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1、1 2 新概念英语第一册学习要求 课前预习 每篇课文要求默写、背诵 课文配音、扮演 熟记单词和词组 2课进行一次单词测试 10课进行一次单词王竞赛 10课进行一次单元测试 3 L1 Excuse me! Whose handbag is it? 4 New word and expressions excusehandbag mepardon yesit isthank you thisvery much your 5 语言小贴士 Excuse me的用法 常用于以下情形: 与陌生人搭话 打断别人说话 从别人身边挤过 6 语言小贴士 Pardon的用法 完整句为:I beg your pard

2、on. 由于没听清或没听懂,请对方把 说过话重复一遍。 7 语言小贴士 Thank you 的不同表达方式: Thanks. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. 8 情景剧 9 10 11 12 Sentences Is this your _ ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 13 Bags (包包大聚会) handbag schoolbag wallet purse 14 Bags (包包大聚会) suitcase mobile phone bag backpack computer bag 15 包包大比拼2-1 16 包包大比拼2

3、-2 17 生活百科-世界名包系列 古琦 Chanel 香奈儿 LV 路易威登 爱马仕 18 生活百科-世界名包系列 登喜路 鳄鱼 lacoste 蔻驰 普拉达 19 L2 Is this your ? Is this your _ ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 20 New word and expressions pen pencil book watch 21 New word and expressions coat skirt dress shirt 22 New word and expressions car house 23 PK2-1 24 PK2-

4、2 25 Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. 26 L3 Sorry, sir Does the man get his umbrella? 27 New word and expressions umbrella ticket cloak cloakroom 28 New word and expressions suit school teacher son daughter 29 PK 2-1 30 PK 2-2 31 Ne

5、w word and expressions umbrellanumber pleasefive heresorry mysir ticketcloakroom suitson schooldaughter teacher 32 句型训练 My coat and my umbrella please. SP1 My A and my B please. A和B应有一定的联系。 33 SP1 My A and my B please. 34 SP1 My A and my B please. 35 句型训练 Here is my ticket. = Heres my ticket. SP2 He

6、re is my A . 36 L4 Is this your? B. Is this your umbrella? No. It isnt my umbrella. Its your umbrella. 37 发音练习 isnt its 38 L5 Nice to meet you Is Chang-woo Chinese? 39 TOPIC What nationality do you know? Try to say as many as possible. 40 Country and people Chinese 41 Country and people French 42 Co

7、untry and people Japanese 43 Country and people Korean 44 Country and people German 45 PK 46 PK 47 48 49 New word and expressions MrGerman goodnice morningmeet MissJapanese newKorean studentChinese Frenchtoo 50 句型训练 This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French. SP This is Miss

8、_. _ is a new student. He/She is _. 51 What are their nationalities? namenationality Sophie Dupont Hans Naoko Chang-woo Luming Xiaohui 52 What are their nationalities? namenationality Sophie DupontFrench Hans German Naoko Japanese Chang-wooKorean Luming Chinese Xiaohui Chinese 53 英文中对人的称呼 Mr. Miss M

9、rs. Ms. 用法:位于姓名前,首字母大 写。 54 L6 What make is it? 55 哪国的 American 56 哪国的 English 57 哪国的 Italian 58 哪国的 Swedish 59 哪国的 Spanish 60 make 61 生活百科-汽车品牌1 62 名车大展示 63 名车PK 64 你认识下面的车吗? 65 PK 66 New word and expressions makeMercedes SwedishToyota English Daewoo American Mini Italian Ford Volvo Fiat Peugeot Sp

10、anish 注:对车牌不要求识记 67 不定冠词a, an 的选择 French German Japanese Chinese Korean Swedish English American Italian 68 a, an 的选择 a French German Japanese Chinese Korean Swedish an English American Italian 69 不定冠词口诀 辅音字母前用a 元音字母前用an 多数用a少数an 70 How to say a car? Its a Toyota. Toyota is a Japanese car. Its a For

11、d. Ford is an American car. 71 SP Its a Toyota. Toyota is a Japanese car. 72 第三人称单数 He, she ,it A. Stella is a student. _isnt German. _is Spanish. 73 发音训练 is isnt 74 口语训练 B. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. French /Swedish Is she a French student or a Swedish student? She isnt a Swedish student. Shes a F

12、rench student. 75 This is Mr Lin Dan. Chinese / Japanese Is he a Chinese sportsman or a Japanese sportsman? He isnt a Japanese sportsman. Hes a Chinese sportsman. 76 B. This is a Volvo. Swedish/French Is it a Swedish car or a French car? It isnt a French car. Its a Swedish car. 77 生活百科-汽车品牌2 78 名车大展

13、示 79 名车大展示 80 81 PK 82 你认识下面的车吗? 83 84 生活百科-汽车品牌3 85 chevrolet 86 Cadillac 87 Porsche 88 Buick 89 Nissan 90 BMW 91 Skoda 92 FerrariFerrari 93 L7 Are you a teacher? 94 New word and expressions key keyboard keyboard operator engineer 95 New word and expressions I nationality amjob arekeyboard nameoper

14、ator whatengineer 96 学一学 今天我们要学习一类名词 职业。 名词的英文是noun. 缩写为n. 97 L8 Whats your job? policeman policewoman postman milkman 98 taxi driver hairdresser nurse air hostess 99 housewife mechanic 100 眼疾嘴快 101 眼疾嘴快 102 New word and expressions policemannurse policewomanmechanic taxi driverhairdresser air hostesshousewife postmanmilkman 看看有什么相同点! 103 New word and expressions policemannurse policewomanmechanic taxi driverhairdresser air hostesshousewife postmanmilkman 104 GAME Guess the job.猜职业 全体起立,后转,老师指定一位同学 上来抽卡片,其他同学猜他抽到的职 业。 A: Are you a /an .



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