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1、l 第一章:日志管理1.forcing log switchessql alter system switch logfile;2.forcing checkpointssql alter system checkpoint;3.adding online redo log groupssql alter database add logfile group 4sql (/disk3/log4a.rdo,/disk4/log4b.rdo) size 1m;4.adding online redo log memberssql alter database add logfile members

2、ql /disk3/log1b.rdo to group 1,sql /disk4/log2b.rdo to group 2;5.changes the name of the online redo logfilesql alter database rename file c:/oracle/oradata/oradb/redo01.logsql to c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log;6.drop online redo log groupssql alter database drop logfile group 3;7.drop online redo log

3、 memberssql alter database drop logfile member c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log;8.clearing online redo log filessql alter database clear unarchived logfile c:/oracle/log2a.rdo;9.using logminer analyzing redo logfilesa. in the init.ora specify utl_file_dir = b. sql execute dbms_logmnr_d.build(oradb.ora,c

4、:oracleoradblog);c. sql execute dbms_logmnr_add_logfile(c:oracleoradataoradbredo01.log,sql dbms_logmnr.new);d. sql execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(c:oracleoradataoradbredo02.log,sql dbms_logmnr.addfile);e. sql execute dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(dictfilename=c:oracleoradblogoradb.ora);f. sql select * f

5、rom v$logmnr_contents(v$logmnr_dictionary,v$logmnr_parameterssql v$logmnr_logs);g. sql execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr;l 第二章:表空间管理1.create tablespacessql create tablespace tablespace_name datafile c:oracleoradatafile1.dbf size 100m,sql c:oracleoradatafile2.dbf size 100m minimum extent 550k logging/no

6、loggingsql default storage (initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500 pctinccease 0)sql online/offline permanent/temporary extent_management_clause2.locally managed tablespacesql create tablespace user_data datafile c:oracleoradatauser_data01.dbfsql size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;3.t

7、emporary tablespacesql create temporary tablespace temp tempfile c:oracleoradatatemp01.dbfsql size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;4.change the storage settingsql alter tablespace app_data minimum extent 2m;sql alter tablespace app_data default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 999

8、);5.taking tablespace offline or onlinesql alter tablespace app_data offline;sql alter tablespace app_data online;6.read_only tablespacesql alter tablespace app_data read only|write;7.droping tablespacesql drop tablespace app_data including contents;8.enableing automatic extension of data filessql a

9、lter tablespace app_data add datafile c:oracleoradataapp_data01.dbf size 200msql autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500m;9.change the size fo data files manuallysql alter database datafile c:oracleoradataapp_data.dbf resize 200m;10.Moving data files: alter tablespacesql alter tablespace app_data rename

10、datafile c:oracleoradataapp_data.dbfsql to c:oracleapp_data.dbf;11.moving data files:alter databasesql alter database rename file c:oracleoradataapp_data.dbfsql to c:oracleapp_data.dbf;l 第三章:表1.create a tablesql create table table_name (column datatype,column datatype.)sql tablespace tablespace_name

11、 pctfree integer pctused integersql initrans integer maxtrans integersql storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50)sql logging|nologging cache|nocache2.copy an existing tablesql create table table_name logging|nologging as subquery3.create temporary tablesql create global temporary

12、table xay_temp as select * from xay;on commit preserve rows/on commit delete rows4.pctfree = (average row size - initial row size) *100 /average row sizepctused = 100-pctfree- (average row size*100/available data space)5.change storage and block utilization parametersql alter table table_name pctfre

13、e=30 pctused=50 storage(next 500ksql minextents 2 maxextents 100);6.manually allocating extentssql alter table table_name allocate extent(size 500k datafile c:/oracle/data.dbf);7.move tablespacesql alter table employee move tablespace users;8.deallocate of unused spacesql alter table table_name deal

14、locate unused keep integer9.truncate a tablesql truncate table table_name;10.drop a tablesql drop table table_name cascade constraints;11.drop a columnsql alter table table_name drop column comments cascade constraints checkpoint 1000;alter table table_name drop columns continue;12.mark a column as unusedsql alter table table_name set unused column comments cascade constraints;alter table table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000;alter table orders drop columns cont


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