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1、四年级上册第四单元综合练习(实验小学提供);一、词汇A.在每组四个选项中选出一个与其他三个类别不同的词。(只填序号)( ) 1. A. pineapple B. tomato C. peach D. lemon ( )2. A. drive B. Teacher C. brother D. postman( )3. A. Shanghai B. China C. America D. England ( )4. A. warm B. cool C. hot D. weather ( )5. A. carrot B. cucumber C. eggplant D. watermelonB. 看图

2、,在格内填上正确的单词C. 根据提示写单词来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K1. Can I have some _(凉) water,please? 来源:学科网ZXXK2.I like _(西红柿)and carrots. 3. I have (三个) _new friends.4. Its _(热的) today. Shall we go swimming? 5. Its _(刮风的)today. Lets fly a kite.二、单项选择来源:Z+xx+k.Com( ) 1.“今天天气很好。”这句话怎样表达: A.I like warm weather. B.Its fine today

3、. C.Its a cold day.( ) 2.-Lets go to the park. -_ A. Thank you. B.Yes C.Great ( )3.-Shall we go to the zoo? -_ A. Thats all right. B.OK! C. Thanks( ) 4.I like apples. How _ you?A. about B.are C.is( ) 5. 你想表达“我能喝一些牛奶吗?”,应该说:A. Can I have a milk? B.Can I have some milk? C.Can I have some water? ( ) 6.

4、_ is cold tody.A. He B.It C.She ( ) 7.Its snowy. _ your sweater.(毛衣)A. Look B. Put on C.Look at ( ) 8. Its so _ today. Can I have some cold water? A.windy B.hot C.cloudy( ) 9.Its _ today. Lets play with my kite. A. rainy B.windy C.snowy 10.-_ you like tomato juice?A. Do B. Are C. Is四、选择合适的答语(将答语的序号填

5、入括号内)( )1. Whats the time? A. OK. Lets go. ( )2. Whats this in English? B. Fine, thank you.( )3. Shall we go swimming? C. Its four. 来源:学科网ZXXK( )4. Whats two and two? D. Its a panda.( )5. How are you? E. Its two oclock. ( )6. Hows the weather today? F. Sure, lets go.( )7. Can I have some cakes? G. I

6、ts sunny. 来源:Zxxk.Com( )8. Lets go home. H. OK. ( )9. Can I have a new skirt? I. Thank you. ( )10. Heres a new hat for you, Lisa. K. Yes, please.五、选择与下列句子意思相符的图片(将图片的序号填入括号内) A B C D E( ) 1. -Dad, its hot today. Shall we go swimming? - -Good idea! Lets go!( ) 2. -Good morning, class! Please count fr

7、om one to twenty. - OK! One, two, three( ) 3. -Hi, Peter. Its fine today. Lets play football. -Great.( ) 4. -Show me your new clothes. - OK! Look at my new cap. ( ) 5. -Wow! Its snowy today. - Great! Lets go and play with snow. - OK!六、补全对话Kate: Hello!This is Kate. May: Hi,Kate. _1_ Kate: _2_ . What

8、about Shanghai? May: _3_ .Kate: I like monkeys. _4_? May: I like elephants. _5_? Kate: She likes bears1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._七、阅读理解Today is a fine day.We all go to the park. In the park, I play football with my brother. My brother is lovely. Look, my father and my mother are preparing(准备) the food for us. My sister is sitting under the tree and reading the books. We all have a good time. Were very happy.( )1. Today is a nice day. ( )2.I play football with my sister. ( )3.My sister is reading the books. ( )4.There are five poeple in my family.( )5.We are very happy.


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