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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 墨子的先在认知图式及其“非乐”论美学思想研究 姓名:莫付欢 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:美学 指导教师:廖国伟 20080401 I 墨子的先在认知图式墨子的先在认知图式 及其“非乐”论美学思想研究及其“非乐”论美学思想研究 研究生:莫付欢 专业:美学 年级:2005 级 研究方向:中国美学 指导老师:廖国伟 教授 内容提要内容提要 墨子的“非乐”思想,在先秦美学思想中独树一帜,然而历来墨学研究者对 其研究却过于简单化,对“非乐”之功更是言之甚微。本文在前人研究成果的基 础上,尝试引入皮亚杰的图式理论,对墨子“非乐”思想做一次新的较为系统的 研究。 正文部分分为四个章

2、节: 第一章论述皮亚杰图式理论的基本概念、范畴及内容。 “图式”是皮亚杰发 生认识论的一个核心概念。 图式就是主体所具有的对外界信息进行接收和加工的 一种动态性的认识结构。主体建构客体和客体建构主体的思想,是皮亚杰发生认 识论的重要内容,也是皮亚杰在分析主客体问题时最具特色的部分。在对认知图 式的研究中,皮亚杰曾提出过著名的“同化一顺应”理论,用以解释主客体之间 的相互作用,使主客体的相互作用具体化,这一理论被称为是在认知图式研究中 具有划时代意义的里程碑。主体通过“认知图式”这个中介去“同化”或“顺应” 客体信息,从而产生认识。皮亚杰通过“图式” 、 “同化” 、 “顺应”等概念的提出, 分

3、析了个体认识的产生和发展的具体途径,揭示了个体认识运行的具体机制,为 我们提供了一条深入研究反映论的道路。 但是, 皮亚杰的理论也有一定的局限性。 在批判继承皮亚杰图式理论的基础上,本章考察了主体认知图式的构成因素、功 能及特点。为分析墨子的“非乐”思想做好理论铺垫。 任何一个思想家的思想的建立都必然会有一个“先在”的认知图式,它是思 想家思想体系建构的一个先在的基础和基本单元。因此,要理解墨子的“非乐” 论美学思想,就必须首先考察墨子这一思想产生前的先在认知图式,看看它是如 何影响、 促使墨子极具个性化的美学思想的形成的。 本章从认知图式的构成要素: 思维方式、知识结构、需要、人生价值观、审

4、美意识、主观心态等方面考察墨子 先在认知图式的生成过程。这是墨子“非乐”论美学思想形成的先在基础。 II 主体的认知图式具有对客体信息的选择、整合与解释的功能。当墨子形成了 一个比较稳定的认知图式后,他就仿佛戴上了一副有色眼镜看世界,凡是符合其 认知结构的东西就很容易进入到他的视线范围, 并左右其观察问题和分析问题的 角度,进而影响其结论。在这些因素的影响下,墨子形成了其“非乐”论美学思 想。本章系统地考察墨子“非乐”思想的触发信息、 “非乐”之故、 “非乐”之内 容以及客观评价墨子独具特色的美学思想。 第四章主要考察墨学衰微的原因和“非乐”论的现代意义。本章认为墨子在 其整体性思想体系形成后

5、,其图式中的各个组成要素慢慢趋向稳定,顺应机制不 能够像以前那样灵活的发挥其整合信息的功能,这就使主体不能对新事物、新现 象作出正确的认识,从而造成思想的封闭和保守,最后造成了墨学的衰微。墨学 整体性思想体系虽衰微,但墨学精神却永存。本章比照今日之强势话语“日常生 活审美化”考察墨子“非乐”精神的现代意义,认为日常生活的审美化应该是人 的全面自由发展的一个社会表征,而中国当前所处的是社会主义的初级阶段。中 国社会的日常生活的审美化是复杂的、各个向度的审美化相互影响的。我们应该 吸取墨子 “非乐” 思想中的批判精神, 勇敢而审慎地对这一现象进行分析和判断。 我们不仅要关注已经“日常生活审美化”了

6、的人们的审美活动现象,更应该关注 其他的“日常生活”还没有“审美”的人们的审美活动现象。在“日常生活审美 化”的魅影中,更是要保持审美的理性,要时不时的“非美”一下。只有这样, 我们的生活才能真正地走向完美。这是远在几千年前的墨子教给我们的,这也是 墨学在 21 世纪不竭的力量。 关键词关键词:墨子;皮亚杰; 图式;非乐;日常生活审美化 III The Research of the Rre-existing Cognitive Scheme of Motse and His Denunciation of Music Aesthetics Abstract Motses denunciati

7、on of music was a very unique ideology in the Pre-Qin period. But in the past, the researches of it was too much simplified, and researchers of Mohism didnot pay due attention to its merits. Piagets cognitive scheme will be applied in this thesis to give a new and systematic research to this ideolog

8、y. The thesis will consist of 4 chapters: The first chapter will discuss the basic ideas, categories, and contents of Piagets cognitive scheme.Sheme is the core concept in Piagets genetic epistemology theory. Sheme is a cognitive structure that owned by the subject, which can recieve and process ext

9、ernal information. The thoughts of subject-consisting-object and object-consisting-subject are of vital importance in this genetic epistemology theory, and are the most special part when piaget analyzes the problem of subject and object. In the researches of cognitive scheme, he once put forward a t

10、hoery called Assimilation-conformance, and he used it to explain and rystallize interactions between subject and object. This theory was regarded as a landmark in the researches of cognitive scheme. The subject would use cognitive scheme to assimilate or acclimate to the object the information, and

11、then cognition would be produced. With these ideas, i.e.scheme, assimilation, conformance,etc, Piaget analyzed concrete ways of forming and developing processes of individuals congnitio, point out the actual structure of its performance, and all thses provided us with a way to give deep understandin

12、g of reaction theory. But therere also some demerits in his theory, so based on the critique of this, this chapter will discuss its consisting elements, functions, and characterisctics, so as to prepare the theoratical foundation for analysing denunciation of music ideology. Pre-exsiting cognitive s

13、cheme exists in all those establishment of different theories, its the pre-existing foundation and bacis unit of every ideological systems consturction. So we have to look at it before we try to understand Motses denunciation of music. Well find out how it affects and impels the formation of this un

14、ique ideology. So the next chapter will explain the forming procedures of Mohism IV in cognitive scheme from the angle of the latters consisting elements: thinking mode, knowledge structure, lifes value concept, subjective sttitude, etc. This is the pre-existing basis for the denunciation of music.

15、Subjects cognitive scheme is able to select, integrate and explain object inforamtion. When Motse formed his own stable cognitive scheme, his views on things would be narrowed, that is to say, things that met his cognitive scheme would be accepted easier than those couldnt, and they would affect his

16、 way of thinking and analyzing things, and finally they would affect the results of the former 2 procedures. Undter the influences of all these above factors, Motse formed his denunciation of music ideology. The third chapter will discuss trigger, reason, content of the denunciation of music, and give an objective evaluation of this unique aesthetics. The last part will mai



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