2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 6 design 6.1 warm-up and lesson 1 a matter of taste 北师大版必修2

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1、 单词注释 导读诱 思 有位建筑师,其代表作品有美国华盛顿特区国家艺廊东厢、法国 巴黎卢浮宫扩建工程、北京香山饭店等,并于1990年获美国乔治 布什总统授予的自由勋章。他就是美籍华人建筑师贝聿铭。 Ieoh Ming Pei,the son of a famous banker,was born in Guangzhou,China on April 26,1917.At the age of 17,he came to the United States to study architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology1.In 19

2、42,he entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.In 1964,Jacqueline Kennedy selected Pei to design the Kennedy library.After that he became well-known all over the world.People named it one of the Ten Best Buildings in the United States.In 1968,Pei started working on the East Wing of the National

3、 Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.Over one million people visited the building during its first 50 days in existence. 单词注释 导读诱 思 Following the East Wing project Peis fame has continued to grow widely.In 1983,French President commissioned2 Pei to help make the Louvre more modern.Ten years later,the c

4、ompletion of Peis glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris.Pei described it as “the greatest challenge and greatest accomplishment of my career”.At Fragrant Hill,a 300-room hotel in the Chinese capital,Pei has attempted to bring to his native China his often-quoted3 “thi

5、rd way of making buildings”.Avoiding both a complete copying of traditional Chinese motifs4 as well as the modernism of the West,Pei has managed,at Fragrant Hill,to make one of his most eloquent5 statements. 单词注释 导读诱 思 Pei has designed nearly 50 projects in the United States and abroad.About half of

6、 these projects have won major awards.Pei has been awarded the highest honours from nations over the world.In 1990,Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush for his contributions to world peace and service to the US government. 单词注释 导读诱 思 1.Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻

7、省理工学院 mission /kmIn/ vt.委任 3.often-quoted adj.经常引用的 4.motif /mtif/ n.(文学作品或音乐的)主题;装饰图案 5.eloquent /elkwnt/ adj.有说服力的 *Louvre 卢浮宫(原为法国王宫,1793年辟为国立美术博物馆) 单词注释 导读诱 思 What does “third way of making buildings” mean?And give us an example. Possible answer:It means that he makes/designs buildings by avoidi

8、ng both a complete copying of traditional Chinese motifs as well as the modernism of the West.Fragrant Hill is a good example of his statement. 一二三四五 一、根据汉语提示写出单词 1.His paintings will be on (展览会) next month. 2.He was lying in the (阴影) of the tree. 3.All living (动物) in the sea are affected by polluti

9、on. 4.Id like to express my thanks for your (宝贵的 ) advice. 5.A (典型的) day at office begins at nine oclock. exhibition shade creatures valuable typical 一二三四五 6.Your test should not (强调) grammar too much. 7.Mary will give you the (细节) of the accident. 8.The boat cant run in the (浅的) water. 9.The pictur

10、e was painted by a famous (画家). 10.Shakespeare and Milton are masters in English (诗). emphasise detail shallow artist poetry 一二三四五 二、从课文中找出下列短语,并写出它们的汉语意思 bine.with. 2.at high speed 3.fix ones eyes on. 4.deep in thought 5.add.to. 把与相结合 快速地 注视 陷入沉思 把加入 一二三四五 三、阅读课文,选择正确答案 1.What might happen during t

11、he Second World War? A.Xu Beihong was born. B.Qi Baishi was travelling across the country. C.Xu Beihong was doing his best to promote Chinese art in foreign countries. D.Qi Baishi was working with wood. 2.In Qi Baishis forties,he mainly painted pictures of . A.scenery B.vegetables C.birds D.insects

12、C A 一二三四五 3.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Chen Yifei lived a longer life than Xu Beihong. B.Chen Yifeis Poppy is a valuable painting. C.In Xu Beihongs paintings,there is usually a poem. D.Qi Baishi was interested in painting simple pictures from everyday life at an early age. D 一二三四五 四、课文中有很

13、多表示时间、地点及动作方向的介词,请指出下 列短语中的介词分别是表示时间、地点还是动作方向 1.during his lifetime 2.between 1933 and 1940 3.in Asia and Europe 4.along the horses body 5.during his early youth 6.across the country 7.near the cabbage 8.in the painting 9.above her knees 10.to the fan 时间 时间 地点 动作方向 时间 动作方向 地点 地点 地点 动作方向 一二三四五 五、阅读课文

14、A Matter of Taste,根据所读内容在表格中的空白 处填入恰当的单词 注意:每个空格只能填一个单词。 A Matter of Taste folk combining exhibitions name 一二三四五 youth example success valuable typical deeply 1234675 1.This exhibition starts on 1 July at the Newman Gallery in Dinham and ends on 15 September. 此次画展于7月1日至9月15日在丁汉姆的纽曼展览馆举行。 考点 exhibiti

15、on n. 展览会 【高考典句】(2015四川卷)The exhibition tells us that we should do something to stop air pollution. 这次展览告诉我们应该做一些事来阻止空气污染。 Have you ever visited the exhibition of Picassos works? 你参观过毕加索的作品展吗? A robot which can prepare and cook pancakes showed off its skills at an exhibition in Tokyo,according to the UKs Daily Mail. 据英国每日邮报报道,一款能够准备并制作煎饼的机器人亮相 东京的展览会,大秀厨艺。 1234675 1)常用搭配:on exhibition 展览,展出


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