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1、河北大学 硕士学位论文 河北省青年创业存在问题及对策的研究 姓名:李晋 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:国民经济学 指导教师:张明倩 2011-05 ? I ? ? !? #$?%? ?ABCDE?FGD/HIJKLM?N OP? QR?S? TUIVW?XY?Z? _?4aIbc? dbef?gh?ijklmnNop?qAr stuvwx?yz? ?|#ImnA? ?I? ?g_? ?N? ? ?/H?N?yz? ?k? ? ?C+,T?I? ?)? ? ?O?w? db k?A? e? ? g_“? ? Abstract II Abstract Youth is not only the mai

2、n body of social activities, but also the successor and creator of human civilization. Entrepreneur practice is the motivity of the development of human civilization, and the essential form of economic growth as well as social development. Youth starting their own business is the result of the devel

3、opment of the time, which is expanding rapidly worldwide. The whole society has long been interested in the study of yong peoples self-employment. In addition, an integrated and systematic mechanism has already been formed to provide good environment and convenient channels for the youth to start th

4、eir own business. Based on summerizing the relevent theory on youth entrepreneurship ,this paper analyzes the characteristics of the youth entrepreneurs in our province, their social experiences, how their ideas formed and the problems affecting their starting their own business here in Hepei provin

5、ce. The author investigated and studied the present situation for them by means of questionnaires, discussions or research works. For their future development the paper puts forward some solutions and suggestions:Firstly, broadly make known the idea of youth entrepreneurship, strenthen young peoples

6、 desire to start their own business. Secondly, perfect the service systems, provide all-round financing channels.Thirdly, do more research work on problems affecting youth entrepreneurship so as to let them know how to react. Key Wordsyouth entrepreneur basic situationinfluence factors solutions and

7、 suggestions ? 1 ? 1 ? 1 ? 1.1? ? ? k?C(+,?-.?1? ?J?5$I6? 7? ? 8 ? 8 ?/?/ 8 ? ?9 ? ? ? ?PJ? ? ? ? ? ?:;?|?v?v? ?.?G?w)*? ?;I ?|? ? ? ?G?4xI? ?fl ?%?|(?s? ? ?yzS(?+,?B7?$%-S!G ?N?$/Ny? ? ?O ?db?q|C(? ? S?O4?I? ? ?+,7? ? ?N?d?+?d?t9$%?+*?D? ?T_? ?X?Z? ?VW?8? T_? ?X?ZR?”? ?G?x#?L? ?X?Z? ?j?j0wstN?NQ?$j

8、C?2!6?F? ?J?#?!v? ?4(?+,?j ?N+*?D?I? ? J?c?G?d?I?5? l? ?Bcu?4?N?fi ?OPQ? ? RSF?I? ?C kll? TB?H?UiV?WX?I?P? ?I?(?Q?Y?I? ?DJ?+,1R?0 ?1R?.?Z4GQbN? ?9|?N?9 ?fi ? ?B?CIl?fi a? ?GQbN?P?WX?HJ? #?IJ ?-.1R? ?!c1R?G#?I kll* ? l ?.?o0O?I? ?(?pR?#J$S? ?+,?IghI?1?4.? ?z?OT?.)*?9 ? ?1VJ?0?5_t 9?|ThstSH?(?W?no?a?I

9、? ?$ b?I? ?!c?0J1R?.?IJZ?NT h(+,?C? ?FG0w?B?N?N? ?I#?=XY?no?ThstrSW? ? ? 2 ?#$? !P?IJ# 15 ?#? !c?S?.? ?+,?Igh? ?+,1R? Bc.?c?,? T?I?.?+, ?y ghi?U ? “?)j?4h)?Bc?G? ?-k ?S?TUIVW?+,Q?l?DC? !6?HJ?J+? ?sD4? s?I-.?4? ?!?x ? ?urs? S#?s? ?E?Id ?-.? ? 3 ?$?#$?%?|n? #? ?fi mnj? ?8 |?/st? ?fi mnj? kl?8|?/? ?fi

10、mnj? ?84? ?6?u? ?fi ?I?+?/ ?3?” N? ? ? ?fi mnj? kf?8?/? ?fi mnj? k?8?mnkl? ?|(?u? ?4fi ? 1?fi ?IJwNnNst?N rd?#?67? ? ?Jw3? ?#? 1?Id?e?1? ? ?4Jw ?4s? FGC?db? ?G?|dbst ?Jw? ?3?rL?-?/Q? |u!R? ?NN?r? ? ?2?+ ry ? ?EI?CI ? !?mn+? ?4fi ? 1? vvC?(2 +,? BcJw? ?C?D?EF? GH?D? ?N?”|db? kf st? kl n? ? ? ? ? k? ?! ? 4.3 ?=?ABCDE?FGHI ? ? ?#? ?.?J?|d$? ?e?A? k?B.? ?C?N?2? ?e?$jrk?_?mnI? ? ?d$? ?“?|?d?e?rk? 4.3.1()*+?,-./0 ?mnx? ?4? ?R?C?J? ?_?N?H? ?0?“?fi mnj? ?f?8?W?fi mnj? ?f?8 ?fi mnj? k?!?w0?mnj? k? j?C? ? ?_ ?N ? _? ?#? ?v?.C? $%?0?w0? ?NI?u? ? ?!?mn+?|0? ?


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