四年级下英语教案Unit 7 Today is Saturday湘少版

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1、Unit 7 Today is Saturday教学目标:Language Function:Getting to know “days of a week” Language structure:What day is today?Its / today is Tuesday.Tomorrow is my birthday.It is Peters birthday. Peter is happy today.Vocabulary:词汇: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurday, Friday, Saturday, a calendar, to

2、day, tomorrow, music,lesson,present,towerSounds:Know the fl-s sound in the words. How to write: today and tomorrow. Period 1一、教学目标1.能听懂、会说新单词Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,today,tomorrow2.能理解并复述本课文;3.能正确表述今天是星期几。二、教学重点及难点重点:正确表示今天是星期几。难点:学会新单词。三、教学准备一个笑脸面具、一副日历、一个生日蛋糕、一根蜡烛、

3、一个打火机、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学PPT等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up:Greetings.Song: Days of a weekStep 2 Presentation and drill Teacher is happy.1.出示笑脸面具。1)T: Im happy today.Do you know why?鼓励学生大胆猜测。然后出示插有蜡烛的生日蛋糕。T: Today is my birthday.(出示标记了当天日期的日历)What day is it today? Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday

4、,SaturdaySs:Its T:Yea,today is .Its my birthday.板书单词: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurday, Friday, Saturday,Birthday,带读。2)听课文B部分录音,跟读。3)学生齐读。2.点燃生日蜡烛,教师许愿,吹灭蜡烛。T:Im so happy today.(出示笑脸面具).Are you happy?A:Yes!T:A is happy.Are you happy,B?B:Yes!T:B is happy ,too.3.听课文A部分录音,跟读。4.学生表演A部分内容。Step

5、 3 Practice 1.四人一组表演Part A.2.游戏A little actor.Let a student come to the front and point to calendar. others describe the daysSs: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurday, Friday, Saturday,Step 4. Consolidation1. 自由对话。2. 评价。3. 作业:熟读课文,熟记表示星期的单词。Blackboard Design:Period 2一、教学目标1.能掌握本单元新单词;2.能结合星期谈天

6、气;3.能理解课文D部分。二、教学重点及难点重点:复习单词和句型。难点:情景会话。三、教学准备日历,单词卡片、教学PPT等四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up:1. greetings.2. sing the song: Days of a week.3.认读星期的单词卡片。Step 2 Presentation and drill1.T: What day is today?Ss:Its T: Whats the weather like today?Ss:Its sunny/cloudy板书学习单词: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy.2.Complete

7、the table “weather chart”,听读C部分。Step 3 Practice1.Game:Magic eyes.Let a student come to the front, act the action.S1: Today is Tuesday. It is Dinos birthday. S2: Wow, a present. I like the present. 2.听课文Part D.3. Act the story wear the headwear.Step 4. Consolidation1. 创设情景,自由对话。2. 作业:听磁带,记单词。Period 3

8、一、教学目标1.能掌握字母组合fl在单词中的发音2.能读出含有字母组合fl的单词组成的句子;3.巩固复习本单元的单词和句型。二、教学重点及难点重点:字母组合fl的发音。难点:了解字母组合fl在单词中的发音规律。三、教学准备星期的单词卡片、教学PPT、日历等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up:1. 师生问候。2. 认读星期的单词卡片。Step 2 Presentation and drill1. 板书课文E部分单词,让学生认读。2. 让学生们找出其他含有字母组合FL的单词。3. 让学生归纳出字母FL的发音及规律。4. 歌谣教学。Step 3 Practice1. 读句子比赛。2. 边读边写“today and tomorrow”3. 听课文F部分,学唱歌曲Step 4. Consolidation1. 四人一组自由创设情景,进行对话。(要求情境中有星期及天气的表达)2. 家庭作业:听碟,记单词,背课文。Teaching notes:


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