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1、河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 石家庄对外贸易结构探究基于马克思的对外贸易理论 姓名:王博 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:马克思主义基本原理 指导教师:唐国增 20100510 III 摘 要 对外贸易结构的研究, 特别是关于对外贸易结构优化问题的研究一直是经济学中的 重点研究课题之一。一个国家或地区应当出口什么商品,对哪些国家或地区出口?政府 和企业应当如何制定、调整其对外贸易战略以促进国家或地区的经济发展和经济增长, 增加企业利润?从西方对外贸易理论到马克思对外贸易理论,观点汇聚,异彩纷呈。特 别是马克思的对外贸易理论, 已成为学术界研究的热点和中国对外贸易实践的重要指导 理论。同时,随着改革开放

2、的不断深化,市场经济体制的进一步完善,对外贸易在促进 区域经济发展中的作用也日益明显。 石家庄要实现科学发展,就需要对外贸易的发展。进入 21 世纪以来,石家庄对外 贸易无论是从产业结构上还是从进出口总量上均获得了飞跃式的发展, 成为了推动石家 庄区域经济持续、平稳增长,社会繁荣、安定的“助推器” 。但是,石家庄对外贸易结 构中存在的问题,严重制约了其对外贸易总体水平的提高,阻碍了区域经济的发展。从 对外贸易主体结构上看, 私营企业成长迅速, 但仍未实现跨越式的增长和规模式的发展, 自主创新能力不足;从对外贸易商品结构上看,出口商品主要以初级工业品和科技含量 低、附加值低的加工产品为主,进口商

3、品“技术外溢”效应差;从对外贸易市场结构上 看,石家庄对外贸易的市场主要集中在欧盟、美国和亚洲的部分国家,市场依存度过高 导致对外贸易风险大幅增加,同时也削弱了出口的竞争力和灵活性;从对外贸易方式结 构上看,加工贸易尚未实现规模发展,增长速度相对缓慢;从对外贸易总量结构上看, 进口贸易发展滞后,国际收支不平衡。由此可见,要真正实现石家庄对外贸易发展水平 的整体提升,最重要的是解决对外贸易结构中存在的问题。 本文以马克思的对外贸易理论为指导, 分析了优化石家庄对外贸易结构与促进区域 经济增长的关系,对石家庄对外贸易结构的发展过程和影响因素进行了客观描述。本文 运用近年来石家庄对外贸易结构方面的大

4、量统计数据,通过实证分析,总结出了石家庄 对外贸易结构中的问题产生原因:私营企业融资困难,缺乏自主创新意识;外贸企业缺 少自主品牌,生产技术水平低;国际市场难以开拓,出口产品可替代性高;产业结构不 合理,企业投资意愿不强;对进口贸易重视程度不够和人民币升值等因素共同作用,导 IV 致进出口贸易发展不协调。基于以上分析,本文提出了优化石家庄对外贸易结构的对策 与建议:放宽融资政策,增强企业创新意识;大力实施品牌战略,努力提高生产技术水 平;积极开拓国际市场,降低产品可替代性;科学调整产业结构,大力发展加工贸易; 协调出口和进口齐头并进,统筹“走出去”与“引进来”和谐发展。希望本文能够对优 化石家

5、庄对外贸易结构,促进区域经济发展起到一定的作用。 本文分为五部分:第一部分简要概括了论题提出的背景和研究意义,国内外研究现 状以及研究思路与研究方法,从总体上把握论文的研究方向;第二部分简要介绍了对外 贸易结构的定义、类型及特点,全面、系统的研究了马克思的对外贸易理论,论证了马 克思对外贸易理论的时代意义和对优化石家庄对外贸易结构的指导意义, 为采集资料的 定量分析和定性分析提供了理论依据; 第三部分主要阐述了石家庄对外贸易结构发展的 历史与现状,运用实际数据描述了石家庄对外贸易结构的发展过程,并剖析了影响石家 庄对外贸易结构演变的因素; 第四部分重点分析了石家庄对外贸易结构中存在的问题及 其

6、产生的原因;第五部分着重论证了石家庄对外贸易结构优化的模式,并提出了优化石 家庄对外贸易结构的对策与建议。 关键词:对外贸易结构 马克思 对外贸易理论 石家庄 结构优化 V Abstract During the development of economic theory, the research on foreign trade structure, especially on the optimization of foreign trade structure, has always been one of the priority fields of research in eco

7、nomics. Which kinds of products should be exported by a country or a region, where should these products be exported, and how does the government shape and adjust its foreign trade strategies and policies to promote economic progress and social development? From western international trade theories

8、to Marxs, various points of view have sought scientific theoretical support for the trade activities between countries or regions. Among the theories, Marxs theory and statements on foreign trade have become hotspot and central issue for research and the theoretical foundation for foreign trade prac

9、tice in China. In the meantime, with the constantly opening to the outside world and further improvement of market economy, foreign trade has been playing increasingly important role in promoting the growth of regional economy. Since the 21st century, Shijiazhuang has made remarkable progress from b

10、oth total foreign trade amount and structure, thus promoting a constant and steady economic development, helping build a prosperous and stable society. It shows the developing trend with the following features: private enterprise expansion, product structure industrialization, market varification, t

11、rade approach varification, and total amount expansion. However, the imbalanced foreign trade structure in Shijiazhuang has severely restricted the overall development of foreign trade, hindering the growth of regional economy. From the main structure of foreign trade, although the foreign trade of

12、private enterprises has made a fast development, it, with low innovative ability, has not yet achieved enormous leap forward in growth; from the exports structure, export products with high scientific and technological content and higher value-added still remain a low proportion, while “technology s

13、pillover effect” in import products is not satisfactory; from the trade market structure, the foreign trade market highly focuses on a few countries and regions in Europe and Asia, resulting in VI high dependence that increased the risk of foreign trade, and reduced its competitiveness and flexibili

14、ty; from the trade approach structure, processing trade has not achieved a large scale development, remaining slow growth; from the total amount of foreign trade, import Lags far behind export, causing imbalanced development of import and export trades. Therefore, in order to change Shijiazhuang fro

15、m a “big” market into a “strong” one, the more important task is to solve the problems lingering in trade structure, rather than only increase the total amount of foreign trade. The thesis begins with Marxs theory of foreign trade, discussing its characteristics in practice and time from the angle o

16、f foreign trade structure, analyzing the connection between optimizing foreign trade structure in Shijiazhuang and promoting regional economic growth, in addition, through analysis on demonstration, it offers an objective description about the evolvement and impact factors of the foreign trade structure in Shijiazhuang, combining relevant theory and research result on foreign trade in Capital and other classic



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