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1、南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 基于无线传感器网络的能量高效目标跟踪的研究与设计 姓名:张鸿 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:计算机应用技术 指导教师:王立松 20080101 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 基于无线传感器网络的目标跟踪是通过无线传感器网络的传感器节点间对 目标的协作定位,来掌握目标的位置、速度、移动轨迹等信息。它是无线传感 器网络的一项基本功能,也是无线传感器网络的一种典型应用,具有很深的理 论研究价值,同时在战场、交通等领域有着很广的实际应用价值。 目前,针对基于无线传感器网络的目标跟踪的算法设计绝大多数局限于目 标跟踪所属的应用层进行设计,而忽略了传感器节点硬件结构

2、和网络协议栈等 底层因素,缺乏对于一项具体应用从整体上的把握。因此,尽管这些算法能在 能量效率、跟踪反应的实时性能达到很好的性能要求,但是这种局限的算法设 计对传感器节点和网络协议等底层设施提出了非常苛刻的要求。同样的,在拓 扑结构,路由协议,时间同步等方面很多算法都从单一的层面上追求能量效率、 鲁帮性等要求,而缺乏对系统整体的考虑。 本文针对基于无线传感器网络的目标跟踪,在网络拓扑结构、路由协议、 时间同步以及目标跟踪四个方面,从整体上进行研究并设计了适用的算法。因 此,本文根据目标跟踪的无线传感器网络的特点,在拓扑结构上从已有算法的 基础上进行修改、整合,设计成一个能快速、稳定产生簇头的

3、GAF 算法;而在 路由协议方面,本文把执行路由协议的角色定位在由拓扑控制过程中产生的虚 拟单元格上,降低了路由协议与传感器节点的耦合度;在时间同步上,利用路 由初始化时生成的层次结构和目标跟踪的数据传输特性,对已有的 TPSN 时间 同步算法作简化处理; 在目标跟踪的应用层上, 则引入了 Agent 技术, 利用 Agent 的分布式计算、移动性等特点,实现在目标跟踪过程中,对节点的高效管理。 关键字:关键字:无线传感器网络,拓扑结构,GAF,路由,GVCR,时间同步, TPSN,目标跟踪,Multi-Agent 基于无线传感器网络的能量高效目标跟踪的研究与设计 II Abstract Ta

4、rget tracking based on wireless sensor networks gets targets mobile information, such as location, speed, trajectory and so on through the collaboration of the wireless sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks. It is not only one of the basic function of wireless sensor network, but also a typical a

5、pplication .As a result it boosts a deep theoretical research value and a widely practical value in the field of battlefield and traffic. At present, most algorithm designs of target tracking based on wireless sensor networks are only in application layer, target tracking belongs to, neglected the b

6、asic facilities, such as wireless sensor node structure, net protocol stack, lack of consideration about the whole of target tracking system. Consequently, although these algorithms have good performance in energy efficiency, real-time performance of tracking reaction, they put a greater demand on b

7、asic facilities. Similarly, some algorithms which concern the topology, routing protocol, time synchronization, only pursue energy efficiency, robustness, ignored the whole system. Paper did research and designed algorithms form network topology, routing protocols, time synchronization and applicati

8、on layer four aspects for target tracking based on wireless sensor networks with whole consideration. So, in topology, paper considered the target trackings characteristics and designed a fast, robustness GAF algorithm, through modifying and integrating existed algorithms; in routing protocol, paper

9、 put the executor of routing on the virtual cells created by the process of topology control, to reducing the coupling degree between routing protocol and wireless sensor nodes; in time synchronization, using hierarchical structure created by routing initialization and the data transmission characte

10、ristics of target tracking, paper simplified the existed TPSN time synchronization algorithm; in the application layer target tracking belongs to, leading in Agent technology, paper achieved efficient management the wireless sensor nodes in the process of target tracking by using Agent technologys c

11、haracteristics such as distributed computing, mobility. Key word:Wireless sensor networks, Network Topology, GAF, Routing, GVCR, Time Synchronization, TPSN, Target Tracking, Multi-Agent 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 V 图表目录 图 1.1 无线传感器网络结构.1 图 1.2 传感器节点结构.2 图 1.3 传感器节点组成部分依赖关系.3 图 1.4 传感器节点软件系统.4 图 1.5 无线传感器网络协议栈.5 图 2.1 虚拟单元格划分.9 式 2.1 虚拟单元格间距.10 图 2.2 传感器节点状态转换.10 图 2.3 完全簇头选举.11 图 2.4 随机-后完全 GAF 簇头选举流程.14 图 2.5 虚拟单元格坐标计算.14 式 2.2 虚拟单元格坐标计算.14 式 2.3 虚拟单元格坐标修正.15 图 2.6 动态阀值随机簇头选举流程.16 图 2.7 完全簇头选举流程.



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