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1、Unit1 My classroom第一课时 教学内容:A. Lets learn A. Lets do A. Lets sing教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读以下单词或词组:library, teachers office, first floor, second floor.2.能理解运用句型Wheres the library?以及回答Its on the first floor.3.能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,如:Go to the library. Read a book. Go to the teachers office. Say hello. Go to the p

2、layground. Play football. Go to the garden. Water the flowers.4.会唱歌曲Our school教学重点:能够听、说、认读以下单词或词组:library, teachers office, first floor, second floor. 能理解运用句型Wheres the library?以及回答Its on the first floor.教学难点:正确使用序数词,the first floor, the second floor.教学准备:1.单词卡片。2.课件。3.录音机和磁带。4.板书教学过程:一、热身1.师生对话:T:

3、 Nice to see you again. How are you? Ss: Im fine. Thank you.T: Welcome back to school. Lets talk about our school. OK? (板书课题:Unit1 My school)2.Listen to the song Our school.(学生边听音乐,边随着音乐做动作。)3.Revision: T:(指着教室)Whats in the classroom? S: Two blackboards, a computer, many desks and chairs T: How many

4、 classrooms are there in our school? Ss: There are (旨在复习四上Unit 1 My classroom的相关单词和句型。)二、新课呈现1.教学新词:library, teachers office, first floor, second floor.(1)教学单词libraryT:(出示图书馆的图片,指着里面的书问)What are they? Ss: Theyre books. T: Where are they? Theyre in the library. 板书: library,分音节带读单词lib-ra-ry。通过说唱歌谣,巩固l

5、ibrary的发音:Library, library.Go to the library.Library, library.Read a book.Library, library.Be quiet! Be quiet!(2)教学词组teachers officeT:(出示办公室的图片)Some people work in this room. This is an office.板书office,带读office.T: Im a teacher. I work in the office, too. We call it” teachers office”.板书之。提醒学生注意之前用到的是

6、s, 而这个词组中出现的是s,并用红色笔标注。利用大小声操练词组teachers office,即教室高举单词卡片,学生就大声朗读单词;教师将卡片放到胸前,学生用中等音量朗读单词;教师将卡片放到腹部,学生则小声朗读单词。(3)教学词组first floor和second floorT: (指着教室里的地板)This is the “ floor”. 板书floor. Our classroom is on the first floor. 教师边说边用手指表示“一”,并板书first floor.教师出示教学楼的立体图,将板书first floor与图中的一楼连线。告诉学生first是“第一”

7、的意思,与one不同,它表示的是顺序。分别带读first 和first floor。教师指着教学楼的一楼,说:This is the second floor. That classroom is on the second floor.板书second floor并与图中的二楼连线。带读second,小组开炮读second floor.(4)巩固操练:活动:快乐的导购员。活动方式:教师出示一个亮层商场的立体图,先由教师扮演顾客,学生充当导购进行对话:T: Excuse me. Where are the toys?Ss: They are on the second floor.T: I w

8、ant some chopsticks.Ss: They are on the first floor.师生示范后,学生两人一组进行对话。2.回到文本:A. Lets learn(1)教师指着教学楼的立体图问全班同学:Wheres the library?引导学生回答:Its on the first floor.板书Wheres the library? Its on the first floor.(2)播放A. Lets learn的课文录音,学生边听边跟读。3.教学A. Lets do.巩固所学单词。(1)教师边做动作边说句子,并逐一出示句子:Read a book. Say hell

9、o. Play football. Water the flowers.(2)教师出示单词卡:playground,将其芳在学校立体图中的操场上,让学生领会其意思,然后带读单词,最后让学生思考:刚才老师说的4个句子中哪一句与它最有关联?( Play football.)教师将单词卡playground贴在 “Play football”边上。然后让学生继续思考,将library, teachers office, garden贴在相应的句子旁边。(3)播放A. Lets do的录音,学生边说边做动作。三、巩固与拓展1.教学歌曲。(1)播放歌曲,学生静听。(2)再次播放歌曲,让学生小声跟唱,体会

10、歌曲的节奏。(3)继续播放歌曲,让学生大声跟唱。(4)继续播放歌曲,让学生跟教师唱。(5)教会学生配上动作边唱边表演。2.活动:“希望小学”设计大赛。活动方式:全班学生四人一组,为山区“希望小学“设计一座两层教学楼,并就设计稿进行对话。如下:S1: Where is the library?S2: Its on the second floor.S3: Where is Class 1, Grade1?S4: Its on the first floor.最后来展示各组的设计稿贴,全体学生共同来欣赏、点评。四、作业1.完成课堂作业本相关作业。2.家庭作业:(1)听录音,跟读单词和句子。(2)用本课所学的单词和句型,向家人介绍学校一楼和二楼的教室与功能教室。五、板书设计Unit1 My schoolA. Lets learnWhere is the library? Its on the first floor.second floorfirst floor library teachers office六、教学反思:



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