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1、宁夏大学 硕士学位论文 词汇附带习得影响的实证研究 姓名:卢红艳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:郭鸿雁 2011-03 iv 摘摘 要要 众所周知, 词汇学习在二语学习中具有很重要的作用, 它是一件贯穿二语/外语学习 者语言学习始终的事。 词汇习得研究者普遍认为二语/外语学习者来的词汇学习有两种方 式,即刻意词汇学习(Intentional Vocabulary Learning)和词汇附带习得(Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition)。然而由于刻意学习无法满意地解释学习者拥有大量的词汇,所 以更多研究者将注意力转移到词汇附带习得上。有关词汇学习

2、的理论层出不穷,其中 Laufer 和 Hulstijn 两人的投入量假设因其容易量化受到了广泛好评。该理论的核心观点 是:任何一个任务都可以诱发一定的投入量;投入量越高,词汇习得和保持就越好。该 理论基于情感和认知两个维度,用两种心理状态来量化“投入量”:需要(need, 情感因 素), 搜寻(search, 认知因素), 评估(evaluation, 认知因素)。“投入量假说”第一次界定 了认知投入的量化指标, 也是目前唯一一个针对二语词汇习得的理论。本论文正是由 于受到这一理论的启发,试图检验词汇通过附带习得是否取决于任务诱导的投入量,同 时检验学习者因素以及阅读任务是否影响词汇的附带习

3、得, 本研究采用实证研究的方法 旨在回答以下研究问题: 1. 具有中等英语水平的学习者可以通过完成带有不同投入量的学习任务来附带习 得词汇吗? 2. 就词汇的记忆和保持而言,较高投入量的任务会比较低投入量的任务更有效吗? 3. 在附带学习环境下, 学习者的学业成绩与词汇量大小会影响词汇量的记忆和保 持吗? 在此研究中, 宁夏大学机械工程学院的 120 名非英语专业本科新生被分为四组分别 完成其中一项任务,即阅读加理解、阅读加完形、阅读加句子翻译、阅读加造句。这四 项任务的投入量各不相同,并且以投入量指数的大小做升序排列(1-4),因此,我们预测 词汇习得和保持的结果会相应的以任务 4任务 3任

4、务 2任务 1 的顺序出现。 在两周 内采用即时和延时测试的方法测试了学习者对 10 个目标词的记忆和保持,词汇保持分 数用最近出现的词汇测量工具词汇知识量表进行统分,所获得的数据用 PASW Statistics 18 进行了分析,分析结果表明: 1. 中国具有中等英语水平的学习者都可以通过完成带有不同投入量的任务来附带 习得词汇。 v 2 不管是即时后测还是延时后测, 词汇记忆和保持的序列并非依次为任务 4任务 3任务 2任务 1, 这与实验前的假设有所出入。这说明较高的投入量未必会引发更好 的词汇保持,所以其它影响因素不容忽视。 3结果同时说明,在即时后测中试验对象的学业成绩与词汇保持量

5、无关,而在延 时后测中试验对象的学业成绩对词汇保持量有积极影响; 但是他们的词汇量大小无论是 对目标词的即时习得还是长久记忆却有很大的作用。 研究结果说明, 尽管投入量假设为二语词汇习得提供了一套有用的理论并指明了新 的研究方向,但这一假设并不成熟,还需进一步加深和拓展。 关键词:关键词:词汇附带习得,任务类型,任务诱导的投入,投入量假设,阅读任务 ii Abstract As is known to all, vocabulary learning plays a very important role in second language learning. It may be somet

6、hing that second language / foreign language learners should always learn in the process of their language learning. Vocabulary acquisition researchers have generally agreed that there are two ways of learning vocabulary for second language / foreign language learners, that is, intentional vocabular

7、y learning, and incidental vocabulary acquisition. However intentional vocabulary learning fails to account for the large vocabulary gained, so the researchers shift their attention to incidental vocabulary acquisition. Many theories concerning vocabulary learning have emerged, among which, Laufer a

8、nd Hulstijns Involvement Load Hypothesis receives wide appreciation for its easy access to measurement. The theory holds that any task can induce some degree of involvement load; the higher involvement load is, the better acquisition and retention of the vocabulary will be. This theory quantifies “i

9、nvolvement load” based on emotional and cognitive dimensions: Need (emotional factor), Search (cognitive factor), and Evaluation (cognitive factor). The Involvement Load Hypothesis defines the quantitative indicators of cognitive involvement for the first time and it is the only theory for second la

10、nguage vocabulary acquisition so far. Inspired by this theory, this thesis aims to examine whether retention of vocabulary acquired incidentally is contingent upon the task-induced involvement load, and at the same time to examine whether learner factors, together with reading tasks, affect vocabula

11、ry retention under incidental settings. The present study aimed to investigate the following research questions: 1. Will the Chinese intermediate English learners acquire and retain vocabulary incidentally after completing tasks with varying involvement loads? 2. Will tasks with a higher involvement

12、 load be more effective for vocabulary acquisition and retention than tasks with a lower involvement load? 3. Will the factors such as learners academic records and their present vocabulary level exert impact on vocabulary acquisition and retention in an incidental-learning context? 120 non-English

13、major students in Grade One from School of Mechanical Engineering in iii Ningxia University participated in the experiment and were assigned to perform one of the four learning tasks varying in involvement loads: reading plus comprehension, reading plus fill-in, reading plus sentence-translation, an

14、d reading plus sentence-making. The four tasks bear different involvement load and are put in the increasing order of the involvement load indexes (1 to 4). Accordingly, it is presumed that vocabulary acquisition and retention scores are in an decreasing sequence, that is Task 4Task 3 Task 2Task 1.

15、Short and long-term retention of ten target words was investigated on two (immediate and delayed) posttests at an interval of two weeks. The scores of vocabulary retention are assessed by a recently developed instrument, the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) and the data from the experiment is analyz

16、ed by PASW (Predictive Analytics Suite Workstation) Statistics 18. The major results are summarized as follows: 1. The Chinese intermediate English learners can acquire and retain vocabulary incidentally after completing tasks bearing different involvement load. 2. In both the immediate posttest and delayed posttest, the vocabulary acquisition and retention sequence is not



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