遍 听下面一段对话,回答第1112题( ) 11 Which month is it n

3、ow? A September. B October. C November.( ) 12 How is the man going to Xian? A By train. B By boat. C By plane. 听第一篇短文,从第1315题选择正确答案,完成信息记录表Amys familyFather: a 13 , tall and strong with a big noseMother: a teacher in a middle school with 14 hairSister: 16 years old with short hair and a pair of 15 (

4、 ) 13 A worker B doctor C driver( ) 14 A brown B long C black( ) 15 A glasses B jeans C gloves 听第二篇短文,回答第1620题( ) 16 My friend Steve is_years old now. A 14 B 40 C 15( ) 17 He likes_of all the subjects best. A English B Chinese C Science( ) 18 His_goes swimming with him at weekends. A mother B father

5、 C brother( ) 19 He doesnt like chess because it is_for him. A interesting B hard C easy( ) 20 We often_each other. A call B write emails to C visit二选择题(15分)( )21. Can you help me_ who broke(打破) the window? A. look for B. find C. find out D. watch( )22. Excuse me,_ do you say that in English? A. how

6、 B. who C. where D. what ( )23._ coat do you like best,Nancy? The yellow one. A. Who B. Which C. Whose D. What ( )24. .-_ will you stay there?-For about a month.A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How much( )25. Which sound (发音)is different from the others? A. ear B. bear C. near D. hear ( )26.

7、Which is your teacher? The one_ glasses over her eyes is. A. wears B. wear C. with D. has ( )27. John is new in New York. He has _ friends there. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( )28.It is _ interesting work , I like it very much. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )29. I made a lantern_ an orange today

8、. Its for my son. A. into B. out of C. without D. with for( )30. Im going to Hainan Island(岛) for a holiday. _. A. Have a good time B. Youre right C. Its good D. Good-bye ( )31.SShe was born _ the evening _ May 8. A. in, in B. on ,on C. on, at D. in ,on ( )32. Look! The girl is dressing up _ an old

9、woman _ a black coat.A. as, in B. as, of C. in, as D. in, of ( )33.How does your father go to work? He usually goes to work _. A. on bus B. by a bus C. on a bus D. take a bus( )34. What do you have _ breakfast? What do you do _ breakfast? A. in, for B. for, for C. for, at D. for, on( )35. I _ any wa

10、ter _ bread in the fridge. A. dont have; and B. have, and C. dont have; or D. am not have; or三完形填空(10分)The Spring Festival is the Chinese 36 .It usually comes in January or February. Everyone in China 37 the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival 38 , Simon usually helps his parents 39

11、their house and do some shopping and other 40. 41 that day, everyone in China eats dumplings, New Years cakes and some 42 delicious food. Simon likes New Years cakes, but Sandy says dumplings are 43 than ( 比 ) New Years cakes. The Chinese people eat New Years cakes and dumplings 44 their houses. 45 happy they are!( )36.A. New Years DayB. Teachers Day C. Childrens DayD. Mid-Autumn Day( )37.A. thanksB. callsC. looksD. likes( )38.



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