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1、By Estela Kuo 郭伟琼 2003年12月12日 江西南昌 创业公司的营销与品牌管理 Entrepreneurial Marketing 以及新客 户的初步接触与销售支持 市场部功能的演进 The Evolution of a Marketing Organization 问题二 产品或市场多到管理层难以协调 诊断 准备进入第三阶段 处方 雇用产品经理并给与销售,广告,调研的支持 授权产品经理管理市场工作 管理层负责市场策略 市场部功能的演进 The Evolution of a Marketing Organization 问题三 目前市场规模下,成长有限 诊断 准备进入第三阶段

2、处方 将市场工作下放到各个负责部门 成立集团市场部负责 评估各部门市场计划 提供市场策划,调研需要的知识与培训 管理集团的市场与传播工作 市场部功能的演进 成长中企业的营销组织阶段 Entrepreneurial Marketing 创业营销 Opportunistic Marketing 机会营销 Responsive Marketing 回应营销 Diversified Marketing 多元营销 Marketing Effectiveness Audit 营销效果检验 Customer Philosophy 客户心理 Does management recognize the impo

3、rtance of designing the company to serve the needs and wants of chosen market? Does management develop different offerings and marketing plans for different segments of the market? Does management take a whole marketing system view (suppliers, channels, competitors, customers, environment) in planni

4、ng its business? Marketing Effectiveness Audit 营销效果检验 Integrated marketing organization 整合营销组织 Is there high level marketing integration and control of the major marketing functions? Does marketing management work well with management in research, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, an

5、d finance? How well organized is the new product development process? Marketing Effectiveness Audit 营销效果检验 Adequate marketing information 足够的市场信息 When were the latest marketing research studies of customers, buying influences, channels and competitors conducted? How well does management know the sal

6、es potential and profitability of different market segments, customers, territories, products, channels and order sizes? What effort is expended to measure the cost effectiveness of different marketing expenditures? Marketing Effectiveness Audit 营销效果检验 Strategic orientation 策略方向 What is the extent o

7、f formal marketing planning? What is the quality of the current marketing strategy? What is the extent of contingency thinking and planning? Operational efficiency 操作效率 How well is the marketing thinking at the top communicated and implemented down the line? Is management doing an effective job with

8、 the marketing resources? Does management show a good capacity to react quickly and effectively to on the spot development? Marketing Effectiveness Audit 营销效果检验 定做你的OO果汁!Workshop 1 游戏规则 现场分成_组 每组分成 管理层:负责做关键决策 总裁办:负责针对管理层的决策做细化的执行 方案,并且向研发和市场人员下达指令 研发和市场人员:负责研发产品和制定市场方 案 题目 你是OO果汁的研发/市场部负责人。现在市面上 的果

9、汁竞争激烈,主要竞争对手XX果汁也在研发类 似的产品。你必须在现在的品类上,在不增加生产 设备投资的基础上,开发出一种能和竞争对手有明 显优势的新品种果汁。当然,除了口味上的区隔, 最重要的是拿出一个具有竞争力的产品定位! OO果汁新产品发布会 分组1 分组2 分组3 。 在游戏结束后 在变化的过程中,你的感觉? 在游戏开始前,和游戏后,你的感觉有什么不同? 随着游戏的开展,你的小组有什么变化?这种变化是怎么产生的? 不断的变化对你们正在研发的产品有什么影响?你们最终得到一个成功的 果汁吗?为什么? 这个游戏跟你在现实生活中对付变化的经历有什么类似? 紧张的时间压迫对于不同的人有不同的影响吗?

10、 你对自己有什么观察和了解?你在这个游戏中如何应付不断的变化和挑战 ? 你在工作中能有什么不同的做法,来帮助自己和团队应付突如其来的变化 ? 360的品牌管理 Ogilvy Worldwide 奥美集团 Part of the largest global communication group, WPP Annual billing US$8.3 billion 90 countries, 312 offices Global client service network 全球客户服务网络 Leading skills on brand building and management 领先的

11、品牌建立与管理技巧 Global leadership on integrated communication 独步全球的整合传播理论 Ahmedabad Auckland Bangalore Bangkok Beijing Brisbane Calcutta Chennai Colombo Dhaka Guangzhou Ho Chi Minh Hyderabad Hong Kong Islamabad Jakarta Karachi Kuala Lumpur Lahore Manila Melbourne Mumbai New Delhi Pune Seoul Shanghai Sheny

12、ang Singapore Sydney Taipei Tokyo Wellington Largest Network In Asia-Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ogilvy China 奥美中国 Ogilvy Beijing - 230 Ogilvy Shanghai - 150 Ogilvy Guangzhou - 83 Ogilvy Hong Kong - 300 Total: 1,127 staffs Ogilvy Taipei - 364 00-01 China Ran

13、king 奥美中国传播集团排名 1.Ogilvy&Mather 2.J Walter Thompson 3.Bates 4.DDB Worldwide 5.Leo Burnett 6.Saatchi & Saatchi 7.Grey 8.FCB 9.Euro RSCG Partnership 10. McCann-Erickson Guangming Source: HK4As,based on consolidated income What sets us apart is the power of integration in brand management. 品牌管理的整合力量,让奥

14、美独占鳌头 What is a BRAND? 品牌是什么? “ A brand is a complex symbol. It is the intangible sum of a products attributes, its name, packaging, and price, its history and reputation, and the way its advertised. A brand is also defined by consumers impressions of the people who use it, as well as their own expe

15、rience. “ David Ogilvy 1955 品牌是一个复杂的象征,是无形的产品元素的总和,包括包装, 名称,价格,历史,信誉,还有传播的方式. 品牌是由使用者基于 印象和使用经验来定义的. 1955年大卫奥格威 How its advertised. 传播的方式 Consumers impressions of its users. 消费者对使用 者的印象 History and reputation. 历史和信誉 Name and packaging. 名称和包装 Products physical attributes. 产品的实际组成 The totality affects the users experience, and in turn defines the brand. 影响品牌和使用经验的 总体 The totality of a brand. 品牌的全貌 TVC Newspaper ad Magazine ad Radio ad Web banners Outdoor ad POP Relationship Marketing Roadshows Sponsorship User base Age Psychogra


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