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1、2016学年上宝中学初三(上)期中复习试卷I. Choose the best answer.1. _ maths, we study Chinese, English, physics and chemistry in school.A. ExceptB. BesidesC. BesideD. Except for2. Before you sleep, make sure your room is _ locked.A. fluentlyB. securelyC. gentlyD. luckily3. Neither you nor he _ to Guilin before.A. hav

2、e goneB. have beenC. has goneD. has been4. I wonder if you _ the invitation yesterday.A. sendB. sentC. has sentD. will send5. All the employees except the manager _ to work online at home.A. encouragesB. encourageC. is encouragedD. are encouraged6. Under a big tree _, half sleep.A. did sat a fat man

3、B. a fat man satC. did a fat man satD. sat a fat man.7. Mrs. Zhang hasnt decided _.A. how do itB. how to doC. what to do itD. what to do 8. I remember the most important points of the story, but I have forgotten the details. The underlined part means “_”A. mainB. chiefC. responsibleD. ideal9. Could

4、we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon? -Sorry, lets make it _ time.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. other 10. There was nothing _ a small suitcase in the room.A. besidesB. except forC. besideD. except11. Do you know _ the children listened to yesterday evening?A. howB. whenC. whatD. why12. T

5、he manths problem is too difficult for _ in our group to work out.A. someoneB. no oneC. anyoneD. everyone13. The Greek made a joke _ the Trojans.A. onB. aboutC. atD. in14. She determined to _ in her life.A. successB. succeededC. succeedD. successful15. I was reading alone in my study last night _ th

6、e telephone rang suddenly.A. whileB. whenC. as soon asD. Sincerely yours, 16. He gets up early every day _ Sunday, because he wants to have a good rest.A. besidesB. except forC. except thatD. except17. Mr. Green _ Beijing since three years ago.A. has come toB. wentC. had inD. has been in18. I dont b

7、elieve he has finished his work, _?A. have IB. has heC. havent ID. hadnt he19. Look at the sign. Reading aloud is not allowed in the reading-room. -Oh, Im sorry, I _.A. dont noticeB. didnt noticeC. wasnt noticeD. wasnt notice20. They could hardly understand _.A. what was he sayingB. what he was talk

8、ing aboutC. what he saysD. what he was talking21. The policeman failed to take control the robbers by force. The underlined part means _.A. take afterB. captureC. lose controlD. take place22. The child failed to _ in time because of the bad accident.A. arriveB. arrive inC. get toD. reach23. I didnt

9、know he came back _ I met him in the street.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. after24. What he did went _ the bounds of law, which made everybody angry.A. beyondB. behindC. betweenD. against25. I think “The Night of the Horse” is the most famous historical tale. -_.A. I think soB. I think notC. Thats OKD. T

10、hats all26. Would you mind if I smoke here? -_.A. Not at all.B. Never mindC. Yes, pleaseD. Its a pleasure27. The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter.A. except forB. except thatC. except whenD. besides28. He suggested _ on the hard bed to stay healthy.A. to keep practise layingB.

11、keeping practicing layingC. keeping practicing lyingD. to keep practicing lying29. Finally, a taxi _by the boss.A. sent forB. has sent forC. had sent forD. was sent for30. At least 20 people were injured in the fire, _three firemen.A. includeB. includedC. includesD. including31. Books of this kind _

12、well.A. sellB. sellsC. are soldD. is sold32. The doctor asked him _ the medicine with warm water _ other day.A. to take, eachB. take, eachC. taking, everyD. to take, every33. The Yangtze River is longer than _in Japan.A. all riversB. any other riverC. any riverD. any rivers34. He left the room _the

13、windows _.A. before, openedB. after, closeC. with, openD. with, opening35. The classroom was kept _all the time.A. cleanedB. cleaningC. to cleanD. clean36. I prefer to offer more money for a better computer _less for this one.A. to payingB. than payC. to payD. not to pay37. You can borrow two books _in the library.A. at a timeB. at timeC. in timeD. from time to time38. The Trojans dragged the wooden horse into the city. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part?A. /39. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A. Captain, they


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