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1、浅谈交际英语在日常生活中的应用 泉州一中 吴小凰 人们要进行交际,就必须用语言。而语言无非就是书面语和口语两种形式。从语言的发展规律或学习语言的自然规律来看,应是口语居先,因此,口语表达能力的培养,是外语教学中一个非常重要的方面。任何人学习语言,如果只有读写能力,而听不懂,说不出,那么运用语言进行交际,就要受到很大限制,哪怕学得再好,也不能摆脱“聋哑”的缺陷。中国学生学说英语,说出的往往是书面语或中国式英语,而非地道的口语,结果口语表达既生硬又不甚得体,有时还会引起误解。所以,口语不但要学好,而且要学得地道,合乎英美国家的表达习惯。下面就日常生活中的几个方面,谈谈英语口语是如何应用的。I. G

2、reetings:见面时打招呼,我们最习惯的是下面几种:How do you do?(初次见面时用)Glad to meet you! / Nice to see you! / Hi! / Hello! /Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! / Good day!问近况如何,可以说:How are you? / How are you getting on with you work? / How are you doing? / Are you well? / How is everything? / What are you do

3、ing these days? / How are things with you?/ Anything new? / How goes it with you? 可是,有些问话要根据具体的语言环境,才能知道其确切的含义,而不能望文生义。如:有一位老顾客走进美容店,向一个经常为她服务的小姐打招呼:“Hello! How are you? Whats cooking?”这位小姐却回答:“No, I am not cooking. My mom is cooking.”那位老顾客顿时一头雾水,不知如何往下再问。其实,“Whats cooking?”是一句英语俗语,意为“怎么样?在忙什么?”又如:有

4、位留美学生讲,他在学校吃午饭时,大家坐在一起。他因为上一堂课的考试很不理想,所以不高兴。旁边的同学问他:“Whats eating you?”他还没弄明白,就回答:“I am just eating some potato chips.”大家听了大笑。后来他才知道这句话是问“你怎么了”。原来如此。有一位初到美国的朋友,对于美国人打招呼的惯用语实在是摸不着头脑。他说,第一天去学校,美国朋友们非常热情。周围的同学问他“Whats up”,经追问后得知是“How are you doing”之意。于是第二天他一见到旁边的同学就说“What is up”,只见那位同学用手指了指天花板。他意识到自己说错

5、话了。原来“What is up”(头顶上是什么)与“Whats up”有着天壤之别。II. Finding the way:问路,通常可以有下面几种:Can you tell me where the bus stop is? / Can you tell me how I can get to the bus stop? /Excuse me .Which is the way to the bus stop? / Excuse me. Where is the nearest bus stop? Could you tell me the way to the bus stop? / I

6、s there a bus stop near here? /Am I on the right road to the bus stop? / Can you direct me to the bus stop? /Excuse me .Is the bus stop straight on? / Is this the right way to the bus stop? /Excuse me, please, but Im trying to find a post office.如果不知道路有多远,可以这样问:Is it far to walk? / Is the station fa

7、r from here? / Will it take me long to get there? /How soon shall I get there?有问路就应该有指路。指路的表达方式有:Go straight on. / Cross the square and turn left. / East street is the first turning on the left. Follow this path back for about a mile and you cant miss it. /Go down the first turning on the left until

8、 you come to a tall building. /Go straight along this street to the traffic lights. /Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a motorcar advertisement, turn left. /I think it is opposite the post office. / Im afraid youre going in the opposite direction. /Im going there myself. Let me lead you th

9、e way. / Its about ten minutes walk. /Its just round the corner. / Its only two blocks away. / Its next to the National Bank. /Its too far to walk. Youd better take a taxi. III. Shopping:售货员招呼顾客通常用以下表达法:Can I help you? / Anything I can do for you? / What can I do for you? /What can I show you? / Are

10、 you being served? / Are you being seen to?顾客要告诉店员想买点什么,可以这么说:Do you have any coat that will fit me? / I need a pair of shoes, size 26, please. / Can you show me a skirt? / Id like to buy a ready-made suit.如果想要的物品型号、颜色、款式不对,可以这么说:Bring me a larger size, please. /I prefer a different color. / I want

11、something in light color. I suppose Id like something made in China. / I want a pair of trousers without turn-ups. /Id like something plain and quiet. / Please show me the blue one my size. /Show me this one, please. / I dont think the cushion matches the sofa. /Its a bit small on me. / I think the

12、skirt is a shade darker. / Its too small all over.如果顾客要询问物品的价格,可以这么问:Are these apples on sale? (这些苹果降价吗?)/ How do you sell the watermelons? (这些西瓜怎么卖?)/How much do you ask for it? / How much do you sell it? / How much does it cost? /How much is that worth? / How much is it altogether? / How much, ple

13、ase? /How much shall I pay for it? / Whats it worth? / What does it cost? /Whats the price of the apples? / What does it come to? / What does it sell for? /Is this the sale price? (这是减价以后的价格吗?)如果顾客想讨价还价,可以这么说:I think its too expensive. / Can you come down a bit? / Its daylight robbery!(太贵了!)I can gi

14、ve you no more than $20. Can you sell it for me? /Thats a bit more than I wanted to pay. / That sounds reasonable. /I dont think I could afford to spend so much money for this jewel. /The price is not reasonable. / This is nice, but I suppose its quite expensive.如果卖方要讨价还价,他会这么说:How much would you li

15、ke it to be?(你想出多少钱?)Its a real bargain.(这是真正的便宜货。)Its our standard price.(这是我们的标准价格。)One hundred dollars, you cant be wrong on that.(一百美元,这个价钱您不会吃亏的。)Our prices are not dearer than those in other places.(我们的价格不比别的地方贵。)Thats a fire sale.(这是便宜货。)Thats the best we can do.(我们不能再让了。)You get a chance lik

16、e this only once in a blue moon.(这可是千载难逢的机会呢。)We dont ask for two prices.(我们不讨两种价格。)The price is reasonable because the quality is super.(这价格是合理的,因为质量极好。)We dont give discounts.(我们不打折扣。)Thats our rock bottom price.(这是我们的最低价了。)Thats almost cost price.(这几乎是成本价了。)IV. Going to see a doctor:在看病时,医生通常先询问病人的病情:



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