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1、【北京语言大学】19秋英语商务通论作业_4试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,In each partnership, however, there must be at least _ general partner(s).A、oneB、twoC、threeD、four正确答案:A第2题,_is the function or process in which the management gathers information, compares actual performance with expected results, and takes necessary measures

2、to correct significant deviations.A、ControllingB、LeadingC、OrganizingD、Planning正确答案:A第3题,Sales volume or market share is the major concern for _.A、profit-oriented objectivesB、sales-oriented objectivesC、follow-the-leader objectivesD、quality-oriented objectives正确答案:B第4题,_are typically found in business

3、es such as law firms, accounting firms, and dental clinics which provide professional services in specialized areas. Insurance firms.A、PartnershipsB、sole proprietorshipC、corporationD、franchising正确答案:A第5题,Dividing a market into segments according to customers needs, wants and interest is called _.A、c

4、hannels of distributionB、market segmentationC、the marketing mixD、uniform specifications正确答案:B第6题,_ refers to laws created by decree of government agencies and therefore is also called administrative law.A、common lawB、statutory law C、regulatory lawD、special law正确答案:C第7题,A _ is a business enterprise w

5、ith both foreign and local investment.A、joint ventureB、completely foreign-owned enterpriseC、branch officeD、sole proprietorship正确答案:A第8题,_is written by the appraiser in the form of an essay about his or her general impressions of the employees.A、rating scaleB、employee comparisonC、freeform essayD、crit

6、ical-event essay正确答案:C第9题,Some members of a partnership may be very active in the management of the firm and therefore take unlimited liability.They are referred to as _.A、general partners B、 limited partnersC、 long partnersD、unlimited partners正确答案:A第10题,The combination of the promotional tools is c

7、alled_.A、the promotion mixB、the double-edge swordC、 the marketing mixD、the white elephant正确答案:A第11题,Franchising is a licensing agreement, under which the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to sell or use the formers product, service or method in return for a royalty from the latter.、对、错正确答案:

8、第12题,M-1 includes the most liquid (spendable) forms of money: currency, demand deposits, and other “checkable” deposits. 、对、错正确答案:第13题,Authority and responsibility must match, because authority with no responsibility attached often leads to abuses; on the other hand, no one should be held responsibl

9、e for something over which he or she has no authority.、对、错正确答案:第14题,The disadvantages of on-the-job method include additional costs of such classrooms and the lack of realism which is important for certain types of jobs(e.g. air stewardess, salesperson).、对、错正确答案:第15题,A corporation is defined as“an a

10、ssociation of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit.”、对、错正确答案:第16题,For operational and supervisory managers, technical skills are more important because they are the persons who use such skills most often.、对、错正确答案:第17题,Departmentalization is a process in job design wh

11、ereby a firms overall job is broken down into smaller parts.、对、错正确答案:第18题,Self-actualization needs include the need for status and recognition, as well as the need for self-respect.、对、错正确答案:第19题,A franchising is a business owned and controlled by one person.、对、错正确答案:第20题,A negotiable instrument is any form of business paper used in place of cash to facilitate business transactions.、对、错正确答案:


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