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1、合肥工业大学 硕士学位论文 新形势下大学生思想政治教育的有效拓展-高校图书馆思想政 治教育平台建设 姓名:彭原 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:思想政治教育 指导教师:钟玉海 2010-11 4 新形势下大学生思想政治教育的有效拓展 新形势下大学生思想政治教育的有效拓展 高校图书馆思想政治教育平台建设 高校图书馆思想政治教育平台建设 摘 要 摘 要 大学生是十分宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望,是祖国的未来。加强和改 进大学生思想政治教育,对新形势下大学生思想政治教育进行有效拓展,具有 十分重要的意义。鉴于当前大学生思想政治教育现状和需求,以及本人的工作 实践和理论志趣,选择“高校图书馆大学生思想政治教

2、育”为题加以研究。 本文研究从四个方面展开:第一部分,阐述了选择该论题的动因、与该题 相关的研究现状和研究意义。思想政治教育学科的发展、图书馆工作的转型、 高校图书馆思想政治工作的状况,是选题的基本立足点。就该论题而言,已有 论著分别从“大学图书馆建设”和“大学生思想政治教育”两个方面分别进行 了较深入的探讨,但就“高校图书馆大学生思想政治教育”虽有所涉及,但不 够系统,更谈不上深入。探讨该论题,对深化高校图书馆职能的认识、探讨隐 性思想政治教育规律、拓展思想政治教育理论视野和具体路径等都具有重要意 义。第二部分,探讨了高校图书馆思想政治教育的历史过程、理论依托和主要 优势。文章从外国和我国两

3、个角度就高校图书馆工作与思想政治教育关系和思 想政治教育职能两个层面简要叙述了高校图书馆思想政治教育的历史发展过 程。马克思主义经典作家的有关论述、联合国科教文组织和我国颁布的有关重 要文件是图书馆思想政治教育的理论依据。丰厚的馆藏、特定的时空、优化的 网络是图书馆思想政治教育的优势。第三部分,论述了高校图书馆思想政治教 育的主要功能、基本内容和有效方式。高校图书馆思想政治教育在维护社会稳 定和促进社会变革、宣传政治思想和培养政治人才、推进文化建设和提升文化 品位等方面具有重要功能。政治思想、思想意识、道德法纪、人格心理、人文 素质教育是图书馆思想政治教育的基本内容。方向引导式、服务示范式、行

4、为 管理式、隐性渗透式是图书馆思想政治教育的主要方式。第四部分,研究了当 前高校图书馆思想政治教育的不足、原因。第五部分,提出如何进行高校图书 馆思想政治教育的平台建设,主要从理论建设、制度建设、队伍建设、藏书建 设、环境建设、网络建设五个方面展开阐述。本文最后对全文作了总结,并指 出本文的不足和进一步研究的方向。 关键词:关键词:大学生;高校;图书馆;思想政治教育 5 The Effective Expansion of Ideological and Political Education of College Students Under New Situations A flat-to

5、p building of UniversityLibrary Ideological and Political Education ABSTRACT College students are very precious talent resources, they are the hope of the people and the future of our nation.The enhancement and improvement of ideological and political education and the expansion of ideological and p

6、olitical education of college students under new situations is of tremendous significance.Considering the current situation and the demand of ideological and political education of college students as well as my work practice and theoretical purport, the theme,university library college students ide

7、ological and political education,is selected for futher study. This papper is consisted of four parts. The first part elaborates the reasons for choosing this theme and the current situation, importance related to this theme.The development of ideological and political education, the convertion of l

8、ibrary works and the conditions of university library ideological and political work are the basic footholds of choosing this theme. As for this theme, in-depth exploration has been conducted by several scholar on the two aspects, university library construction and ideological and political educati

9、on, respectively, university library college students ideological and political education although have been involved, but the content is not systematic, much less in-depth.The exploration in this thesis has great significance on deepening the understanding of the functions of university library, di

10、scussing the rule of tacit ideological and political education and expanding the theoretical horizon and practical method of ideological and political education. The second part reviews the course of history, the theory backing and the main advantages of the ideological and political education of un

11、iversity library.This papper, from two different points of view of domestically and foreignly, narrates the history development process of library ideological and political education briefly, in two levels of the relationship between university library work and ideological and political education an

12、d the function of ideological and political education.Discourses of some classic Marxist writers and the related important documents proclaimed by the UNESCO as well as China are the theory basis of ideological and political education of library.Generous holdings, specific time and space, optimized

13、network are the superiority of ideological and political education of library.The third part discusses the main function, basic content and effective ways of ideological and political 6 education of university library.The ideological and political education of university library plays an important r

14、ole in aspects such as maintaining social stability and boosting social revolution, promoting political ideas and educating political talents, boosting humane construction and elevating cultural status. Political thoughts, ideology, moral law, psychology, humane education are the basic contents of i

15、deological and political education of library.Direction guiding, service demonstrating, behaviour controlling, hidden infiltrating are the main ways of ideological and political education of library. The fourth part studies the insufficiency, causes and countermeasures about the current ideological

16、and political education of library.Among them, “ the countermeasure” is emphaticed researched from the point of “construction”.Construction is elaborated mainly from five aspects: theory construction, institution construction, team construction, environment construction, network construction.Finally, a summarization is summed up and this papers insufficiency and the future research direction are pointed out.



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