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1、英语语法复习系列四-非谓语动词【概述】:实义动词在特定的语言环境下可以是谓语动词,也可以是非谓语动词。并不是规定有哪些实义动词是谓语动词,哪些是非谓语动词。比较下面两句:I like swimming.I often swim in my spare time.首先,我们要搞清楚什么是谓语。谓语是主语的延续和补充,是一个句子的主要成分,是一个句子中不可缺少的一个成分。谓语以动词形式出现,它主要以时态、语态和数的形式展开。判定一个动词是谓语动词后,必须要考虑时态、语态和数,这样动词形式才正确。如下面句子中的划线的部分都是谓语动词形式。He gets up at six in the mornin

2、g.Many trees are planted every spring.We played very happily in the park yesterday.They are not watching TV now.Lili can sing English songs.Tom will pay a visit to China next year.He has already learned some French.She has been studying for hours. She is very tired.He had not finished his job before

3、 his father came in.I will be sleeping at six tomorrow morning. Dont call me then.He will have arrived in New York by the time you see him off at the airport tomorrow.一个句子只能有一个谓语动词(或并列谓语如:He went there and bought some eggs.此句中的went 和 bought 就叫并列谓语)。如果一个句子出现了两个或两个以上的动词,那么就一定要确定哪一个是主要动词,该主要动词必须是谓语动词,其

4、他的根据句子需要用非谓语动词形式,请看下面的一句话:学生们有说有笑地走进教室。此句中有说、笑和走进三个动词,但主要动词是走进,因此,要考虑走进的谓语动词形式。说和笑表示伴随。因此此句翻译成:They entered the classroom, talking and laughing.如果出现两个句子,要么翻译成复合句或并列句,(此时要有连词引导),要么确定一个句子是主要句子后,另外一个就是次要的,次要就可以用非谓语动词形式。如:尽管他是个残疾人,但他在音乐方面取得了重大成就。Although he is physically disabled, he has made great achi

5、evements in music.Disabled physically, he has made great achievements in music.又如:他考试经常失败,父母很生气。He often fails in exams, his parents are very angry.()He often fails in exams, so his parents are very angry. ()He often fails in exams, which makes his parents very angry.()That he often fails in exams m

6、akes his parents very angry. ()He often fails in exams, making his parents very angry. ()非谓语动词形式见如下:一、非谓语动词形式:1. 不定式to do, to be doneto have done to have been doneto be doing 2. 分词 现在分词 doing being done having done having been done 过去分词 done3. 动名词 doing being done having done having been done 二、非谓语动

7、词作用:形式 作用主语宾语表语定语状语补足语动词不定式-ing形式动名词现在分词过去分词三非谓语动词的考试热点1. 分词作状语a. ed 与-ing 的区别:过去分词表示被动,现在分词表示主动。过去分词表示完成,结束了的动作。现在分词表示主动或正在进行的动作。试比较下列两句。Caught in a snow storm, he felt very desperate.(为何不用being caught)When walking along the street , he witnessed a traffic accident.b. 分词作状语时可以与表示时间,条件,让步等连词搭配使用(写作文

8、时可借鉴)(unless, when, while, if, until, although, etc)(除非被邀请)_, I will not go to the party. Unless treated properly and in no time, the wounded could never recover to normal.d. 何时用分词的完成式?_(曾经去过上海两次), he is willing to be our guide. The typhoon died down, _(摧毁了房屋和庄稼之后)。Not knowing the solution to the pr

9、oblem, he had to turn to his tutor for help.Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many strange animals and plants.Not having finished his homework, he was forbidden to go shopping.注意分词短语的位置, 相对独立e. 动词不定式的完成式何时用?(1)用在表示心理活动的动词或短语之后表示一种虚拟语气。I would like _(att

10、end) their wedding ceremony, but I was busy then.-Why didnt you attend the party?-I would like _ but I was busy.I planned _(go) to the cinema with you, but I had another important appointment later.( 可用plan 的什么形式达到同样的效果)(2). 表示跟主要动词之间有明显的先后关系。I am sorry to have kept you waiting for you so long.Henry

11、 was said to _(kill) near his house.(还有哪些主要动词代替划线部分)(简单句)It was said that Henry had been killed near his house.(复合句)He happened to have gone out when I last called on him. (appear, seem, pretend) It happened that he had gone out when I last called on him.f. 动词不定式只做结果或目的状语,而且用于一些固定的短语 目的: so as (not)

12、 to, in order (not) to结果: enough to do, too. to do so.as to do. only to do.He arrived at the station in a hurry, only to be told that the train had not come yet.He failed in the exam again, making his father very angry.(可用什么形式代替划线部分)e. 分词或动词不定式作状语时,该动词的逻辑主语必须跟谓语动词的主语保持一致。(1). _(能呼吸到新鲜空气),he prefers

13、to live in the countryside.(2). _(由于病的很重),he had to stay at home.(3). _(每天更新), the web can tell the readers the latest news.(4). _(由于他的母亲病的很重),he had to take a few days off to look after her.g. 如e中的条件不能满足时,则必须用独立主格结构,或改为从句形式。如第(4)句.再如: It being sunny, we all went out for a walk. It was sunny, so we

14、all went out for a walk.h. with+宾语+ 宾语补足语With him leading the way, we had no difficulty in finding the old scientists house.At present, there are 1,800 French-invested enterprises in China, with 50,000 employees in all and an annual output value of 20 billion euro ($ 29.41 billion).2.分词做宾语补足语关注如下几个使役动词:leave, make, let, have, get, forcea. -ed 与-ing 在作宾语补足语时的区别与做状语时的区别一样。What did you see _ out last year?A. to carry B. carried C.c


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