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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 刘长卿山水诗艺术风貌研究 姓名:王丹 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国古代文学 指导教师:成松柳 20070601 I 摘 要 刘长卿是唐代大历时期的重要诗人。他的山水诗以情景交融见长,诗人善于 描绘自然景物、环境气氛,作品往往具有很强的感染力。不仅有诗情而且富有画 意,形成独特的个人风格。他的诗字句研炼,名联佳句播在人口者也不少,反映 了中唐诗歌的审美情趣已逐渐向纤细、精巧转变。将刘长卿山水诗放在中国山水 诗的发展史上进行考查,将有助于我们理解刘长卿山水诗的历史贡献。 本文主要分为三部分:第一部分从整体上介绍刘长卿山水诗歌创作历程,概 述刘长卿不同时期的山水诗。刘长卿少

2、居嵩山读书,中岳秀丽的山川风物萌发了 他最初的山水审美意识。安史之乱后诗人南渡,之后随着宦迹四处奔波于江南。 南方秀丽的山川风物熏陶出他细腻柔弱的审美情趣,也成就了刘长卿山水诗的特 点。第二部分结合具体作品,对其山水诗的艺术风貌进行分析,分为三节。第一 节从语言上来分析刘长卿山水诗平实闲淡的语言风格,第二节交代情景交融的艺 术境界,第三节分析诗中有画的意境营造。第三部分分为两节,第一节从个体角 度出发阐释刘长卿的山水情怀,孤独意识形成了刘长卿凄清冷寂的诗境,隐逸情 结和宗教情怀则促使刘长卿走进山水并对刘长卿的山水诗风起到潜移默化的影 响。第二节讨论文学风尚对刘长卿的影响,刘长卿不仅追慕魏晋名士

3、自由舒展的 精神格调,而且骨子里受王孟山水诸家影响颇深。最后在结语中,本文对刘长卿 山水诗进行综合评述,评价其山水诗在文学史上的影响和地位。 关键词:刘长卿;山水诗;情景交融;孤独意识 II Abstract Liu Changqing is one of the most important poets in DaLi period in Tang dynasty. His scenery poem shows perceptibly by fitting scenery and feeling together. He is good at describing the natural s

4、cenery and the environment. People are often impressed strongly by his work . His poem not only has the poetic feeling, but also has the rich picture showing. It is just in this way he formed the unique individual style. He grinded and built up every words and expressions in his poetry. He has creat

5、ed a lot of famous words and expressions in his poetry, which were very popular from then on .This had reflected the poetry esthetic appeal gradually changing to more slender and more exquisite in the middle time of Tang dynasty. If we study on Liu Changqings poems ,collected with the whole Chinese

6、scenery poem history , we could understand Liu Changqings contribution on the scenery poem in the history. This article mainly divides into three parts: The first part introduces the creation course of Liu Changqings scenery poetry from the whole, and mainly makes an outline about his scenery poem i

7、n different time. Liu Changqing studied in Mt. Songshan when he was young. The beautiful mountains and rivers scenery sprouted his initial scenery esthetic consciousness. After the Anlushans Rebellion, he went to the south. Then he rushes in all directions along with the government official mark in

8、Jiangnan. The beautiful mountains and rivers scenery in the south gradually influenced his exquisite and delicate esthetic appeal. It also helped him to form his scenery poem characteristic. The second part divides into three points. In this part I will analysis its artistic feature in his concrete

9、work. The first section analysis the language style in Liu Changqings poetry, which is simple and comfortable. The second section confesses the artistic boundary, in which the author fit the scenery and feeling together. In the third section I will analysis how to build this artistic boundary with p

10、icture in his poem. The third part divides into two. The first section embarks on explaining Liu Changqings deep mood in scenery from the individual angle. The lonely consciousness has formed the poetic conception of chilly, cold and still feeling in Liu Changqings poem. Hides the leisurely complex

11、and the religious mood urges Liu Changqing to get close to the scenery, and this mood influenced his scenery poetry style subtly. The second section I mainly discuss how does the literature prevailing custom to influence Liu Changqings writing.Liu Changqing not only pursued and admired the spiritual

12、 style of the famous litterateurs in Wei and Jin dynasty, Moreover he was deeply III affected by many other poets who were good at describing the scenery, such as Wang Wei and Meng Haoran .Finally in conclusion, This article carries on the synthesis narration to Liu Changqings scenery poem, and appr

13、aises the influence and the status of his scenery poem in the history of literature . Key word: Liu Changqing; scenery poem; picture and feeling together; lonely consciousness 湘潭大学湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取 得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其 他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡

14、献的个 人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果 由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学 校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查 阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关 数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位 论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 1 引 言 引 言 吟咏山水之美,是中国古典诗歌的悠久传统。如同诗

15、人顾城所说: “黑夜给了 我黑色的眼睛,我却用它来寻找光明。 ”人类追求美的精神,正如追寻光明一样代 代相传,生生不息。虽然当代学者范文澜在文心雕龙明诗注中指出: “写山 水之诗起自东晋庾阐诸人” , 把山水诗的出现定于东晋之际, 但其实自先秦文学起, 就出现了吟咏山水的诗篇。我国第一部诗歌总集诗经中就有不少对山川草木 的描绘,如“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜” 。直到东晋,自然景物才以独立的姿态成为一 种诗歌主题,谢灵运和陶渊明的诗歌堪称山水诗之宗,直接影响了后世诸家。唐 代诗坛,山水诗歌在题材、技巧、意象等方面有了极大的拓展,尤其是盛唐诗人 在前人基础上继承发展和创新,出现了以孟浩然、王维、储光羲、

16、祖咏等一批诗 人为代表的山水田园诗派。他们将山水田园诗歌发展到了极致,成为后代诗人无 法攀越的高峰。 对山水诗的研究,历来以盛唐为热点。比较而言,大历时期的山水诗研究处 于相对冷寂的地位。长于大历、贞元间的刘长卿,其诗歌的总体成就堪列大历前 茅。目前学术界已有一些关于刘长卿的研究论文,学者们把更多的目光放在他的 诗歌体裁和艺术特色的研究,以及对刘长卿文学成就和文学史地位的研究上。在 各家编写的古代文学史中,一般都有关于刘长卿的诗论,但只是概论性质,很少 单独设置章节予以论述。客观地说,这些研究都丰富了刘长卿诗歌研究,但作为 大历前期的代表性诗人,刘长卿的研究还有较大的拓展空间,尤其是他的山水诗 歌。遗憾的是,专门研究刘长卿山水诗歌的文章却少之又少,近年来仅有刘长 卿归属盛唐的理由、意义一文对他的山水诗有所涉猎。 全唐诗共收录刘长卿 诗509首,


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