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1、 Writing a university guide If some people come to visit our school, try to introduce our school to them. Now lets look at some pictures. From the pictures above, what conclusion can you draw? Different universities have different looks and characteristics. In the Reading section, we read an article

2、 about studying at a university in Canada. In the Task section, we discussed what courses to choose to study at university. We have learnt a lot of information about studying abroad and what course to study at university. However, have you considered studying at a university in China. In this part,

3、we are going to read a brochure about a university in China Zhenhua University. Read the title of the article and tell what the sub-title means. It means that when someone goes to study in Zhenhua university, he or she will have to leave his or her own home and parents, and the university will be li

4、ke a home to him or her. What information about Zhenhua University are mentioned in the text? Make a brief introduction include the following information. the history the size the courses the facilities student accommodations Read the brochure once more and identify the main topic of each paragraph.

5、 If necessary, you can discuss your answers with your partner. Paragraph 1 General introduction Paragraph 2 The range of courses and the programes at different degree levels Paragraph 3 Teaching and research work Paragraph 4 Class studying hours and social activities Paragraph 5 Campus facilities Pa

6、ragraph 6 Admission requirements 1. What do the grounds look like? The grounds have a fountain and places where you can walk, sit and relax. 2. How do you find the range of courses of Zhenhua University? The range of courses is very wide and, includes the traditional courses in arts and science. Que

7、stions 3. How many research institutes or centers does Zhenhua University have? Twenty. 4. What do all the students should do in Zhenhua University? They should work hard and make good use of their time there. 5. What promise does the writer make in the text? The writer makes the promise that the un

8、iversity will help students get the best out of their education to ensure them a bright future. 6. In your opinion, what is the purpose of writing the text? Maybe, to promote, or advertise the university. Read the text carefully and discuss the two questions. When reading, take some notes about the

9、university. 1. What do you think about Zhenhua University? 2. Would you like to study at Zhenhua? Why or why not? Discussion 3. Will you choose a university at home or abroad? 4. Where will you look for information? 5. What is the history of the university? 6. What facilities / clubs does the univer

10、sity have? 7. What are the admission requirements? 8. Who will write each part of the guide? Different levels of universities degrees 1. BA Bachelor of Arts 2. BSc Bachelor of Science 3. BEd Bachelor of Education 4. MD Doctor of Medicine 5. MEd Master of Education 6. MA Master of Arts 7. MSc Master

11、of Science 8. PhD Doctor of Philosophy 1. be set in 2. obtain your bachelors degree 3. beneath the arches of sth. 4. make good use of their time 5. make the most of your time 6. focus on sharpening debating skills 7. operate a shuttle to and from the city 8. get the best out of your education 9. ens

12、ure you a bright future According to the text, please write an article about Jiangnan University. Writing 请根据以下提示, 写一篇介绍江南大学的文章 地理位置: 位于我国无锡市太湖河畔, 环境优 美, 占地1000多亩。交通十分便利, 多路公交 车直达市中心、无锡火车站。 校园设施及教学质量: 学院具有数量充足、 配套齐全的教学、实验、文娱、体育和生活 设施。学院拥有一大批优秀的资深的教授和 博士生导师, 所以教学质量具有一流水平。 地位: 办学历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚 , 办学条件一流,是

13、大学生理 想的学习、生活场所。 字数: 120左右,可适当增减细节 Sample : Jiangnan University with beautiful environment is located on the coast of Tai Hu in Wuxi. It covers the area of one thousand Mu. There are good public transport links with the city center, and to the Wuxi rail station, which is very convenient to go anywher

14、e. The Jiangnan campus has plenty of well- equipped facilities, including modern teaching buildings, libraries, gyms, dormitories and recreation centers for students to study and live in. Besides, there are a large number of excellent experienced professors and tutors of PH.D, and there the range of

15、 courses is very wide, so the standard of teaching is at the top class. In conclusion, the university has a long history and culture as well as the first-class teaching conditions. Thus, it is a good place for undergraduate students to continue their education and enjoy their life. 1. Read the text again to understand it better. 2. Try to find some important language points in the text. Homework 知识回顾知识回顾 Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview



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