四年级下英语教案Module 3 Unit 1Robots will do everything.外研社三起

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《四年级下英语教案Module 3 Unit 1Robots will do everything.外研社三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级下英语教案Module 3 Unit 1Robots will do everything.外研社三起(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 Unit 1Robots will do everything.教学设计一、 教学目标(1)语言知识目标:全体学生能理解:robot, will, everything, one day, housework, learn, our, homework, wont=will not。全体学生能运用:will, our, wont=will not,部分学生能运用:robot, everything, one day, housework, learn, homework(2)语言技能目标:全体学生能运用“will”谈论将来可能发生的事情(3)情感目标培养学生模仿能力和团队合作

2、能力二、 教学重点运用“will”谈论将来可能发生的事情三、 教学难点运用“will”谈论将来可能发生的事情四、 教学准备单词卡片、PPT课件、电子课本五、 教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Say hello to all the students.(Hello, boys and girls. Glad to meet you again.)First, I want to do some actions, and you can say the phrases (play basketball, take pictures, ride a bike and fly a kite)

3、.2. T: Now, lets look who can ride a bike, who can fly a kite.Play the video of Activity 1.Watch and listen twice, then try to chant after the video. Chant louder and clap hands again.(设计意图:通过I do and you say 环节,让学生复习一些动词短语,并引出活动一,让学生能顺利热身,进入课堂。)Step 2 Text Study1. T: Sam can ride a bike. Amy can fl

4、y a kite. Look! I can draw a picture. (Draw a picture of robot on the blackboard.) Learn the word of “robot”.2. T: Daming has a robot. Lets watch and listen. What can Damings robot do?( Play the video of Activity 2.)The students can watch and listen twice, then do Exercise 1(1.Read and tick or cross

5、. ). (Learn the new words of “everything, housework and learn”) Chick together. Focus on “One day, robots will do everything.” with PPT. Learn “one day” and “will”. Back to the text video, let the students watch again.Show “Robots will do the housework.” in PPT, read together.Show “Robots will help

6、children learn.” in PPT, read together.Do Activity 4(Look and say. Make sentences with “will”.) in groups.Group Show.3. T: Listen to the tape and imitate the tone. (Open the book and point.)Repeat twice. Read the text three minutes in groups. Then Group Show.(设计意图:通过活动一环节,自然引出Sam会骑自行车,Amy 会放风筝,我会画画,

7、在黑板上画出一个机器人的简笔画,引出本课新词,并激发了学生的兴趣。又由大明有一个机器人自然的引入课文的学习。在及时进入课文语境后,我又设计了一个判断对错的练习题,其中的3、4、5小题应该学生会有争议,由此引出will,让学生重新看课文,讲解will表示“将,将会”。并及时做一个will句型练习。讲解完课文重点知识点后,让学生模仿课文语音语调进行朗读课文,让学生从小培养好的语感。)Step 3 ExaminationLets translate.Lets fill in blanks.(设计意图:本环节,我设计了两个检测题。第一个检测题是翻译短语,这些短语都有我们这节课所学的新单词,帮助学生复习

8、新词。第二个检测题是让学生根据课文内容填空,检测学生对课文的掌握情况。)Step 4 SummaryDraw the mind map of the text on the blackboard.(设计意图:小结环节,我设计为将课文内容的思维导图边说边画在黑板上,并让学生也复述一遍课文。此环节能让学生对本节课所学内容有整体认知,并帮助学生记忆课文内容。)Step 5 HomeworkDraw your idea of a robot, then make sentences like “This is . It can . It will/wont”To the students “Believe that you are the best!”(设计意图:本次作业设计为让“学生画出自己心目中的机器人“,并进行本课的句型练习。孩子们对画机器人这种作业充满兴趣,而且这个作业能充分激发学生的想象力和创造力。最后,送给孩子们一句话“相信自己是最棒的!”让学生充满自信的学习,加油!)


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