五年级下册语英语一课一练 第二单元Lesson 2Seasons and Months川教版三起

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1、Unit 2 Lesson 2 Seasons and Months一.单选。( )1.Spring from March to May.A.last B.lasting C.lasts( )2. summer, its hot.A.In B.On C.About( )3.Plants grow birds sing.A.and B.or C.but( )4.Its time go for an outing.A.in B.on C.to( )5.Summer lasts from June August.A.in B.on C.to( )6.Its time to go .A.swim B.

2、swims C.swimming( )7.What is spring? Its green.A.subject B.colour C.number二.补全单词。1.pl ts植物 2.gr 生长 3.l ves树叶4.w d bl s风在吹 5.h vest丰收6.sn 雪,下雪三.翻译。1.seasons and months 2.fromto 3.Its time to 4.go for an outing 5.turn green e out 7.go swimming 8.wind blows 9.turn yellow 10.Its time to harvest. 11.go s

3、kating 12.plants grow 13.leaves fall 四.选择正确用语。( )1.What season is it? A.They live in the desert.( )2.What colour is autumn? B.Hes going to wash clothes.( )3.When is summer? C.Its winter.( )4.What is he going to do? D.Its yellow.( )5.Where do camels live? E.Its from June to August.五.句型转换。1.Its warm in spring. (变否定)2.Its time to go swimming. (变一般疑问句)3.is, what, summer, colour(?)4.is, winter, when (?)5.leaves turn yellow and fall in autumn (按正确格式抄写)


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