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1、大学英语B网考模拟试卷及参考答案2第一部分 交际英语此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 1. Here we are, sir, Tianan Men Square. _ A. Where is it? B. You are tired. C. Thank you. D. Terrific! I finally get to see the real Tianan Men. 正确答案:D题目解析:译文:我们到天安门广场了,先生。解析:答案A这在哪儿。 答案B你太累了。 答案C谢谢。 答案D太棒了

2、,我终于看到真正的天安门了。正确答案选D。2. What would you like to drink? _ A. Ill have a Coke, please. B. Thank you. C. Soft drink. D. I dont like drink. 正确答案:A题目解析:译文:你想喝什么?解析:答案A我想要一杯咖啡。 答案B谢谢。 答案C苏打水。 答案D我不喜欢饮料。正确答案选A。3. _ Next Saturday. A. What is your ideal? B. When will your holidays begin? C. Where will you wan

3、t to spend your holiday? D. When is it now? 正确答案:B题目解析:译文:下周六。解析:答案A你的建议是什么? 答案B你的假日什么时候开始? 答案C你想到哪儿去度假? 答案C现在是什么时候了?正确答案选B。4. Li: Hello. I m ringing about the flat advertised in todays STAR. _Mrs. Green: Yes, it is. Two or three people have rung up about it, but nobodys been to see it yet. A. Is it

4、 still available? B. Is it still empty? C. Is it still free? D. Is it still blank? 正确答案:A题目解析:译文:李:你好,请问在今日之星杂志上面登广告的那个公寓,?格林女士:是的,还有,两三个人已经打电话询问它了,但是还没有人来看。解析:A它还是可用的吗?B它仍然空的吗?C它还是免费的吗?D它仍然空白的吗?更据题意只有A符合题意。5. Excuse me,how much is the jacket? Its 499 Yuan._ A. Oh, no, Thats ok! B. How do you like i

5、t? C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 正确答案:D题目解析:这是售货员的推销用语,问顾客要不要试穿一下。第二部分 阅读理解此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do you know who Benjamin Banneker was and what he did?Benjamin Banneker was a self-educated scientist at a time when most African Am

6、ericans were slaves. Born a free black man in the British Colony of Maryland in 1731, he received some formal education, but he mostly borrowed books and taught himself science and mathematics. At 22, he borrowed a pocket watch, and without any training, figured out how to carve a working wooden clo

7、ck that chimed each hour. Because of this clock, he became well known and people would visit him just to see his creation. Banneker ran his family farm for many years, but when he was in his late 50s, a neighbors son lent him a telescope. He became interested in astronomy, the study of the planets a

8、nd stars, and again taught himself a new science. He made calculations of tides, sunrises and sunsets, and even predicted an eclipse. For several years he published an almanac of these calculations. Today, he is best known for publishing six almanacs, called Benjamin Bannekers Almanac between 1792 a

9、nd 1797. In the 1790s, Banneker also helped survey and lay out the land for Washington, D.C., which became the nations capital. For a look at Bannekers amazing life, visit the Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum in Ellicott, City, Maryland.6. What was the status of most African-Americans at B

10、annekers time? A. Most African Americans could have formal education. B. Most African Americans could be self-educated. C. Most African Americans had freedom. D. Most African Americans were slaves. 正确答案:D题目解析:由文章第二段第一句话可以看出在Benjamin Banneker成为科学家的时候大多数非洲美国人还是奴隶。正确答案选D。7. What subjects did Benjamin t

11、each himself? A. Science and mathematics. B. Science, mathematics and astronomy. C. Astronomy only. D. Six Almanac. 正确答案:B题目解析:由文章第二段“taught himself science and mathematics”可以看出他教自己数学和科学,但是在成家之后“He became interested in astronomy”,他的兴趣又转向了天文学,而且又是自学,正确答案选B。8. He became famous at the age of 22 because

12、 of _. . A. a watch B. a telescope C. a book D. a clock 正确答案:D题目解析:由文章第二段可以看出本杰明在他22岁的时候闻名是因为他发明了钟,正确答案选D。9. The word almanac(Line4,para3) probably means _. . A. a book B. an object C. a survey D. a diary 正确答案:A题目解析: “almanac”中文意思为历书,年鉴,即为中国日历的意思。正确答案选A。10. Which of Mr. Bannekers works is best known

13、? A. Eclipse prediction. B. Helping surveying the capital. C. Benjamin Banneker. D. A wooden clock. 正确答案:C题目解析:由:“Today, he is best known for publishing six almanacs, called Benjamin Bannekers Almanac”可以看出本杰明闻名是由于他发明了年鉴,正确答案选C。 Early in the 16th century men were trying to reach Asia by traveling wes

14、t from Europe. In order to find Asia they had to find a way past South America. The man who eventually found the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific was Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan sailed from Seville in August 1519 with five ships and about 280 men. Fourteen months later, after spending the severe winter on the coast of Patagonia(巴塔哥尼亚), he discovered the channel which is now called Magellans Strait. In November 1520, after many months of dangers from rocks and storms, the three remaining ships entered the ocean on the other side of


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