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1、3 两岸人民交流合作先行先试区域。An advance area of cross-strait exchange and cooperation 服务周边地区发展新的对外开放综合通道。A new and integrative reform and opening-up channel serving the development of peripheral regions. 东部沿海地区先进制造业的重要基地。A key manufacturing base in coastal areas of East China 我国重要的自然和文化旅游中心。An important natural

2、 and cultural tourist center of China4国民经济的战略性支柱产业strategic industry of the national economy. 人民群众更加满意的现代服务业The better satisfaction of modem service industry to people5 国家发展与改革委员会: National Development and Reform Commission 8 登封“天地之中”历史建筑群Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in The Centre of Heaven and Ea

3、rth9带动国民经济发展新的主导产业new leading industry Driving the development of the national economy 10联合国教科文组织: UNESCO12指台湾海峡西岸,以福建为主体包括周边地区,南北与珠三角 长三角两个经济区衔接,东与台湾岛 西与江西的广大内陆腹地贯通,具有对台工作 统一祖国,并进一步带动全国经济走向世界的特点和独特优势的地域经济综合体Refers to the west coast of the strait of Taiwan, fujian as the main body including the surr

4、ounding area, north and south and pearl river delta, the Yangtze river delta two economic zone cohesion, east and west of the island in the inland hinterland breakthrough, have unified motherland on Taiwan work, and further drive the national economy to the world of the characteristics and the uniqu

5、e advantage of regional economic complex19、纽约大都市圈The New York metropolitan北美五大湖区大都市圈North America five great lakes metropolis circle(依次类推)(二)1最东点在福鼎市境内The most east point in fuding, China(依次类推)2陆地面积12 14万平方公里The land area of 12 14 square kilometers海域面积maritime space area海拔sea level海岸线coastline8、暖湿的亚

6、热带海洋性季风气候Warm wet subtropical maritime monsoon climate梅雨期urainyperiod9森林覆被率percentage of forest cover12、闽字的来历系古闽人以蛇为图腾崇拜,常将蛇奉于门内The origin of the word in the fujian fujian people to snake for totem worship, often be in door in snake20、山地和丘陵占82Mountain and hill accounts for 8221、山里人或者居住在山里的客人Living i

7、n the mountains or tunnels of the guests畲族She nationality27普通话mandarin闽南话Minnan dialect客家话Hakka29本质是中国的内政问题Nature is the internal affairs30经历了解放台湾和和平统一两个时期After the liberation of Taiwan and the peaceful reunification of the two times32peacefulreunification和平统一one nation, two systems一国两制34一个中国原则: one

8、China principle 35积极促谈,争取通过谈判实现统一Positive and talk about, to achieve unity through negotiations坚决反对外国势力插手和干涉台湾问题Firmly opposed foreign meddling in Taiwan and the interference集中力量搞好经济建设Concentrate on economic construction do well36台湾可以享受更多的自治权,可以拥有自己的军队,大陆不向台湾派兵,而香港澳门则不可以,因为台湾是中国内政,都是由中国的军队驻守,而香港澳门是殖

9、民地原来是外国军队驻守,所以大陆要派兵驻守Taiwan may enjoy more autonomy, and can have their own troops, the mainland will not send troops to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao is not ok, because of Taiwan is Chinas internal affair, is made up of Chinas military garrison, and the Hong Kong macau is original colony is foreign t

10、roops stationed, so the mainland should deployed combat troops39中共十五届五中全会The fifth plenary session of the communist party of Chinas 1540 世界上只有一个中国,大陆和台湾同属于一个中国,一个中国的主权和领土完整不容分割。There is but one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan are part of China. The sovereignty and territorial integr

11、ity of China allow no division.41坚持一个中国原则绝不动摇Adhering to the principle of one China will never be moved争取和平统一的努力决不放弃To strive for peaceful reunification will never give up贯彻寄希望于台湾人民的方针决不改变Carry out in the hope that the people of Taiwan policy will not change对分裂活动决不妥协。oppose Taiwan independence separ

12、atist activities will not compromise.42建立互信 搁置争议 求同存异 共创双赢Building mutual trust the story seeking common ground while putting aside differences create a win-win situation44Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国宪法46台湾当工具重要局推行大陆政策的Taiwan when tools important bureau of mainland policy imp

13、lementation47海峡两岸关系协会Chinas Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait,48九二共识1992 consensus坚持一个中国原则stick to the one China principle50/直接通邮、通航、通商the three direct links of post, trade and transport services国内事务 直接双向 互惠互利Domestic affairs direct two-way mutual reciprocity and mutual benefi54、五缘f

14、ive-special-relationship of the two regions.地缘相近,血缘相亲,文缘相承,商缘相连,法缘相循Geopolitical close, blood mutually close, the author margin, business reason are linked together, the method that followed the margin58、恪守一个中国原则,增进政治互信Adhere to the one China principle, promote political trust推进经济合作,促进共同发展Promote ec

15、onomic cooperation and promote common development弘扬中华文化,加强精神纽带Carry forward the Chinese culture, strengthen the spiritual tie加强人员往来,扩大各界交流Strengthen personnel exchanges and expand the from all walks of life communication维护国家主权,协商涉外事务Safeguarding Chinas sovereignty, consultation on foreign affairs结束敌对状态,达成和平协议End hostilities, reach a peace agreement



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