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1、河北经贸大学 硕士学位论文 战略联盟的协调机制研究 姓名:吕丽卫 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:企业管理 指导教师:杨欢进 20040601 战略联盟的协调机制研究 -1- 摘 要 企业联盟的出现是信息技术的迅猛发展及全球市场格局不断变化的必然结果从 2 0 世纪 8 0年代以来战略联盟以其巨大的竞争优势迅速在全球范围内兴起和发展 通过组建战略联盟来提升企业的竞争力随着市场经济的发育成长及改革开放政策的 实施我国的许多企业为适应市场环境在组织结构和竞争策略上发生深刻变化逐渐 建立股权或非股权形式的合作关系战略联盟对我国企业的重组整合和合作创新具有 巨大的现实意义然而基于联盟企业是一个复杂的结合体它

2、与外界环境的变化息 息相关而且联盟内各成员本身都是利益独立体避免不了在追求各自利益最大化 时运作的差异因此研究联盟体的协调机制是一个非常重要又棘手的问题本文结 合联盟企业的特征综合运用了博弈论新制度经济学协调理论及管理学等方面的 知识尝试探讨联盟企业中的协调问题并结合我国企业的实际情况为促进我国联 盟企业的组建及发展提升我国企业的竞争力试着提供一些实质性的参考依据 论文分为四个部分主要内容如下展开第一章对联盟进行总的概论系统总结 前人的研究成果结合自己的观点分别从联盟行为的理论动因经济学分析及类 型上进行了简单总结为研究联盟的协调机制打下基础第二章引入战略联盟的协调 问题简要概述协调问题及理论

3、分析了联盟的生命期表述了联盟运行中的不稳定 性阐释协调机制构架的原因第三章以博弈论和信息经济学的研究方法为指导试 图构架联盟企业间相互作用的模型为联盟企业的协调机制建立提供根据和设想而 后提出联盟体协调所要界定的问题列举了相应的评价指标试着构架联盟企业的协 调机制其中除了要建立硬性的规范机制如制定合理的利益分配和公平的风险共担 机制“人质”机制投诉机制人力资源的整合契约机制等还要有相应的柔性机 制配合使用这类的软标准是构架联盟协调机制的关键这其中包括文化建设信任 机制激励机制决策机制的构架等第四章分析了我国企业目前所处的环境自身的 特点针对上述协调机制的论述展开对我国联盟企业成功之路的思考 关

4、键词战略联盟博弈论协调机制规范机制柔性机制 河北经贸大学硕士学位论文 -2- Abstract With the speeding development of the information technology and the incessant change of the global market structurethe strategic alliance appears correspondingly. Since 1980sstrategic alliance arises and develops quickly in the world by its huge compet

5、itive advantage. The strategic linkage will improve the enterprise competition. With the development of the marketing economy and the actualization of the reformation and opening to the worldthere is no denying that many enterprises in our country diversified greatly in structure and strategy so as

6、to accommodate the change of the marketing environmentthereforethey established the partnership by means of joint-stock of non joint-stock ways. The strategic alliance plays a great realistic important role to our countrys corporationswhich can promote the re-construction and motive the cooperative

7、innovation. Howeverin factthe alliance is a complex combining body. At firstit is influenced by the outside environmentmoreoverbecause the enterprises who take part in the alliance are independent who after for the fulfillment of the profits. There must have conflicts or differences during enforceme

8、nt. Thusthe coordination is a very important but hard-to-deal problem. Corresponding with the introduction of the strategic alliance drawing on the knowledge about game theorythe new institutional economics coordination theory and management etc.This thesis mainly tries to discuss the coordinate pro

9、blem in alliance. Combining with the characteristics of our enterprisesthe writer tries to provide some realistic references in order to speed up the establishment and development of alliance in our country and promote the corporate competence. This dissertation consists of four chaptersthe main con

10、tents as follows: The first chapter summarizes the strategic alliance generally. On the bases of the research by the relative scholar the writer states the correlative conceptions including the alliances theory the reasons of coalitionthe types of alliances and the economic analysis of the alliance.

11、 Chapter two introduces the coordination theorythen analyzes the lifecycle of strategic alliance and the un-stability of strategic allianceand explains the reasons accordingly why it is hard to coordinate in the alliance. In chapter threethe writer adopts the research methods of the game theory and

12、information economicsand tries to describe the mutual effects in the strategic alliancethen proposes a tentative plan of constructing the coordination mechanism. In addition the paper presents the relative questions to constitute the coordination mechanismand points out the relative evaluated index

13、mechanismthen divides the coordination mechanism into two aspects: the standard mechanism includes fair mechanism of benefit and risk distribution”hostage” mechanismcontract mechanism 战略联盟的协调机制研究 -3- etc. besides the above sidethere is the supple mechanismshould be consideredwhich includes decision

14、mechanismlearning mechanismencouragement mechanismtrust mechanism culture coordination mechanism information management mechanism. At last the characteristics of the enterprises in our country and the external environment they must to face are mainly analyzed. Besidesafter pointing out the enlighten

15、ment of the coordination mechanism for our countrys alliance the paper sets out the major paths which probably can lead the strategic alliance in our country to success. Keywords: strategic alliance; game theory; coordination mechanism; standard mechanism; supple mechanism; 独 创 性 声 明 本人声明所呈交的论文是本人在导

16、师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果据我所知除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方以外论文中不 包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果也不包含为获得 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料 与我一同工作的同志对本研 究所做的任何贡献均以在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意 学位论文作者签名 签字日期 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 有关保留使用学位论文的规 定有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印文件和磁盘允许论 文被查阅和借阅本人授权 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内 容编入有关数据库进行检索可以采用影印缩印或扫描等复制手段保存 汇编学位论文 保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书 学位论文作者签名 导师签字 签字日期



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